

after Haruka and cliffhanger kun nodded

she replied " now where do you want to start?"

"ummm, can you just explain who are the ones living in the realms?"

"good point, so i will start in the omniverse or should I say reality realm. That is where you come from and as it's name say reality means all human there wasn't powerful and only based on normal humans though some are exceptions like you." she replied

i nodded in understanding he think (i was right about what i am thinking about myself that i am kind of special due to my photographic memory and high physical prowess, also one of my skills in my past life is i can copy any fighting style in the world but i only use Jeet kun do and systema martial arts due to my love for Bruce Lee in the past and systema is the martial arts that i first learn in Soviet union and Nazi alliance.)

"next is the multiverse that is where i am gonna send you it was also called as imaginatory realm due to this is where all the people's imagination come true and this consists of animes, novels, light novels, cartoons, video games and all that people can imagine. i am also the creator of this realm my bushins are the one that manages it."

when he heard that he nodded but suddenly he asked " umm goddess what are the bushins?" she replied with a smile " as perceptive as always the bushins are the lowest servants that can serve us they are the creatures that sin a lot and as a punishment they will serve us for eternity and to not betray us we all put a forced slaving contract to there soul so that they can't betray us and work mindlessly it consist of males because they are the most lustful,greedy and jealous creatures in the whole realms ( i just get this in xianxia novels)."

she continued "the next are the low servants they are the ones that manages some low works for us and it consists of all women that even though they are all low servants they are still powerful against you so you better be strong alright" Haruka unconsciously nodded

she continued again "next are the servants they are also consist of all females and they all live in transcendent realm they are the ones that we call serei or spirits there ranking consists of low, medium, high, and peak and above peak is the "queen of serei" seisha."

"lastly are the apostles they consist of immortals, celestials and false gods they all live in celestial realm and serve us goddesses unwillingly and they are all females also even though weaker than us by a large marhin still they can still destroy the whole realms except for god realm and the chaos realm which had the shield of caion."

when Haruka heard that he can't believe how big of feminist the goddesses are and when elliana saw him she can't help but giggle cause they don't choose those females by mistake rather it was planned by the goddesses for his concubines and servants that will serve him for eternity after he ascend in god realm

"umm elliana i know that the population of god realm is big and endless cause you said the primodal origin is still alive and creating peimodal beings but how about the population of the others?"

"hmm good point let's just say the population of mortal realm is 10,000 more in god realm the transcendent realm is 1000 more the beast realm is the same and for the celestial realm it was 100 times more than the god realm" she replied

and when haruka heard it he can't help but be dizzy on how gigantic can endless the realms are.

"umm elliana just how many beings does the primodal origin is making in the god realm?" he replied nervously

she replied nonchantly "hmm, wait i will check, ohh it was 1 trillion a day" when he heard it he can't help but get limp on how big and endless that number was and worse it was not by year but by day. hell even in earth the birth rate is not that big

"and i forgot to add that every goddess got there own bushin, low servants, servants and apostles to serve them endlessly just so you know the shadow monarch is the bushin one of the most strongest bushin of helian the goddess of death"

he just nodded and put all the information in the back of his head because it was not his business(a/n: or not)

"the chaos realm got the lowest population in all realms but be mindful caion give his weakest servants a special spell to roam in the realms to cause chaos but i made a special force and i call them slayers or the heavenly hero clan they are just like the Valkyries of Freya, just like caion i also give them a spell that make them travel the realms, and they are more called as angels of death because of there beauty and how ruthless they are against the creatures of chaos." she said

she continued "but the only problem is my slayers can't travel in the multiverse and i am sure he will send some of his creatures in the multiverse so be careful if you are fighting them only the weapons heavenly hero can defeat them due to there heroic aura and you got the most purest heavenly hero blood."

he nodded in understanding and she started to explain how the heavenly hero clan started

" the heavenly hero clan consist of all females that i created years ago and i get this concept on one anime i watch" she explained while blushing in the last sentence and Haruka can't help but think (is she a otaku)

she continued while pouting " mouuuu, you know i can hear your thoughts and yes i am watching anime and my favorites are yaoi, josei and sometimes shotacon." when he heard those he can't help but hang his mouth open and she continued while blushing " w-w-why am i not a-a-allowed to enjoy my free time?"

he replied hastily "n-n-no i am just surprised by your tastes,hehehehe"

when she heard him chuckle she can't help but blush hard and she coughed to recompose herself " so j-j-just i was saying i get that idea in the anime shin maou no testament and i just modified it so that it will be a lethal enemy of those chaos creatures"

i nodded in understanding and she continued to explain the realms

" i know you know cultivation because you are reading some Xianxia novels but in the realmverse it was different we call it ascension and it got stages instead of realms, it started from energy condensation stage to the apex primodal god stage."

