
Ascension Of The Corpse God

In a far off universe, the Gods are struggling. The invasive Voro race are threatening to devour everything and everyone. To combat the threat, they create the Gift, a system given to the masses to grant them the strength to defend themselves. Meanwhile, in another universe, Nox is living a life of death and misery. Ostracised by society due to the trail of bodies that follows in his wake, he tries desperately to survive while dealing with his dark power. But when malicious undercurrents lead to Nox’s untimely demise, he comes to discover a new world that holds the potential to change his fate forever. It may even hold the secrets to his strange ability. Join Nox as he climbs the ranks and reaches the peak! *I'm currently aiming for 5/6 chapters/week but when university resumes, that's likely to decrease. Nevertheless, I'll be hoping for a minimum of 4 chapters/week. Once the novel progresses some more, I'll happily introduce bonus chapters for power stones and reviews if people are eager to see the next chapters* **Chapters are always minimum 2000 words long but often more like 2500** ***The cover art is not my property. It was made by @cleanfantasyart on Pinterest. If you are the owner and would like me to remove it, please get in contact. ***

BreathOfAdventure · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Fear For The Future

Nox readied to embark from the castle, accompanied by an escort of seven guards.

Six of them were the rather typical guards that he was accustomed to seeing around the castle. They wore black full plate armour with red accents. They mostly wielded long spears to take advantage of their reach atop horseback whilst retaining a backup longsword should they need to dismount.

Nox had never spoken much to any of the guards, but when he did, he got the impression that they were stoic and steadfast. They spoke very little even when young Nox would pester them with endless questions. Their answers were short and to the point but respectful. Eventually, he resigned himself to admiring them from afar.

The head of the convoy was someone he was much more familiar with, however.

"Uncle Aaron! I'm glad to see you, I can rest assured that the journey will be safe in your hands."

Nox and the man shared a hefty hug at those words.

Uncle Aaron, while not actually related to his parents, was the captain of the guard. He was a tall, burly man with scraggy brown hair and dark grizzled features. A nasty claw scar ran across his left eye, but luckily his vision remained intact.

Aaron was appointed as his father's guard captain as they had been good friends growing up. While his father eventually eclipsed his strength with his incredible growth, Aaron's own power was considerable, being a high-level Rank 4.

"Don't worry kid, you'll get to your fancy school no problem. Just please, for the love of the Gods, keep the questions to a minimum."

Both of them laughed heartily at those words. While Nox had long since shaken his bad habit, the reminder was a source of endless embarrassment for him. Aaron mercilessly made fun of him for it at every opportunity.

Taking a step back, Nox admired the man's gear.

Being the captain afforded Aaron some luxuries, like some extravagant equipment. His armour mostly resembled the other guards', however, his had a strange azure shimmer that fluctuated across its surface.

Enchanted armour.

Enchanting was a sub-branch of many magic based classes that allowed one to imbue equipment with additional effects, often with the assistance of materials acquired from dungeons. With armour like that, Aaron could probably take a direct hit from a warhammer and brush it off without trouble.

As someone who favoured heavy blunt weapons, Nox couldn't imagine what a nightmarish strength would be needed to penetrate such protection.

Even more impressive, though, was his weapon. With Aaron's hulking build, he sported a large two-handed bearded axe. The shaft was formed from a peculiar black wood, engraved with intricate patterns. Contrasting the shaft, the blade resembled a large white sharpened canine tooth. The entire weapon similarly shimmered with an azure hue.

"I've never seen you wield that beauty before, where did you get it? Is that a boss reward?" Nox asked, practically drooling over the weapon.

"That's a keen eye you've got lad! That she is, back in the day, your dad and I took on a Five Star dungeon a couple regions over. We cleaved our way through the dungeon with no trouble until the boss room. That's when it all went wrong" Aaron's face gleamed with charisma, as he adopted his best storytelling face.

"And...then...what...happened?" Nox slowly enunciated every word in a mocking voice. If he took away anything from his time with Aaron, it was that if he started telling a story you needed to escape as fast as possible. The man could ramble on for days without pause if you humoured him.

