
2. An Acquintance

In a certain Familia, a shaman was seen running across the hall with a shocked expression plastered over her face. From her expression, it looked like he had seen a ghost or something that shocked her.

'Goddess-sama must know about this' she thought.

Finally, she arrived outside her Goddess's room. The shaman knocked on the door lightly and try to ask her Goddess's time. The Goddess behind the door allowed the shaman to come inside.

Once inside, she could see a man was tending her Goddess's needs. The Goddess looked beautiful under the red-light shadow inside the room. It was accentuated her tropical smooth skin and make a great picture if not for what she did to the man tending her needs.

Seeing the shaman looked absent-minded seeing her appearances, the Goddess seemed to be happy. But it did not elude her ego. Thus, she asked the shaman "What's happened that make you ran here hurriedly?"

The shaman was breathing heavily after running for a while. She composed herself and answered, "Bad news, Goddess-sama. The reinforcement was annihilated"

The goddess's expression was ugly. She deemed that such a result was impossible with her children's strengths.

"Who did it?" She asked curtly.

The shaman who was receiving the question knew that her Goddess was angry. If she did not give information about this, her life in this place might be more difficult later on.

"Here it is the recordings for what my familiar saw" She knelt on the carpet and presented a crystal to the Goddess with a respectful attitude.

The Goddess who was impatient looking for the culprit directly activating the crystal. Then, the crystal broke apart and turning into something like a screen that depicted what the shaman's familiar had seen.

Upon seeing the recording, the Goddess was slumped to the ground. Since her combat powers were being reduced once again. She was pained with the loss of an Lv. 3 adventurer, since in her familia most of the members are basically lv.1 – lv. 2 adventurers (her slave). Thus, losing one of the core strengths might impact her plan to enact revenge on her beautiful rival.

She inhaled and exhaled the pipe tobacco. She seemed to think what should be the next movement they enact. "To save the renard, I predict that they are going to this city. Thus, relay this announcement to the familia. 'Find this fellow background, Kidnap the target if possible, Find a trouble to their god/goddess if they have any'. For now, that the current objectives, the rewards will follow. You may leave.

After relaying the information, the shaman felt that the weight on her shoulder was kinda lessened. But somehow, that man in the recording gave her a bad feeling. However, she did not dwell too much about it.


Inside the forest, two people were seen having a lovey-dovey time, the man was seen enjoying the girl's lap and serenely sleep on it. If not for the blood in the man's legs, his tattered cloth, and the tears on the woman's face the scene would be like PDA practiced in society.

The man was Prana who in a wretched state after his fight, and the girl was Haruhime who was still crying her heart out seeing Prana's state and keep blaming herself for the situation.

It has been an hour since both of them did the deed. Prana was already awake fifteen minutes ago but did not open his eyelids since he couldn't, thus he wanted to conserve his stamina and waiting for his mana recovery.

In these fifteen minutes time, he was complaining about the pain in his body. He wanted to buy the Health potion in the store, but after seeing the price and system persuasion, he relented to endure it.

'Endure it! Endure it! Just ten minutes more 'till the mana capacity filled to half. Then I could completely recover by casting the skill. Furthermore, the system said that it could increase my endurance and pain resistance. Also, this ground I slept sure it soft and fragrance.'

Haruhime was wary for the whole time Prana knocked out. Since there might be more enemies who would come for her and possibly kill Prana in taking her.

When she was running away as Prana told so, she was very afraid. Especially, when one of the attackers said to her subordinates to catch up to her. Haruhime thought that she feared life when she was in a cage and at the mercy of others. But when thinking about the situation right now that Prana – her savior might die in protecting her, Haruhime's heart was filled with so much sadness. She was only a stranger to him. It was only five days she traveled with him. But he cared about her and even wanted to exchange his life to protect her freedom. He knew that she yearned for freedom, and dislike living in a cage.

'I want to live, but I also want it with him'

She stopped running. She took a deep breath and with eyes full of conviction, she ran toward his side to help him.

The mana inside the forest was seen gathering around her, it looked like a twinkling gold. Her hair, her clothes, and her tail were being coated with mana.

