
Ascending to Divine Firmament

Warning: This is a wish fulfillment with a Massive harem. The Mc is overpowered in the first and second verses while strong in the third verse. This fic is base on another fanfic that had sadly deleted called "summoner in another world (grimoire)" it had been haunting me, therefore made this. Planned world: Tales of Demons and Gods Campione Against the Gods Apotheosis (God domain) ============ Yun Tian, a kind and hard working young boy who doesn't have any great ambition only wish to live a peaceful life. However, after he was place in trial by a mysterious individual had completely change and desire to accomplish the the task given by his new Master.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 8 - Demon Beast Girl

After he had left the Glory City, Yun Tian was heading to the Ancient ruins found about five to six days away from Glory City, in the St. Ancestral Mountain Range by foot. The whole ruins cover a radius of a hundred miles and are mostly overgrown with dense woods. Only bronze and silver rank demon beasts are supposed to be located inside the ruins.

In the ruins the buildings are round, but the whole city is square, and a large lotus mural was found. Because lotus murals were popular in the later period of the Sacred Empire. Yun Tian was in his True form flying in the air toward the location while enjoying the summer breeze and scenery.

He senses a few Demon beasts that were at the Silver Rank and thinks that he still needs to find a contracted beast to use in his Grimoire. He doesn't plan on having a strong demon beast but rather someone that will truly accompany him similar to his Guardian Beast. Yun Tian wasn't rushing and flew in a casual manner where he would occasionally stop to hunt some food.

Even though he doesn't need food and drink to survive, it has become a habit, and enjoyed hunting and cooking. Mio and Mia would manifest and join him pampering the two. After two days, Yun Tian spotted something particular looking down and saw a group of [ Giant Blue Armed Ape ], a silver rank and a very intelligent demon beast, they hunted in packs. They are agile with thick front arms and would be troublesome to fight especially in this dense forest where they have the field advantage.

Though Yun Tian wouldn't face a problem fighting them when he could simply send his killing intent to be done with it, he dislikes senseless killing when it won't benefit him. The thing that caught his eye was that the demon beast was attacking another [ Great Blue Armed Ape ] that was smaller and more human.

Yun Tian noticed that it has acquired a Spiritual Wisdom granting those who unlock it an intelligence similar to a human but the demon beast was a lot more mature and stronger, that it basically made the demon beast a human.

It doesn't give a boost in power and only gives them intellect that would still be troublesome to fight since normally a Demon Beast would run wild and can easily be lured and tricked but those with spiritual wisdom can sense danger and form plans.

"S-Stop it…it hurts….I…someone help…"

Yun Tian noticed the humanoid Demon Beast was crying and understood it had become an outcast by its own race when it appeared more human. He didn't waste any time to descend when he understood the situation and appeared where the humanoid Demon Beast expected to be hit by a pile of rocks but was confused why there weren't any rocks coming and opened its eyes to see Yun Tian standing.

Despite being a Demon Beast, Yun Tian couldn't act blindly when he saw that the humanoid Demon beast was innocent and confused about its situation. He didn't see it as injustice knowing Demon Beast are wild creatures who could only act in their impulses and nature with exception of those who awakened their Spiritual Wisdom.

Normal people would have animosity towards Demon Beast but Yun Tian never felt anything towards creatures driven by their nature. Humans and those Demon Beasts who can conspire should face the consequences as they should know the right and wrong, good and evil.

The humanoid Demon beasts observed him noticing his imposing figure and mesmerizing air that was unlike anything it had seen before. Yun Tian's appearance of his true self would always entice women into falling for him and stirring their hearts until they were compelled to be by his side. They still have choices and free will but they are prone to be drawn into him because of his charisma.

Yun Tian had stopped the rocks from hitting the humanoid Demon beast behind him and the [ Great Blue Armed Ape ] quiver in fear sensing danger from his arrival where every fiber of their being told them to run. He casually returned the stone to the one who threw it instantly chasing all of them away.

They knew that Yun Tian wasn't someone they couldn't fight even if they were wild beasts when certain death was present. He turned around calmly looking at the Demon beast who was around 1st Star Silver Rank yet already had spiritual Wisdom.

'Hehehe saving yet another damsel in distress, Darling~'

Mio teased seeing that the Human Demon Beast appeared to be a young girl around the age of 15 with red fur around her arms and legs that didn't seem to affect her beauty whereas she looked human with red spiky hair. She was well endowed and perfectly shaped showing a bit of normal skin that exuded an erotic sight. The Demon Beast girl was completely naked showing her peachy body.

It was rather enticing for normal people and a perfect time to take advantage but Yun Tian remained indifferent and only thought that she was charming and beautiful. Why would he care about beauty when their heart is not? Not to mention, he has Mio and Mia who had otherworldly beauty that mortals unable to compare. He smiled and quickly held out his hands where light shone from the palm of his hand where her wound began to heal and the pain vanished shocking the humanoid monkey beast.

"W-Who are you? Why did you help?"

She was still frightened even if Yun Tian saved her and he simply smiled and the demon beast girl became captivated by his alluring and kind smile. Her heart never felt this way before and constantly was harassed by her fellow [ Great Blue Armed Ape ]. She only wished to find a place where everyone wouldn't cast her out.

Mio and Mia were angry seeing her shaken ready to slaughter every [ Great Blue Armed Ape ] but Yun Tian calmed them down as he kneel down looking straight into her eyes and said.

"Because you asked and I simply answered."

"W-What!? A-Aren't you disgusted by how I look? Y-You're human, right? They always hunt us down but why are you helping me?"

The demon beast girl had met humans before and they would often chase them down and kill them. She was afraid that Yun Tian was going to capture her and kill her later.

