
As a Monster: Reincarnation

[Myriad RPG] [Survive in the world of Filius with varieties of classes, destroy evil or be the cause of destruction. Fight and clear dungeons to get mysterious and magical artifacts! Build your own empire or conquer another, do anything you want with full freedom! But always be wary from the danger that lurks everywhere] [New game] [Continue] [Quit] Zarius read the text with palpable excitement as he thinks he finally found what he have been looking for, a game worth playing! Everything started becoming fun again. He once again starts forgetting about his worthless reality and immersed himself in the game with undying love for adventure. Away from his sickly body, away from his loneliness, and away from pain. But everything changed when he received an unusual notification from the game it self.. [Great level of compatibility have been detected!] [Would you like to enter the game?] -[Yes] ->[No] "I mean, I wouldn't have launched the game without the intent to play... Is he dumb?" He chuckled as he pressed yes.

Night_Star_Gaze · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

The Darkness Comes

The skies rumbles, dark clouds rolling in. The sun hangs lower.. the night closing in. The wind spikes, and the jungle more quiet.. And in the middle of a clearing two lone figures stands.

One was an armored man, he wields a huge war axe. His eyes were dark, with calm rage brewing within. He stands still breathing slow and deep.. he looks ahead of him.

And in the opposite of the knight stands a young boy. He looked like he been through aa storm. His clothes are all black and are ripped in different areas.. strangely his skin underneath was smooth and healthy.. but if one looks closely, his black clothing was drench in blood.

His eyes were golden a contrast to his pale skin, and dark look. He's in a fighting stance.. legs spread his left foot forward while his right foot was behind him. His left hand extended forward in a claw. While his right hand is bent right beside his chest in a fist.

But unlike the knight.. the young boy have a uncertain look in his eyes but it still brightly burns with determination.

He closely watched the knight anticipating his move in silence.


Suddenly, without any warning the knight dashed forward with an incredible speed. The knight's arm bent behind charging and timing his swing.

Zarius of course reacted to this by charging forward himself to disrupt the knights timing. But the knight also anticipated this move and instead he charge in for a shoulder tackle.

Which the inexperienced Zarius did not see coming resulting in him taking it head on.

"Gwaugh!" He cought up some saliva as he was sent flying. Without much resistance. The air was completely knocked out of his lung.

But before he could even fly away from the impact his sense picked up something coming at him at an incredible speed. And without even thinking more of it he leaned his body back.

And as he have expected the axe came lashing out from the previous position of his head. It went passed his face missing him by a hair's breadth..

And also by leaning back it resulted in him rolling backwards from the previous forced of the tackle.

But once he stopped rolling he quickly jumped to the side and at the same time the axe's blade crashed down from his previous spot.

This went on for a while with Zarius jumping and rolling with his life to survive and sustaining small cuts as the fight goes on.. this time he stopped his regeneration saving them for the more lethal damags.

He doesn't even have the chance to fight back as the knight won't give him any chance.

"JUST DIE ALREADY YOU RAT SCUM!!" The knight's screamed and attacked with a forceful swing once again.

"Oh yeah?!? Didn't this Rat Scum just killed you TRASHY friend??!?" Zarius yelled back with a sneer emphasizing the word trashy as he jumped back.

"YOU FUCKER!! I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE!!" The knight dashed forward and started attacking him with wild abandon.

Seeing this, Zarius smiled hopelessly.. indeed the knights attack got more messier and less precise but this also resulted with his attacks being more devastating.

He could feel it with each of his swing.. even with the knight missing him . He could feel a strong gust of wind from it.

'If he got a solid hit on me, I'm doomed' he gritted his teeth as a shiver ran down his spine.

And once again.. his suffering continues as he tried his best not to die.






'w-who is this guy??' Elanor exclaimed, she have watched the entire battle from the start and wonders how the young man was still alive and fighting.

She was getting suspicious.. someone that don't die even after sustaining lethal injuries and uses a claw to fight is not a good look.. But along thus suspicion is a hope.

'if he won this fight then I'll be saved from them... But.. who's stopping him from doing the same?..' she thought. But Elanor chose to stay..

Her mother have one wish before she died.. it was for Elanor to live no matter what. 'And going in the jungle on my own would spell certain death to me..'