When she finally arrived at the battlefield, she could see corpses were strewn across the ground. But most of her attention was on the man at the bottom of the tree's shade. His legs were bloodied, his clothes were tattered, the sword that already chipped and did not have any edges rested on his hand. Seeing this situation, she bawled her eyes, she ran to his side, and wanted to help him but did not know-how. Haruhime checked his breathing and found he was still breathing albeit quite weak.

She touched his hand and relayed her gratitude that he is still alive and she apologizes for creating troubles for him and made him handled it.

While she was touching his hand, she felt that her mana was getting absorbed by Prana bit by bit. She was elated that her body could help him since that means she was not useless albeit not much. Thus, she helped him by placing his head on her lap to make him comfortable and placing her hands on his face to transfer her mana.


Prana who did not have something to do in his mind space checked the system.


+ NAME : Prana Takada

+ AGE : 17 years old

+ BLOODLINE : Pure Human

+ STR : 190 (H-)

+ AGI : 270 (H)

+ MANA : 40% (INT changed to MANA)

+ SKILLS : Instant Mastery (SSS-Support/passive) (2 days 30 minutes), Lightning Breathing Technique (S-Support/passive), Instant Strike (A-active), Backstab (C-Active), Camouflage (C-Support/passive), Dr. Blythe (SS-Support/Active), Defensive Blade (B-Active)

+ EQUIP : Warrior's Sword (Uc) [Broken], Left-Hand Plate armor (R) [Broken], Leg Plate Armor (R) [Broken].

+ POINT : 6080 points

+ INVENTORY: Stamina Potion x 9, Magic Stone I x 100, Magic Stone H x 24, Magic Stone G x 7, 250.000 valis.

50 Free stat's point and Lottery ticket x 1]

'The lose shadowed the gain, huh. I lost my equipment, and nearly my life as well. Even though my parameters went up, it wasn't much.'


[Emergency Quest!

Four people have been detected by the system are emanating bloodlust to the Host.

-Kill them to silent their mouth. Reward: Lottery Tickets x 1, 10 Free Stats for each person, System Points corresponding their levels. (COMPLETE)

-Incapacitate them, and attract future trouble. Reward: Lottery Ticket x 3, 20 Free Stats for each person, System Points corresponding to the trouble given.

*Sweep the battlefield. Reward: 500 System Points. (FAILED)]

'Hey, why the third mission deemed as failed, even though I am not yet clean the battlefield, should it the in-progress not failed as the indicator?'

[…] The system stayed silent since the AI already stopped functioning.

'Tsk. For now, I should allocate the free point. Let's round up the parameters. 10 for Strength and 30 for Agility. That's the end, for now, I should minimize working my mind too much since I stayed in this space the mana did not increase and even decrease 2% from the number before.'


Ten minutes later.

Prana was waking up literally and right in front of his face was a pair of soft marshmallows placed as his pillow. He grinned and tried to snuggle his face 'till he was shocked hearing a voice on top of his head.

"Prana-sama that tickles"

He was awoken from his antics and finally knew what this marshmallow was. 'IT IS HARUHIME'S THIGH' he shouted inwardly.

He cleared his throat and coughed and express his apologies and stopped his mischief.

Haruhime who was finally aware that Prana was awake broke into tears again. She was relieved that he is awake, even though she could feel his body condition before, but it did not ease her worries. Thus, seeing Prana was awake made her world shine again.

Prana who heard her sobbing tried to console her but couldn't do it since he couldn't even move his legs to turn around his body, he was still laid on his stomach. Therefore, he could only say some comforting words with a muffled voice.

"It is fine, Haruhime. It just some injuries, I have a way to heal it."

Haruhime, who finally heard her name being called felt her tears spilled again and blushed. Since this was the first time her savior called her name. It usually went on 'young girl' this, or 'little girl' that. Even though, she knew that he was aware of her name and she wasn't a girl with her developed body.

Hearing her name, and his response, she could only mutter, "En" to Prana words.

"Haruhime, could you move a bit? I need a space to heal myself". Haruhime, who heard this insisted to stay and did not want to move. Her reason was she wanted to repay him.

Prana who knew her strong rejection could only yield. "Okay, stay like this. But don't get shocked and stay still, okay?"

"En" she nodded.

"Dr. Blythe, I leave it to you," Prana said.