Unfortunately, as the lead of his escort, there was no escaping him.

Grinning widely, Aaron rubbed his stubbled chin,

"I'm glad you asked! So, we barge into the boss room, and awaiting us is an enormous sabretooth tiger. I'm telling you, this thing was a hundred feet tall and had teeth three men long. I thought we were doomed in that moment, my heart sank. But I look over to your dad, and he has this big cheesy grin plastered on his face."

"You know what he says?"

Nox simply shook his head in exasperation at the man's exaggeration. At least he shed his bad habit, Aaron on the other hand, was a lost cause.

Adopting his most derisive voice possible, he imitated,

"'Finally, a worthy challenge!'. Bahahahaha!" he chuckled so loudly that he had to hold his stomach. Even the other guards looked over at him with peculiar looks.

"It must be hard working for this guy. Being a guard isn't easy" Nox mentally saluted the other guards.

After a minute straight of laughing while everyone stood around awkwardly, Aaron finally regained himself,

"Ahhhh. Your dad sure knew how to put on a show back then. So, after that..." the man wanted to continue but Nox shot him a stern look.

He could only scratch the back of his head and laugh awkwardly,

"So, in the end, we killed the beast, got a few level-ups from it too. Your dad opened the boss chest and out popped this beauty. Honestly, your dad did most of the work, but you know he's not really one for axes. In the end, she ended up in my hands" he stared at the weapon affectionately.

"Normally, she stays hung up in my quarters, but given that your dad personally asked me to look after you, I thought I'd better whip out the big girl" he grinned cheekily.

Nox smiled at the man. He was a hard pill to swallow, but he truly saw the grizzled veteran as family.

The idea that he could have a real family always surprised Nox. With his powers on Earth, he felt he was destined to be alone. He grew cold and detached as he was forced to rely on himself. And yet, for whatever reason, his power hadn't made a reappearance here. It gave him a chance to experience a real family, and he cherished every moment of it.

The cold boy that he was on Earth had been replaced by a warm, loving young man.

Looking up to the sky, Aaron took note of the sun. It was just before noon, time to set off.

"Alright boys, let's get going!"

The guards simultaneously stopped examining their equipment and saddled their steeds in unison. Nox admired their coordination and order. How his uncle had turned out like he did would forever be a mystery.

After physical and mental training, Nox would accompany his father in training other practical skills. Horseback riding was essential for any potential knight and obviously couldn't be neglected. While he didn't feel confident he could charge into battle atop one of the unruly beasts, he felt simple travelling should pose no problems.

The horses here were much the same as on Earth, although a few differences existed. Technically, these weren't standard horses that could be found anywhere, but tamed Rank one monsters: Bull-Horses.

Certain classes existed such as Beastmaster or Trapper that excelled in using beasts in various fields. Apart from fielding them in battles, these people made a handsome profit by entering dungeons and acquiring beasts to sell to interested parties. Bull-Horses were a classic example of this.

They mostly resembled normal horses but had even sturdier legs and hooves, a bulkier frame packed with muscles, and two large, curved horns atop their heads. Clad in custom armour from some sort of scaled beast, they made for a threatening sight.

Tagging behind the group, Nox saw his eager Spider-Wolf, Rana. The beast wagged its tail excitedly as it prepared to accompany everyone. Rana was a Rank two beast herself, having reached adolescence, and would have no trouble keeping up with everyone.

With a smile and a shake of the head, he gave a nod to his uncle.

And so, with Aaron leading the platoon, the group of eight departed from the castle and into the sprawling crop fields. As they meandered through the small pathways and passed the quaint homes, the farmers would greet them cordially.

Nox had never left the castle in his ten years in this world. His heart was filled with excitement and anticipation, a wondrous grin spread across his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but Aaron cut him off,

"No questions!"

Nox held his breath and eventually chuckled. Maybe he hadn't shaken his habit after all. He'd have to find someone else to talk to. Looking around at the ever-silent guards, Nox couldn't help but sigh,

"This might be a challenge."