(a/n: i will add the later stages after he ascend in mortal realm but that will be very far in the future)

the mortal realm consists of mortals and ascenders and the largest population in the whole realmverse next realm is the transcendent realm where the contracted spirits exists and one human can contract one spirit but they are some special that can contract more than one spirit due to there soul strength and you are one of those special ones, yo shot a very special soul that can contract limitless spirits" i was surprised by that declaration honestly but i just put it in the back of my head to avoid further confusion and just nodded, she continued " and after getting contracted those humans they can learn the serei arts or spirit arts that can help them to control or strengthen there body or elements, the transcendent realm is govern by the spirit queen."

"the next realm is the beast realm where you can get a contracted beast there or so called familiars and be mindful some legacies of some legendary beasts is in the multiverse or to be precise it was in dxd world i purposely do it so that it can aid you and your future allies( or wives😒) in your journey, some legacies are the dark dragon, light dragon, ice phoenix, illusion butterfly, thunder qilin, blood eagle and many more, it was govern by 4 queens the beast empress, dragon queen, insect queen, and the eternal phoenix and be mindful the most beautiful of them all is the insect queen even though her name is the opposite of her beauty here is her image"

she suddenly walk in front of her and kiss his forehead at first he was surprised and got his face red but suddenly a very beautiful woman with violet hair and pink eyes came in his mind she got a very white skin, very big breast that is ranging in g cup to h cup(a/n: sorry your author loves OPPAIIIIII!!!!!), but it was straight and not loose unlike some p****tars in p******, bra****, and many more, her waist is flat and without fat, her legs is long and needless to say her buttocks are very large that if you want to grasp it you will need 2 large hands, her face is peerless and can match elliana, she got a long violet eyelashes, pink delicious lips, her nose is perfect even her eyebrows and only one phrase can describe her " femme fatale" but she reek of innocent aura and what makes her a fatal enemy o men is her beautiful butterfly wings that is colored violet like her hair.

when Haruka saw it he can't help but gawked and when elliana saw his reaction she can't help but pout ( hmpp, his reaction is not like that when he see me, ugh!!, looks like i make a fatal mistake) she think

when Haruka composed himself and coughed

elliana continued with irritated tone " she was the most strongest creature in the whole beast realm but she was so innocent that she don't want to fight her name is Neila the "primodal butterfly" insect queen is only a epithet given to her in the beast realm"

Haruka nodded and said "so the 4 rulers of beast realm are all primodal beings??"

"yup one was a primodal dragon, one was a primodal nine tailed fox, one was a primodal phoenix and the other was a pes- i mean a primodal butterfly" he nodded not noticing the jealous elliana

"ok enough about the beast realm next is the celestial realm where the immortals, celestials, demi gods, false gods and gods live, there is no one that is governing it and they only live there to take there chance to reach the god realm especially the lustful man too bad they will only end up being bushins for us goddesses and too bad only female can be primodal gods that was because of caion's doing and the curse the primodal origin invoke for men and restrictions for women"

the curse she invoke in men is unknown and only her and caion knows it as for women the restrictions are:

1. she must master all energies

2. she must be pure physically, mentally, and spiritually

3. she must wait for a trillion years in celestial realm to finalize her decisions

when he heard those he can't help but be surprised on how unfair the primodal origin was and how unfair her creations are because like elliana many women in god realm are born op and never experienced hardships and now he know how he was a frog in a well in his past life he was the most strongest but now he was like a mosquito facing a giant.

she just smiled in his realization and she thinks this will help him to grow strong and ascend after in god realm.

and suddenly 2 beautiful women came one in there sight one got a white hair and white eyes the other got a dark Lucious hair and heterochromatic eyes that consists of black and green and there name are...

cliffhanger kun

hello this was my final compensation for y'all and see you in August and don't forget to vote your powerstones

peace out ✌️✌️

Noa_1211creators' thoughts
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