Haruhime who heard that was confused hearing a third 'person' she did not aware of. She looked around until a phantom was conjured from Prana's body. She was shocked and mainly terrified by Dr. Blythe's appearance. 'Her' lip was being sewed even though her face was full of benevolence like a nurse. Also, her hands and fingers looked like a skeleton, and then her eyes which were scarlet red eyeing Prana's body. It appeared as if she was scanning his injuries.

Then, 'she' moved to his legs. Then, something shocked Haruhime, 'her' fingers were extending, and finally, it lacerated the injuries and tend after it. Haruhime wanted to stop 'her', but remembering her promise and Prana's words, she refrained and just keep looking.

Dr. Blythe was doing 'her' jobs efficiently, in a few minutes 'she' already made his legs recovered again. Then, 'she' moved and flipped Prana's body with her skeleton hands which shocked Haruhime. Then again, her fingers were extending and one of them cut Prana's chest.

Haruhime who was seeing Prana's innards was feeling turbulence of emotion again. His innards were messed up, and blood was spluttering when Dr. Blythe cut it open. She knew that it meant that he was so severely injured, even his ribs were cracked and caved in.

She cried again and very thankful that he managed to endure this pain and managed to live on. From this, his place was already carved deeply in her heart no matter what happened after.

After the surgery conducted by Dr. Blythe, Prana woke up from his sleep after being anesthetized. He felt groggy, but his body did not feel pain and ache. He knew that his skill was working.

'With this, I don't need to buy those overprized HP potions if my vital wasn't hit.' He thought.

He looked up and saw Haruhime who was sleeping. Prana knew this girl was tired from crying too much, and after what happened before it was reasonable that she was too tired to keep awake.

Thus, he did not move too much.

Prana who was looking at her like this felt thankful for what she did. She cried for him, and from her serene expression right now. Prana knew that she was relieved that he was still alive.

'It seems that I should treat her better from now. At least call her by her name, since it seems that she like it' he mused.

After seeing that she might not be awake, he began sweeping the battlefield and organize the weapons' loots. Also, he wanted to bury his enemies to show some respect and hide the evidence.


Seeing the sun already over his head, he tried to go hunting near Haruhime's spot. Fortunately, he found some rabbits in the bush near the forest's periphery. He caught the rabbit, cut its neck to empty the blood, then skinning it. Later on, finished skinning the rabbits, he went back to Haruhime and made a bonfire to roast the rabbits.

Prana roasted the rabbits for several minutes, then the fragrance of meat was wafting in the air. Haruhime who was sleeping was awoken by the fragrance. After she opened her eyes, she saw Prana was squatting near a bonfire roasting something. Haruhime who keep worrying for his safety was instantly jumped to his back and hugged him.

Prana was shocked feeling her action. He asked, "Hmm, what's wrong, Haruhime?"

Haruhime who heard his voice finally aware of what she did a moment ago, instantly jumped back and blushed. "N-no, iit just. iitt just . I feel relieved and happy".

Prana did not mind her action and felt it might be fine for her to keep it since it felt very soft.

"Thanks. Come here, have some meat for lunch. After that we will continue the travel".

Haruhime nodded, then went and sat near his side to enjoy the meat and enjoy his being.


After having lunch, both of them continued their travel again. They walked outside the forest and finally could see the city again.

He walked for an hour until they arrived in front of the city's gate. They went to the guards and stated their business for entering the city.

The guard did not ask too much and only asking for a few thousand valis for the entrance fee. But the strange man with an elephant mask was troublesome. He asked a lot of things to them, fortunately, the questions only in a circle of animals and beast monsters outside the city. He also gave them the advice to become an adventurer and should head to the Guild for further information.

Prana thanked the guard and the weird man and went in the guild direction. Along the way, he was amazed seeing many races flock together in this city. He could see an elf, many kinds of beast-men and beast women, and dwarf. Prana felt that he was really in the fantasy world right now, with adventurer as a job, many races existed, and the bustling market with kind store owners.

He bought a lot of snacks for Haruhime and himself on the way, even though both of them already ate before.

After a while, he finally arrived. He saw the guild's exterior, and many people come and out of the building. Even though, it was almost dusk the guild's employee still working tirelessly to accommodate the adventurers. I looked around and saw a bulletin board and notice many adventurers' pictures and their corresponding levels.