'Why did I even trusted those guys' she sighed regretfully as she recall those bastard telling her that they will carry her all the way to floor 5. All the while the sound of fighting could still be heard.

'Why did i even believe them in the first place?' she asked herself as she lowered her head in shame.

And at that very moment.. the unseen sun finally sets beyond the horizon. And the night arrives, enveloping the already dark jungle in darkness.




The moment the sun vanished in the sky and was replaced by the darkness of the night. The who jungle seems to have shift.

The harmonious singing of the birds have vanished. The cries and creaks of insects followed as well. The wind died down, reduced to occasional howls of the breeze. And the colorful flower hae closed.

The once lively jungle became deathly silent. And the occasional call of the wolves could be heard echoing throughout the jungle.

But that's not all that changed..





'W-what? How?!?! He was so slow before!' Jim exclaimed inwardly as he slash his axe towards the young boy. He tried to keep a passive expression but failed.

For some reason the boy he have been trying to kill was slowly getting an advantage. He quickly and easily avoided most of his attacks.

'The evade this you fucker!' he screamed inwardly as he suddenly took a wide stride and did a feint with his axe.

But that was merely a distraction for him and instead he stepped on the young man's feet and kept a firm hole on it.

'Die!!' while he was still stepping on the young man's feet and trapping him he finally made a move and swung his axe.

But then he saw the young man's hand reaching forward.

'That's futile!' he laughed in his mind and pushed on with his attack.

But then the next thing shocked him to the core..

'H-he stopped it-??' and before he finished his questions he suddenly felt a powerful force in his weapon and on his side. And he was sent flying.


A few moments ago..

'shit! Shit! Shit!' Zarius couldn't stop cursing in his mind.

It was getting more and more difficult even with his vampiric sense and speed to avoid the man's attack..

'I think he just learned my shitty pattern!' he groaned as he realized. And once again made a desperate dive to avoid getting decapitated.

'Fuck!' he cursed and groaned again as he rolled to the left only to get cut badly in his side.

'shit! He only misse-.....a couple inches if not my torso!!!-.... would have been cut in half!!' with each paused he rolled and dove, he was pretty much dancing at this point.

He was getting more and more desperate. His body was covered in small cuts that he refused to heal. He was also covered in dirt and grass from rolling around so much.

Overall he was a mess.. moving his for him because of the amount of cuts he have on his body. 'Why does thisb feels similar?!?' he screamed and remember being abused by that wolf pack from before.

'This guy! It feels like im fighting a pack of those wolf by just facing him! How high is his level anyway??!??' he whined.

Slowly he was falling more and more in despair.. he can't possibly use the same trick he used to those mutts.

He kept trying to think of a way to fight back or even escape.. But he found none .. he tried some cheap tricks like throwing dirt in his eye and it nearly cost him his right hand.

But he didn't give up.. Yes he's getting desperate and terrified but he didn't stopped fighting.

And at that moment something ringed in his mind causing him to get distracted and getting another cut.

'Fuck! What is it dammit!!?!' he jumped back to get a distance between so he could take a peek at what the notification was about.

[The night has arrived.. the blessing of Estas have taken effect. 50% increasing in overall stats]

And that's when he noticed that he suddenly have a clearer picture of his surrounding.. the ground's texture, the unnoticeable breeze, the buzz of the night insect's wing, the beat of the knight heart. And a girl?..

Ignoring his last thought he look forth and found the man's, attack seems slower, and his body lighter..

And just like that he dodge the incoming attack cleanly. 'HOLY SHIT!'

'I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!' He yelled and cheered in his mind at the same time. He then went on and avoided a few more salvo of attacks as easily as the previous one.

'Maybe I can land am attack right now!' he thought but when he was about to lunch his own he suddenly saw the knight move his axe.

He got ready for an attack but then he felt something heavy pinning his feet down.

'Wha-?' and he sense the man's moving again.

Looking up he realized the axe was coming right at his face. Having no other choice he went and stop the axe from going further.

And he succeed.. he chuckled in his mind. 'My turn!' he laughed and twisted his hips and waist.

At the same time he carried the knight weapon, but since he refused to let go his arms were dragged up as well exposing his torso.

