

As Lin slowly dragged the deer's body back to the cave the eyes that followed his moments never blinked and when Lin stopped to rest the eyes instantly pounced on him with incredulous agility. Fortunately for Lin as a divine beast his instincts were improved by a large amount and managed to barely avoid the claws of the beast that attacked him.

As Lin finally got a good look at what attacked him he saw a tiger with entirely black fur with eery yellow eyes. 'Damn how did this thing find me?! i barely made a sound when i dragged the deer' Lin though. But that was when he noticed the blood dripping from the deer's neck 'F*ck how did I not notice that earlier on' Lin though.

'Focus on making less mistakes in the future, gotta survive this tiger first!' Lin though. The tiger slowly circled around him looking from a area to strike, Lin attempted to shoot out a wind blade but it was easily dodged by the tiger. 'well damn that might be a problem' Lin though the tiger pounced once more at Lin but this time Lin was unable to dodge in time and was met three long claw marks on his body.


'DAMN that hurt way more than i though it would, now how am i supposed to kill thing if i cant hit it with my wind blade?' Lin questioned in his mind. Lin fired off a few more wind blades to buy time for him to get distance away from the tiger.

'Wait a minute if Linley could use earth elemental essence to cover himself and form the 5th rank spell Earthguard then i should be able to cover my body with wind elemental essence to speed my self up'. Lin attempted to cover himself with wind elemental essence and succeeded in doing so but however it was taking a large drain on his reserves.

'Gotta finish this fast or else this thing will kill me when i run out of elemental essence' Lin though.

With that Lin charged towards the tiger but neither he or the tiger could prepare themselves for the speed at which Lin moved after covering himself with wind elemental essence. That lead to Lin crashing into the dirt 20 meters away from the tiger. With haste he quickly brought himself back up 'so when i cover myself with wind elemental essence i accelerate and move at insanely high speeds' Lin though.

Lin covered himself this time with all the wind elemental essence he had left in his core and braced himself for the speed that he was going to move at. This time he went even faster than he did before and the tiger could not react to how fast he was moving. When Lin got close to the tiger he jumped and smashed down onto the tiger's head with his hooves and caused the tiger's head to explode into bits of brain matter, skull fragments, and meat. After the fight Lin quickly passed out due to the lack of adrenaline in his system and also due to the fact that he drew to much wind elemental essence from his core.

Lin wont be enlightening on the elemental laws for a while as from what i saw from the novel no one not even people in the netherworld/other high realms were able to practice laws before at least becoming a saint.

iiCreationcreators' thoughts
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