Haruhime was quite uncomfortable since even Prana could feel the men stare at her and he knew why. Prana whispered to Haruhime ear, "Don't worry, I am here".

Haruhime was eased hearing his assurance.

Prana walked to the receptionists' table, and he could see that the line of a certain receptionist has decreased. Thus, he walked to the receptionist and waited.

After several minutes of waiting, finally, it was his turn.

"Good evening, what can I do for you?" The elf asked.

"Uh…, the thing is we are from the outside and want to ask for lots information of about this city". Prana answered.

"I can help you with that, but it might be a little long let's go to find some seats, first"

Prana and Haruhime followed the elf to the nearest room. Inside the room, there were only 2 sets of tables and 8 chairs. They sat together after the elf, and she began introducing the city's background.

"For now, my name is Eina Tulle, care to introduce yourself first?" She asked.

"Umu, I am Prana and she is Haruhime. We travel together and arrived in this city today."

Eina was quite a beautiful elf with a slim body. As an elf, she had pointy ears, shoulder-length brown hair, and emerald-colored eyes. She suited with her job as a receptionist since she had a nice vibe and serious demeanor when talking business.

"Orario City or mostly known for being called Labyrinth City Orario is the only city that accommodates so many gods and goddesses in one city. They created a Familia with their children. Each Familia has a different purpose, some focused on exploring the dungeon, some focused-on crafting, alchemy, and blacksmithing. As for the dungeon, as you could see when you were entering the city, the tallest building located in the center of the city is the Labirynth or Dungeon. Inside, an adventurer can make a living by beating the monster and take its core. That's for the background information, any question?"

'She made it precise'. Hearing her explanation, Prana had several questions that needed to be asked. "How can someone become an adventurer and apply to a Familia?"

"For being an adventurer, you can register in the guild. And for Familia, you can join any Familia as long as they accept newcomers." She answered.

"Is there any catalog or something, where I can know about each Familia's?"

"Yes, here it is" She answered while giving Prana some kind of book.

Prana took the book and saw quite a lot of gods and goddesses lined up there. He skimmed the page, and conclude that this city was ruled by four Familia, which goes by the name The Three Great Familia and Night Ruler. The Three Great Familia consisted of Freya Familia which holds the strongest and highest-level adventurer, Loki Familia which accommodate a lot of promising adventurers and often went to exploring the dungeon, and Hephaestus Familia which monopolizing the best armory creator in this city. The last Familia was Ishtar Familia, which ruling the Red-light district in Orario at night.

When Prana was skipping the page, Haruhime also watching the book intently. When he flipped a certain page and saw the name of the god. He knew that this god was his target for completing the quest. Besides, he also saw Haruhime made a surprised expression seeing this face. Thus, Prana was making a mental note about his address.

He returned the book to the Elf, "Thank you. Miss. Eina, I and my partner want to apply as an adventurer"

As she already expected, Eina said, "then please fill this form"

Prana and Haruhime were taken aback by the form, both of them couldn't read the words.

Haruhime who was silent all the time finally decided to speak. "Uhmm, mm, Miss. Eina could you wrote it for us?"

Eina who was accustomed to this situation smiled warmly at her, and she began asking their information.

After filling the form and officially became an adventurer, Prana and Haruhime prepared to exit the building. However, there he could see six amazoness standing near the bulletin board and seemed to have a verbal fight.

Prana who was curious and want to probe something said, "Miss. Eina, what Familia is those Amazoness?"

"Oh, that was from Loki Familia and Ishtar Familia. It seems there are some skirmish happened. Therefore, excuse me" she walked to the amazoness.

As both of them exited the building, the sky was already dark. They need to find an Inn and restaurant to have their dinner. Prana was excited since finally he could eat other food than roasted food, and have room to sleep. Haruhime is also excited since by any chance she might get a proper bath today. Therefore, both of them walked and finally saw a bustling restaurant named Hostess Fertility.

When they walked to the restaurant, they saw the busy waitresses that ran around carrying a bunch of plates on their tiny hands. Prana seeing this scene held Haruhime's hands since it might be not good for her to trip in this situation. Prana led her to sit in the front and placed the order to the waitress.

