
Part 1 Chapter 1: Robbed

"Give us all the god damn money!" The Pirate shouted "We don't Have any money" My wife said in fear "Search for the money! i'll deal with them" The Second Pirate said "Mommy.. What does he mean.. Deal.. With.. Us?" My son asked, Then The Pirate slashed both of them, killing them

I began walking home, From my shop, I'd enter my house, To see my wife and son on the ground dead, A ripped up flag of the Pirate Syndicate on the ground "NO!" I shouted "Who's There?!" A Pirate shouted from the other room "No..!" I'd begin running out of the house, The Last Pirate in my house would chase after me, I'd see the ship at dock, I'd hop on the ship, and The Last Pirate would hop on too "Its the end of the line fool" He declared "NO!!" I'd push him off the boat over the railing into the water, Then i'd start putting up the sail, And steering the ship away

About 2 Months later

I'd be punching a punching bag, Breathing Hard, "I wan't.. Revenge.." I said, I began punching the punching harder and faster, Until the punching bag goes flying off the chains, I walked away and went to a sword rack, I picked up a sword and began swinging it, I imagined the leader of the pirate syndicate.. Zig in front of the blade "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!" The tip of the sword would turn into Purple, Blue, Red, and Yellow pixels for a split second "I'm gonna need a crew, If i'm gonna take down The Syndicate.., A Navigator.. Some Pirates, a Chef.. A Musician!, And A..  Doctor.." I'd Say as i was leaving the building i was in, Then a Guy with a bow in his hand runs past me "GET HIM!!" A Village Keeper Said, I'd look to see where the Presumable Archer went, But he was gone.. Then the guards keepers were shot and killed, I'd see him on a rooftop, Then he'd walk backwards and disappear "Who are you?" He said after reappearing behind me "J-John Goldberg" I responded "You have a ship?" he asked "because if you do.. You'll live" he told me "Yes Yes I do.." I responded "Alright take me" He told me, We'd walk to the ship I stole and we got on "Get us out of here" He declared "Kidnapped.." I said in my head as i steered the boat away "Yeah i'm joshin' you, I wasn't gonna kill you" He told me "Uh.. Okay.. Wanna join my Crew?" I asked him "Ya'know what.. Sure" he responded "Wait whats your name?" I asked him "Oh Me.. I'm Gregory Green" He said

And Thats how it happened, Thats how i met Gregory, The Pirate Assassin aka.. The Stealthiest Man Alive

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