Levels for Refiners

Low Domain

Building Altar: Stage 1 to 9 (But for MC it is to 12th stage)

Altar Manifestation: Stage 1 to 9 (But for MC it is to 12th stage)

Inner Harmony: Stage 1 to 9 (But for MC it is to 12th stage)

Visualizing law: Stage 1 to 9 (But for MC it is to 12th stage)

Grasping Law: Stage 1 to 9 (But for MC it is to 12th stage)

Colossal: Stage 1 to 9 (But for MC it is to 12th stage)

Half True Boundary: Stage 1 to 9 (But for MC it is to 12th stage)

High Domain

Full True Boundary - low, mid, high and peak

Holy Boundary - low, mid, high, peak

Earth Boundary - low, mid, high, peak

Heaven Boundary - low, mid, high, peak

Boundary Lord - low, mid, high, peak

Boundary Monarch - low, mid, high, peak

Endless Domain

Ordinary Absolute : Stage 1 to 9

Great Absolute : Stage 1 to 9

Extreme Absolute : Stage 1 to 9

Above Absolute : No stages