Even though the restaurant was busy, the waitresses and the cook efficiently finished the order not too long after being ordered. 'But, since I am the last to order, it might be a while for my food' he thought.

"Haruhime, do you have something in mind?" looking at the girl as she stayed silent the whole time, Prana couldn't help to worry and asked her.

Haruhime who was being asked did not tell him the story, and said, "I am fine, Prana-sama". Seeing her did not want to talk about it, he also stayed and did not disturb her for the time being.

After having paid the dinner, Prana and Haruhime exited the restaurant to find lodging. Since the restaurant did not provide any lodging service. Both of them talked about the restaurant, from the dinner that was so delicious even though quite pricey, the waitresses' hospitality, etc. Their impression on the first day in the city was great.

They walked to a nearby inn near the fountain as miss cat waitress's suggested. They stood in front of the building named 'Fountain Park Inn'. It was a simple name just based on the location of the inn.

Prana and Haruhime walked inside and found a cat woman sat at the receptionist table playing with something.

"Hello, any room available to rent?" Prana asked with a *bang* on the table since the receptionist wasn't aware of the two of them yet.

"Nyaa!!" The cat woman was surprised hearing a sudden voice. She jumped back and hissed at Prana. But after seeing Prana and Haruhime, she realized that her action was exaggerated. Thus, she stood up and elegantly walked to the table as if everything before was not her.

"Ehem~ do you want to stay?"

Even though, Prana was shocked he did not lose his composure. Since he somehow accustomed to it seeing his pet in his former world who also acted like that.

"Yes, two-room for at least two nights" Prana answered.

Haruhime who heard this felt downcast since with this she couldn't snuggle again like the night before.

"Well…," she was unsure about this, the fox girl seemed disappointed hearing the man's words. But since there were no objections, she approved it because it meant that two rooms will be rented and paid for. "Then, the guarantor name? and any preference for the room?"

"Prana. No, the usual room is fine for us. Do you have a bath and breakfast service?"

"Yes, for the bath you could come to me again and I will arrange it with an additional fee. But for breakfast, we didn't have it. You may wait till the restaurant nearby open to having breakfast or some bread and snacks in the market."

"Then, please arrange the bath for me and her separately and calculate it with the room fees"

After getting the amount from her, Prana and Haruhime went to their respective rooms. Fortunately, her room was opposite Prana's room. Thus, Prana could rest easy since his radar could encompass both of their room.


In the bath.

Prana was being melancholy having a warm bath for the first time in this world. Because he usually had to bear with the biting cold of water in the morning and having none in the evening.


+ NAME : Prana Takada

+ AGE : 17 years old

+ BLOODLINE : Pure Human

+ STR : 200 (H-)

+ AGI : 300 (H)

+ MANA : 100% (

+ SKILLS : Instant Mastery (SSS-Support/passive) (10 hours), Lightning Breathing Technique (S-Support/passive), Instant Strike (A-active), Backstab (C-Active), Camouflage (C-Support/passive), Dr. Blythe (SS-Support/Active), Defensive Blade (B-Active)


+ POINT : 6080 points

+ INVENTORY: Stamina Potion x 7, Magic Stone I x 100, Magic Stone H x 24, Magic Stone G x 7, 200.000 valis.

10 Free stat's point and Lottery ticket x 1]

'System estimate my parameters according to this world level'


'Quite low' Prana was thinking the way to get stronger in this world to quickly finish the main mission and choose the world that did not have any relation to the medieval era like this world. He was quite frustrated living in this world even though only for several days. In this world, only strength matters no matter how right your argument was if your strength lacking it would be useless. Thus, at least he wanted to go back to his world or the same world.

'I still have one lottery ticket, and six thousand points' he was confused about what to do with these.

He wanted a weapon but the lottery ticket was random, and with those measly points he was sure he couldn't get a weapon in the shop. Since every weapon there starts with hundreds of thousand points.

'Wait, I could try my luck with pooling my every last bit point. At least I could hold a weapon to protect myself' Prana remembered how the previous limited Helmet he gave to Haruhime and came to a realization. Thus, he was right away implemented that.

He clicked the 'use' button for the lottery ticket. He hoped that he could get a weapon.

[Ding... Congratulation, you get a skill "Identify"]

[Identify (active). The user sets his/her sight to the target to identify the target's information. The information extracted will depend on the difference of strength between user and target. Since the skill already maxed, the user could see the target level/strength surely.]

"Tsk. Not combat or defensive skill again. Should I really invent it myself?" He was kinda disappointed, but with this at least he could gauge his enemy's strength before deciding to fight or flee.

'Shop ( Pool ( Weapon' he clicked the system panel and began pooling all of his points.

After waiting his point was being blended into the system's furnace hologram for five seconds.

[Successfully get a weapon. Spear of Sea (Replica) (R)

A work of a nameless blacksmith who tried to recreate the Sea Trident. Even though he failed to recreate it, he was able to make the replica. He made the trident became a spear with one pointed blade and a crown as a bridge between the shaft and the bladed spear. The replica had been augmented with two different runes; Life-drain Rune and Agility Rune.

Life-drain: Each attack to the flesh will sap the enemy lifeforce and reduce the enemy regeneration.

Agility Rune: Increase the user agility by 20%.]

'Really? You gave me sword technique to learn before, and now spear as a weapon?' he cursed the system and his luck. 'Damn you. Fortunately, I still have the Instant mastery, I could learn how to wield it for now'.

Thus, in the middle of the night, he began to familiarize himself with his new weapon and his skills.



I stood up and bring out the spear. *Dang* when the spear hit the ground. From the sound, I know that this spear should be heavy.

However, after I lift it the spear does not feel heavy at all. Rather the weight feels as light as a pen. I try to wield it and spin it around; it feels nice in my hand and I feel like my body remembers how to wield a spear even though I did not make any contact with a spear before. I held the spear with one hand, my forearm parallel to the spear shaft, and my elbow pressing against the spear end. The Sea's Spear is kept steadily horizontal and motionless. Many inspirations come to my mind about how to wield it. I thrust and stab with the spear as fluid as water. I sweep the spear and I foresee it will cut my enemies as a scythe do. I smash the spear to the ground, and the ground is cracked from the brute force and weight of the spear. I was satisfied with the spear.

Then, I try to use my skill like 'Backstab', 'Defensive Blade', and Lightning Breathing techniques. The first time I use backstab with the spear, it felt strange to face the enemy and stab the spear. Thus, I try to use 'Instant Strike' and 'Backstab' then I position myself as I am crouching down like a runner, then stab it with the spear. It feels nice for a surprise attack, the tree trunk is filled with a hole with my stabs.

For the Defensive Blade, it feels my range became increasingly wider. I create this skill based on the sword, but it seems that every bladed weapon can use this technique.

The difficult part was when I try to incorporate it with the Lightning Technique, especially with Thunderclap. There are many options for how to deal with enemies with limited directions different from a sword. For example, when I rush head-on while using a sword, I can use slash, stab or chop since I instantly appear before my enemies, but with a spear, with a longer range, I could only stab and thrust with lightning speed since if I sweep the spear with longer range could become unstable and slower even have a greater force.

Fortunately, with this spear, I can get inspiration for the second style of Lightning Breathing. I gather the lightning energy cultivated through the breathing in my right hand and make it courses through the spear, I pull back my hand like a bowstring and plant my feet firmly to the ground as a foundation, and throw the spear to the air. Also, I place my mana to the spear end which will burst and become something like a rocket for the spear. Even though my idea was quite crude but if it hits the target squarely it will instantly kill them, and if it is parried by the opponent, they will be immobile for several seconds since the lightning will paralyze them.

The spear throwing 'Javelin' as I name it, use a large amount of stamina. Just throwing it once I already gasped for breath. Even though I also train other skills but it is just too much consumption. Therefore, I lie on the ground, went to the water and rinse myself, then exit the bath and walked to my room.

As I open my room, I see someone was sleeping in my bed. It seems I forgot to lock my door. I walk to my bed and pat her head.

"Haruhime, your room is in the opposite, y'know?" but the answer I get only some whimper and grunt from her. She is already in her dreamland huh.

Thus, I walk to her room and found out that it is locked. Found with no other choices, I sleep on the floor beside the bed and make it out with two blankets, one on the floor and one as my cover

Next chapter