
Chapter 41: Result of five-year training

Embra P.O.V

<Quest : Train yourself (Completed)

Reward : A fine Katana

The five-year isolation barrier is now ineffective.


Five years has already passed, huh? Though I feel like it would not be bad to live here in this forest till I reach the level of swordsmanship where I can proudly call myself a 'master', I need to go to Japan if I want to learn 'Breath'. It pains me to leave this forest which I have stayed since my birth but, I have to go if I want to learn about 'Breath' and fight demons.

09 September 1885

This day marks my fifth year of stay in this forest and it is also time for me to go outside the forest. Five years of training in the forest makes me strong enough that now, I would not be afraid to meet a lower moon demon. Of course, I would not be able to kill it because I still don't have a nichirin blade.


How much easier would it have been only if I can learn 'breath' and get a nichirin blade from the system? But, well, those two are the essence of 'KMY' world, so, I think it would be much weirder if I can buy those from the system. Anyway, I am confident that I am strong even without those two. My confidence did not come from owning a system or being able to use modern weapons. My confidence comes from my advanced Kenbunshoku Haki which enables me to see 5 seconds into the future and basic Busoshoku Haki.

That's right. I can now see 5 seconds into the future as long as I am calm. It is because I have been training my Haki for nearly five years that it now becomes an advanced form. But, it seems I do not have a talent for Busoshoku Haki because, even after training for three years, I am still at the basic level where I can turn my hand black at will. Of course, I can coat my Haki over other objects like my sword but, I still cannot let it outside like the advanced form.

Aside from my two Haki, my swordsmanship is now an advanced level where I can send out the sword aura attack. Aside from that, all of my ninja techniques and footwork also reached the advanced form within this one and a half years. That is right. I have been retraining my skills after my challenge to Eve. I do not try to learn other techniques because I want to master these basic techniques first. And, fighting with Eve in the illusion world makes me more experienced too.

I do not know how many fights I have fought with her but, I am sure it is more than thirty million fights because I stopped counting after that. Anyway, this is how my status looks like after five years of self-training.


Name : Sky Embra

Age : 15 years old

Power level : 1500

Gifts : Tsukuyomi Genjutsu Modified, Darkness, Photographic memory (Inferior), divine protection from the goddess of Dragon, Algadore.

Talent : Calculating ability, Sword

Learned Jutsu

-Shadow clone Jutsu (Three)

-Replacement Jutsu (Skilled)

-Shuriken Jutsu (Expert)

-Genjutsu (Expert)

-Shadow clone shuriken Jutsu (Advanced)

-Flickering Light Jutsu (Advanced)

-Static Strings Jutsu (Advanced)

-Hiraishin No Jutsu (Lightning Thunder God) (Skilled)

Learned Technique

-Flash Step (Expert)

-Body Flickering technique (Expert)

-Observation Haki (Expert)

-Armament Haki (Basic)

-Stealth technique(Expert)

-Taijutsu/ CQC (Advanced)



Oh right, in the guide system, there are also levels for Jutsu and Techniques. They start from Basic - Advanced - Skilled - Expert - Specialist - Master - Grandmaster - King - Supreme - God. I thought that the two Haki would be exempted from this but, it seems they are also included in this ranking.

At first, I was clueless about those levels and ask for a reference from Eve. And, do you want to know what Eve shows me as a reference? Here.


Name: Sethar

Age : #

Power Level: ?

Learned technique




CQC (God)

Swordsmanship (Supreme)



I mean what the fu*k? When Eve shows me that, I feel myself like a speck of dust on a sandy beach while she looks like a sun, way way high up in the sky. *sigh* I bet Eve is still pissed off at me for winning against her. But, because of that status, I was disheartened and down for the whole day that even Keinnayi has to send me a message to encourage me. I was this close to giving up because of her status... Anyway, along with that letter, I get a chance to learn one of my favorite Jutsu - Lightning Thunder God aka Hiraishin No Jutsu.

So, far, I think, that is the Jutsu I train the most in because that Jutsu is so cool and this jutsu is also one of my personal favorite Jutsu in the anime. I get that Jutsu after the six-months stimulation fighting with Eve and have been training since then. And, now, I can execute 'Level Two, Hiraishin' where I can teleport to the moving target. My mark or Jutsu formula is not like 'Forth Hokage'. Mine is a symbol like the 'second Hokage'. The symbol is 'Y', the symbolism of my swordsmanship.

Well, let's stop reminiscing about the past. For now, let's start this journey.

I bring out my tablet to confirm the route I have to take to reach Japan. Right now, I am in a forest one day travel on foot from the Yellow River. So, I would have to travel to port cities like Yantai or Quingdao or Shanghai. From there, I will have to go to Korea and then Japan. I don't know whether the map in my tablet will be the same as the map of this world but, it does not hurt to learn about this.

Anyway, I will change my route after gathering information but, for now, I will head to Quingdao which is four-day travel from where I am. This city is the closest one. For the journey, I plan to impersonate as a peddler who sells unique tea sets, which I bought from the system. Of course, I have my own unique tea set collections in my house, which are now in the system inventory but, they are too expensive and too precious for a paddler to be selling. That's why the tea sets I will be selling are those of lower quality with unique designs.

Once, I asked about the reason why the tea sets are in the shop, and Eve answers that every item related to the items I have will be available in the shop. For example, I have a computer in the inventory. So, I can another computer, phone, or computer-related things. I was thinking that I can abuse this to my heart contest but, the items are limited in quantity. *sigh*

After checking the route I have to take, I store my tablet in the inventory, and next, I check my clothes. The clothes I am wearing right now are 1880 Chinese articles of clothing that peddlers wear. I have washed them, again and again, to make them more worn out, and together with the clothes I am wearing right now, I have prepared three other sets of clothes too, not to arouse suspicion.

Next, I check the wooden box that I will be carrying. Its size is just enough to pass off as a traveling bag because there are only four tea sets in there. Next, I check the bamboo basket that I will be carrying behind my back. In there, I have stored my three sets of clothes, a big cloth and ropes to make a makeshift tent, some leather pouch to store water, and some preserved foods.

Hm... I think I will pass as a peddler with this much but, is there anything else? Eve?

<Your impersonation as a peddler is enough with this if I have to compare it with the data from my database. After you wear a straw hat and use a bit of dust over your face, you would surely pass as a peddler in 1880.>

Is that so. Humu. Well, for now, I tie my hair up that has become long from not cutting for five years. I am leaving my hair like that and because I want to make my hairstyle looks like that of Uc*iha Ma*ara. I think I would be a lot cooler if I have long untrimmed hair like him. So, I am keeping my hair long and wash weekly to keep the black luster on my long hair.

My body is now ripped because of extreme exercise I do daily while drinking Protein. But, I have to stop before I become a heavyweight weightlifter, so, right now, my body is not that big. To compare, I would say, I am as ripped as 'Meli*das'. And, for that, I am satisfied. Yep. Lastly, my height is 155 cm, a little bit taller than kids of my age.

Anyway, back to preparing for the journey, after I tied up my hair in a loose ponytail hairstyle, I wear a straw hat that I purchase from the shop and smear my face with specks of dust from the trees. After checking myself again, I store the wooden box and the bamboo basket in the inventory because I will be traveling without them till I meet a person. I look back at the place where the house I stayed for five years was before.

I have already disassembled my house and store it in the inventory because a few upgrades I made to it in these five years could no longer make it 'a house in the 1880s'. I think I will be building the house again when I reach Japan. Well, who knows what will happen in the future. For now, let's start this journey. A journey to Japan. I think it will take me a few months to reach there. So, let's get going.

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