And as he twisted his hips and torso he pulled the knights axe on the side and with a swift move.. he delivered a powerful kick on knights side.. right at his liver.

Disarming and sending him flying a dozen of meters away making him crashed in a tree and falling down on the ground coughing.

Tiredly Zarius slowly walked towards the downed knight. Crouching down he went and face the knight who was in all fours.

Seeing him, the knight tried landing a desperate punch but he easily avoided it and lashing out with a punch of his own.

And once again the knight was down in the ground with a bent helm. Sighing in relief Zarius reached down and grab the knight by the shoulder.

Gripping it hard and making the knight groan.

"Aarghh!...wh-...*cough* what are you?!.. you beast!" The knight.. Jim yelled at him with his hateful eyes looking through the visor.

"You should have died!!" The knight screamed at him.

".....Shut up" Zarius said. Not speaking further. 'In this place... Its kill or be killed.... I cant stay the same.. or I will someday be in his shoes'

"Or what? You're gonna kill me? Huh?! Do it!! I dont give a fuck!! Do it!" The knight mocked coughing and laughing madly.

Seeing him silent the Knight laugh harder "Oh? what's wrong? Scared?? Is this y-

Without speaking, Zarius suddenly reached for the knight's head and pulled the helmet off him in one move. And exposing Jim's face.

He have a brown, thick and spiky hair. A fairly smooth and light skin. A blue eyes and a chiseled look. He would probably handsome in Earth's standard..

"What you wanna see wh-" he couldn't even finished his sentence when Zarius grab and pushed his head to the side and pulling him closer.

And in one move, Zarius bit deeply at his neck and drank the knights blood without any mercy. 

"GAH!! *gasp* "Argh! Uurgahhhh!!" the knight squirmed screamed, he punched and claw at Zarius, but the young man stayed unaffected. 

And slowly the knight became weaker, quieter and less resistant as time passes.. and soon the knight went limped and stopped moving all together.. and like an empty can of soft drinks Zarius threw the body away without a care..

[You have defeated Jimmothy Drakes]

[You have gained 3xp!]

[Exp: 12/75] -> [Exp: -> 15/75]

[Bp: 1/50] -> [Bp: 31/50]

The wind blew through the forest as if announcing his victory. Along with it the tall trees danced and sway, creaking as if cheering him. And wolves from afar howled like they were calling his name.

Looking up, Zarius glanced at the obscured figure of the moon, and slowly, all the small cuts, bruises, and scratch on his skin began vanishing and fading away. And he heave a sigh of relief, before turning around..

He walked lazily as he kept his eye in one place, with his enhanced sense he could hear a quickening heartbeat as he approach closer. In front of him, the girl from before was leaning back on a tree, her legs were folded near her chest with her arms embracing her own self.

She was trembling, perhaps in fear...or maybe because of the cold... perhaps both. Sighing, he crouch down in front of her to meet her gaze.

"W-..who are you?" Elanor asked her lips still trembling.. He could hear her heart going into an overdrive as it beats crazily on her chest.

"Who am I?...." Zarius repeated... he have not been in this world that long but he have realize many things about himself and his new world. One thing that he now fully accept is that he's no longer a human... Yes, it he accepted that fast, he's surprised too. But he suspects its the influence of his vampiric vessel..

One thing he also realized is the fact that keeping and staying on the same mindset he have back on earth is suicide.. And thus, he finally accepted himself fully this time genuinely.. and so after thinking about it for a while he looked back at the girls eye infront of him.

"I'm Noiren .... Noiren Van Hellsing" smiling calmly Noiren replied his fangs fully displayed.






End of Volume 1: Who am I









Name: Noiren Van Helsing

| Lvl= 2. | Exp( 15/75) | BP ( 31 / 50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str : 14 -> (21)

Spd :13 -> (20)

Agi : 11 -> (17)

Per : 12 -> (18)

Con : 8 -> (12)

Dex : 14 -> (21)

Cha : 14 -> (21)




| > [Regeneration]



>[Vampiric Claw]



| > [Blessing of Estas] -(in effect)


HII sorry ive been busy with work haha. Hope you enjoyed todays chap! Also please send some power stone! or at least comment something! I lose my drive when I dont see anyone in here... I at least want some physical evidence that someone reads this for real.. the statistics are not enough for me lol

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Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts