

I,Zeng Tian, was there on the peak of existence, blood covering my fist.

My mission was successful. I had fought against the dark sect led by the dark arts user Dan Qiang. But at what cost.

During this fight I had lost all friends, family and love of my life.

We had to do it to protect the He Xie sect. It was the product of 150 years of hard work from all of my friends and allies I made throughout my journey.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I was admiring the sunset from my snowy platform painted in red. Behind me laid the corpses of the people I had just just killed. Beside me was my sword which was made of pure Essence flames. It was crafted by one of the greatest craftsmen in the Mozen Empire. His name was Xiong Jiang and was one of my greatest friends.

Despite being king, he was humble and loved by his kingdom.

The silence reminded me of my youth when I was still a child. Me and my dad used to climb the hills around our town to observe the sunset just like this.

Then a thought came to my head, there was one skill which I had left. It was the most powerful one I knew. I took it out from my storage ring and on the cover of the book was written " Return of the Gods". This book allowed me to go back in time to a specific but if used wrongly it could cost the user's life.

I opened the book and a huge wave of energy hit my face. All the knowledge entered my brain at once. I was in daze.

This book was actually alive. It had a consciousness of its own

A little spirit came out. It was dressed in a yellow robe with golden accents. A golden glow around it. It had an air of power around it.

It said to me:

" Are you the one who summoned me from my deep slumber?"

I nodded gently and bowed to it.

"May I know your name, Elder?" I said while bowing.

He replied:

" You are still too weak to know my real name but you shall call me Xiao Ming."

I nodded.

"Now tell me what you desire little one he said"

" Sir, I would like to have all my friends and family back in exchange for my power."

"So reincarnation is your goal. I shall accept your wish on only one condition though."

I was a bit reluctant at first but thinking about how I could change the past I accepted.

"I see that you are courageous my son. My condition is that you achieve greatness in your future life using the teachings from the sacred book ' The Heart of the Dragon' which is the second part of the seven volumes of this martial art. This is also a part of my soul which I have left in this realm. I hope you revive my art. I shall accept you as my first and last disciple. You shall reflect what your name means and reach the heavens with your power, Zheng Tian."

I was baffled because I never mentioned my name to the spirit.

"Elder Xiao Ming, may I know how you know this young one's name?" I asked

"Hehe, I have been watching for more than 10 years. Since you found the book, I have been travelling with you all and you never noticed. The sole reason I accepted you as my disciple is because I saw how humble you are. Beside the fact that you have potential, you also have the perfect roots to adapt to 'The Heart of the Dragon' martial art. " He replied.

"Ok, enough of talking now. We shall start the process of reincarnation. But before I shall tell you the location of the second part of the book."

He snapped his fingers and out came an hologram.

I looked carefully and recognized the place. It was the front yard of my parents' house.

I looked at it whilst a tear started to form near my eye. I was remembering all the good moments I had spent there. The grass and the fish pond in the middle of the yard were all there. The old sakura tree with a swing tied to it. We were never rich but my father spent all his life working as a soldier in the army. He saved up money to buy this house but was never able to live in it for long. He had a disease which caused his death 5 months after buying the house.

Xiao Ming then pointed at the sakura tree and said:

"RIght under this tree, there is a box containing herbs and the book you are looking for. I hope you make good use of them."

He snapped again and the hologram disappeared.

"Now, let's start your reincarnation."

As he said that a giant magic circle appeared under my feet. A pain which I had never felt before was piercing me throughout my whole body.

Soon after, that pain turned into a warm feeling. My body started to feel lighter as it went on.

After a while, some particles started appearing from my body and slowly I started to disappear.

"Young one, this is a just goodbye. We shall meet again soon. I am looking forward to our meeting." Xiao Ming said.

"Same old man," I said as I grinned.

I closed my eyes as my whole body disappeared.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a familiar ceiling. It was that of my house. I looked through the window and saw the sakura tree outside.

"I am back," I whispered to myself.

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