- - - - -

Meanwhile, back at the castle, Winston and Maria stood together hand in hand. Maria's hand gripped his hand tightly in consternation, but Winston remained unfazed and let her vent her feelings as she wished.

While her thoughts largely revolved around Nox's general wellbeing and if he'd be okay away from home, Winston's brain was occupied with more macabre worries.

"Is this the right decision? I've done everything I can to try and avoid his powers from flaring up. His body and mind are strong, he has good morals and character. He should be able to resist its' calling."

Standing stoically, he stared into the horizon.

"I only hope it's enough."

The more he thought about it, the less sure he became. Luckily, he prepared a contingency.

Emerging from the hold, an old man donning an elegant azure robe with golden trims approached the couple.

A white rod, around six feet tall accompanied the man. Strangely, the staff seemed hollow, with a transparent window into the middle that seemed to flow with a peculiar liquid. While it looked a simple light blue at first glance, the more one stared, the more they would feel that the liquid was getting darker, deeper, until it was entirely black.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with Winston, the old man admired the beautiful scene for a moment. Rolling yellow fields, the gentle humming of birds, the ever-present trickle of water down the large stream.

Closing his eyes in contentedness, he whispered,

"Are you sure you want me to follow him? Are you so sure he won't be fine by himself? Even with that man-child Aaron with him?"

Turning to face the man, Winston stared deeply into his eyes. Behind their azure glow, a dark threatening pressure resided. It promised to crush anyone in its way, but Winston wasn't affected by the sight.

"I have to be sure, Leonard. You weren't there that day. When he was born, I felt it wasn't a person being born but an abomination."

"Quite a harsh thing to say about such a young boy. You feel that strongly?" he inquired.

"I hear Cain's voice in my head every day Leonard. Death energy that could contend with a Lich, and that was just when he was an infant. Could you imagine the kind of power he could wield if they got hold of him? I can't take any chances."

Leonard's eyes flashed with a violent pressure at those words.

"I understand, I'll watch the boy." As he said so, his body began to morph until it resembled a large blob of water. It promptly fell to the ground and seeped into the floor, vanishing without a trace.

Winston returned to his silent starring.

Strangely, Maria didn't seem to notice the entire conversation, as if it had never taken place to begin with.

- - - - -

Elsewhere, in an unknown location.

The clanging of chains echoed throughout a small chamber. The room was dark, dingy and empty. The room's only feature was a young boy, held against the wall by an elaborate harness. The structure shimmered with an eerie black light that seeped into the boy's skin.

His complexion was pale, his blue eyes appeared dull and his spiky white hair was haggard. From an unclear direction, a malicious voice resounded,

"After all these years, I've finally got my hands on you, Little Cain. The famous Giver of Life, in my very own home. A celebrity! I'm flattered" the voice chuckled mockingly.

Raising his weary head, Cain rebuked,

"You Deathkin scum, why don't you show your face and I'll show you how I give life in person."

"My, my, I would very much like to see that. Unfortunately, I'm not sure it will be convenient for me right now, I'll have to check my schedule. I'm a very busy man you know" the voice ridiculed.

"In fact, I just had a great idea! Why don't I turn you into a Conflicted? Then I'll get to enjoy both your agony and Life powers for eternity! Oh, how wonderful it would be. Seeing you writhe every day in your own skin, it gives me chills just thinking about it."

Cain's face distorted in horror at those words.

A Conflicted. Nothing brought Life Mages more fear than those things.

Gritting his teeth, Cain manged to squeeze out,

"What... do you want?"

A malevolent snicker echoed at those words,

"Now that's more like it."

Chapter 12! Sorry for missing the past few days, been having some family trouble. All sorted now and back to regular daily uploads! Nox finally sets off on his journey, but it appears it wont be so plain sailing. As always, I greatly appreciate any feedback, good or bad, as it helps me grow as a writer and make the best story possible. Many Thanks!

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