
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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Chapter 37: Jennifer Connelly

Orion Pictures, an independent film company, was founded in the late 1970s and has produced works like Platoon and RoboCop. Also, a few years back, The Terminator was financed and distributed by Orion Pictures as well!

The next morning, Arthur went to the office of Orion Pictures, presenting his Sleeping with the Enemy script as the writer and producer of American Pie and Sleepless in Seattle.

As for The Hot Spot, Arthur hadn't even heard of director Dennis Hopper or lead actor Don Johnson; these were insignificant names to him.

Besides, the role Arthur was auditioning for clearly required an older actor, and given his current age, he knew he wouldn't be cast!

Of course, it's common to adjust the script according to the actors, so since Arthur was there for the audition, he had to attend as recommended by Tracey Jacobs.

Arthur wasn't sure if Orion Pictures would take a liking to his Sleeping with the Enemy. Although he was confident in the script, the current situation at Orion Pictures wasn't looking too good.

Michael Medavoy, a partner at Orion Pictures, received the script in his office and looked at his assistant, "You said this script was brought in by a young man named Arthur Smith?"

"Yes, currently, Universal is filming American Pie, and Columbia TriStar with Castle Rock is filming Sleepless in Seattle, and both are his scripts. Additionally, he is also one of the producers of Sleepless in Seattle."

"This young man came to our company to audition for a supporting role and submitted a script?"

The assistant nodded, "I have already confirmed his information. He played a supporting role in Edward Scissorhands, and now he has a supporting role in Sleepless in Seattle."

"He's 20 years old and wears the hats of a writer, actor, and producer." Michael Medavoy smiled, "This becomes very interesting then. Let me first take a look at his script."

Meanwhile, Arthur, waiting for his audition for The Hot Spot, wasn't really thinking about it; he was just hoping Orion Pictures would like Sleeping with the Enemy.

Otherwise, discussing future projects might truly become difficult!

After nearly two hours of waiting, Arthur was called in for the audition. Seeing the director's expression, Arthur knew he was out of the running.

"Why bother," Arthur thought as he left the room, looking up at the sky, "I should have left after delivering the script and waited for their contact. No point wasting time here."

At that moment, Arthur suddenly saw a beautiful woman walk out with a smile, her long, shiny black hair, light blue eyes, pure face, and tall, voluptuous figure exuding a unique quality of innocence and sexiness!

Arthur took a few more glances and then seemed to recognize her, "Jennifer Connelly, the 19-year-old Jennifer Connelly!"

A few years ago, she was the enchanting Deborah dancing in the warehouse in Once Upon a Time in America, a goddess in many people's hearts.

Arthur quickly approached her, "Excuse me, are you Jennifer Connelly?"

"Oh," Jennifer Connelly had just returned to Hollywood from Stanford University, and ever since her stunning appearance in Once Upon a Time in America, she had indeed drawn significant attention.

But in the following years, despite acting in several films, her buzz was mainly due to her looks and figure, with no significant impact on the films' reception or box office.

"Who are you?" Jennifer Connelly clearly didn't recognize the person in front of her.

Arthur smiled, "Arthur Smith. I'm a fan of yours and here for the audition too!"

"Thank you," hearing that he was a fan, Jennifer Connelly also smiled, "the audition, for this The Hot Spot?"

"Yes. Are you the lead actress?" Arthur also realized, "I still remember your dance scene in Once Upon a Time in America!"

"That was years ago," Jennifer Connelly seemed reluctant to talk much about it. Nowadays, she was just considered a pretty face and didn't like admitting that.

"Jennifer," at that moment, Jennifer Connelly's agent came over, calling her, "we need to discuss the film contract now!"

"Goodbye," Jennifer Connelly said farewell to Arthur and followed her agent into the office building.

Arthur nodded, glanced at Orion Pictures' office again, and prepared to drive back home.

"Arthur Smith," at this moment, a bespectacled female staffer ran out, calling Arthur.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Arthur walked over.

"Mr. Smith, I am Mr. Michael Medavoy's assistant. Mr. Medavoy has read your script and thinks it's good. He wants to talk to you!"

Arthur's lips curled into a smile, the opportunity had come. He nodded and followed the assistant into the building.

The assistant led Arthur straight to Michael Medavoy's office, and Jennifer Connelly, waiting in the lounge, was chatting with her agent.

As Arthur passed through the lounge, he coincidentally encountered Jennifer Connelly, and Arthur smiled and waved at her!

Following that, under the gaze of Jennifer Connelly and her agent, Arthur entered Michael Medavoy's office.

"Jennifer, do you know him? How did that young man directly step into Mr. Medavoy's office?" asked the agent. "I saw you talking with him downstairs just now!"

Jennifer Connelly was also surprised, "He said his name is Arthur Smith, my fan, probably attracted by my performance in Once Upon a Time in America. He seems to be auditioning for The Hot Spot too!"

The agent was stunned, "But there are no roles in The Hot Spot that suit him; he looks too young. But why can he be called into Mr. Medavoy's office by Mr. Medavoy's assistant?"

Jennifer Connelly's somewhat chubby face looked confused, shaking her head, "I don't know either. I just met him and only know his name is Arthur Smith!"

"Wait," the agent saw Mr. Medavoy's assistant coming out and immediately greeted, "Can I ask why Mr. Medavoy called in Arthur?"

The assistant, puzzled, replied, "Aren't you here to discuss the The Hot Spot contract?"

The agent smiled, indicating Jennifer Connelly, and explained, "You saw it yourself, Arthur and Jennifer are good friends. Jennifer doesn't even know what Arthur just did much?"

The assistant, having seen Arthur Smith and Jennifer smiling and greeting each other, had no reason to doubt.

"Script. Arthur Smith submitted a script today, and Mr. Medavoy liked it and decided to talk with him," the assistant shook his head.

"You can directly ask Jennifer. Arthur Smith now has two scripts being filmed, and might be working on a third script soon!"

The assistant assumed Jennifer knew more since they were friends.

The agent nodded, "Arthur must be trying to surprise Jennifer, since he hadn't mentioned it to her before. Look at Jennifer, she's so shocked she can't even speak!"

Standing beside, Jennifer Connelly watched her agent's glib talk feeling increasingly awkward.

If not for Arthur himself introducing him downstairs, she wouldn't have known his name. It immediately became awkward as they became referred to as good friends!

Moreover, to any outsider hearing this, the "friends" her agent referred to seemed more than just ordinary friends, didn't they?