"No, I swear I won't hurt you and I don't think you're disgusting if anything I think you're beautiful."

The demon beast girl smiled while Yun Tian was simply being honest with her since even having red fur didn't remove her charm that was both innocent and erotic, especially her eyes. She blushed after hearing his compliment and was having a hard time understanding what it meant as she wondered if she should follow him to keep feeling what she was experiencing.

"R-Really? You won't hurt me? C-Can I be your friend?"

She asked while Yun Tian smiled and nodded, making her jump to hug him even though they were strangers and felt that she knew him for a long time. Yun Tian patted her head enjoying how her fur and hair felt that wasn't irritating as it appears to be. Yun Tian enjoyed her embrace, it was warm and cozy. A few minutes later, Mio and Mia appeared, surprising the demon Beast who was quickly on guard wanting to protect her friend.

Yun Tian found it funny how she was strange a moment ago and was now willing to fight for him. He knew that his action had left an impact on her heart and if he were to leave her then tragedy would befall her. He has a firm sense of fate and Casualty.

Though, these are only at level below him therefore he won't be able to see through those beyond his reach. Perhaps a few small levels above were possible but the major realm would be a lot harder to see through. Fortunately, it is rare for him to be stronger than him.

"Calm down, they are my wives."

Yun Tian calmed her down, she looked at the two goddesses, amazed by how beautiful they were, and wondered what do wives mean. Mia and Mio giggle staring at the demon beast girl.

"Husband, are you going to form a contract with her?"(Mia)

"Hey, do you want to stay with darling?"(Mio)

Mia looked at Yun Tian and Mio turned to the demon Beast girl. They saw that she would be a perfect first beast to have a contract with their master, especially how compatible they were. In truth, time was not an issue for them therefore Yun Tian can easily have a massive number of wives.

Though, he won't easily accept anyone unless he feels a connection and mutual feeling. Yun Tian sees through her heart and understands she will stick with him. The Demon Beast was confused about what is a contract where Mio spoke with the Demon Beast girl whose eyes lit up when explaining what it meant. She would essentially be with Yun Tian forever and become part of his harem even though she's unsure what it truly meant and still felt compelled to accept.

Yun Tian asked why they were eager to expand his relationship and simply said that he deserved an army of women. He thought they were joking, unaware of what the future held for them. Yun Tian never dreamt of having a large family and simply wanted a family where he could be happy to live his life. The Demon Beast girl heard Mio thinking that Yun Tian would leave him and immediately said.

"I want to be with Darling!"

She doesn't know Yun Tian's name and misunderstood it for his name causing him to wryly smile and the two girls giggled seeing how the demon beast clung to Yun Tian as if not wanting him to go. He inwardly sighed giving a soft smile patting her head and said.

"You can call me Yun Tian because that's my name."

"Name? What's that?"

Yun Tian was unfazed seeing how she tilted her head confused what it meant considering she is a demon beast and lacks social norms of human society. He explained a few common senses while they were walking towards the dense forces where she intently listened and finally understood what it all meant.

"Then, I want to be Yun Tian's wife too! If I can have more friends that don't hurt me then I'll follow you forever!"

Mio and Mia nodded in approval while Yun Tian knew it was impossible to stop her without using force and he didn't mind having a contract.

"Alright, you would need a name….How about Yun Mei?"

Her eyes lit up and went to embrace Yun Tian thanking him for naming her and taking out his [ Godly Grimoire ] immediately formed a contract where their soul became connected gaining a page where Yun Mei appeared and her information was displayed.

[ Name: Yun Mei ]

[ Age: 15 ]

[ Rank:1st Star Stage Silver ]

[ Soul Realm: Indigo ]

[ Soul attribute: Chaos ]

[ Soul Form: Ancient Divine Ape ]

[ Spiritual root: 9 Grade - Heaven ]

[ Cultivation Technique: None ]

[ Physique: Nine Heaven Nirvana ]

[ Bloodline: Divine Primate Empress ]

[ Laws: None ]

Yun Tian was amazed by her status and immediately went to the subspace of his [ Godly Grimoire ] where the entire place brimmed with highly dense energy that already began to nourish Yun Mei who was taken aback at how refreshing the air was. The entire space had energy called [ Myriad Energy ] the densest known energy that even [ Nothingness ] energy doesn't hold a candle.

It was far too profound that Yun Mei instantly broke through the Gold Rank with one fell swoop where Yun Tian used his power to guide the energy to avoid harming her. Yun Mei ended at Peak Gold Rank stabilizing her cultivation to avoid a sloppy foundation and making her strength contend against Black Gold Rank. She checked her body and felt so energized that she jumped in excitement.

"Wow! My body feels stronger! Where is this place, Darling!?"

"Our new home."

Her eyes lit up when she became even more excited heading their way to where they are going to live from now. Yun Tian gave her a dress that at least hid her important parts considering normal clothes would irritate her. Yun Mei was happy to receive the outfit and gave him a peck on the cheek. Afterwards, Yun Mei spotted something and pulled Yun Tian where Mio and Mia slyly smiled watching the two of them.

"Woah! What's that!? Hey, Darling, I want to check that out! Is this what a human home looks like? I've seen them before but they were all broken."

He smiled giving her a tour of their new home that had many breathtaking places that he had made during his trial, having made an entire city that he intended to let those that will be by his side live.

Yun Mei was in awe at the sight of many buildings and jumping around acting on her primate instinct letting her do as she pleased since Yun Tian won't have any problem if she breaks anything. They finally arrived at their residence where Yun Tian taught her a few things about culture and lessons. This would help understand what she should and not do when she's in a human settlement. She intently listened and kept them in not wanting to bring shame and embarrass her master and husband.