
Chapter 1 - Reincarnation

Thunder and lightning and rain covered the sky. Outside Skyward city, in a small shack in the slums, a small and frail body slowly lost focus on his eyes. In the same time, in another dimension far far away, on a planet called earth, an old man smiled as he passes his last few breaths n this planet.

"Sigh, I who has conquered many markets, funded geniuses, I who was once known as the god of riches, am now dying like everyone else.... No amount of money can buy time... If only humanities knowledge was a bit more advanced, if I was only born a few centuries after, I could have enjoyed enteral life.... could have explored the universe, traveled through the stars....."

As his last breath left his body, his soul entered the underworld. Unbeknownst to him, his soul managed to enter through a crack in space-time and entered the dead body of the orphan child. Many hours passed and the child woke up....

"Is this the underworld ?"

"Weird why do my hands look skinny?"

As the child moved and looked at a small puddle at the ground the child showed a chocked expression. After caressing his face he thought to himself "Why do I look like a child, hmm whats with this house?, why is it so stinky?"

After a few moments, the child memories of this planet Do You entered his mind. This child was truly pitiful, his once prominent clan was cruelly murdered, and his parents gave up their lives to save his. He was the last living descendant of the He clan. But it no longer mattered, to him this has nothing to do with himself, there's no need for him to bother to seek revenge.

He slowly digested his new memories. This continent was called Dyou, a magic cultivation planet where humans possessed superpowers, allowing them to use techniques to gain longevity and power and wealth. In this world, ones status and wealth is determined by their strength. A society ruled by strength, the rules don't matter, only the weak follow the rules... the strong can do as they wished. This was just like earth, except power in this planet is determined through one's fist rather then knowledge and wealth. Ash smiled to himself. He had been reborn so he obviously won't live a normal life, he will shake this world and cultivate to gain eternal life and become immortal...

It was known to him that if one cultivates their lifespan will exponentially increase after every stage, for someone like him who feared death this was a pleasant surprise.

Taking deep breaths he decided to first calm down from the excitement of a new chance in life. He calmly analysed what he needed to succeed in this new world. Strength, but how do he gain strength? Through cultivation... How does one cultivated? Through techniques.... he needed more knowledge. His knowledge of this world was still shallow, he needed to gain more power, more knowledge. Smiling he stood up.

Taking off his tattered and ripped garments, he looked at his reflection in the muddy pool. His body was frail and weak, other that the confident expression in his dark brown eyes the rest of his body was dirty and smelled. Anyway he wasn't concernedd about this.

As he stood up, he slowly proceeded to the "friend" of this body... He soon saw another small shack, but it was clearly better than his. Yun be still had parents so his household was better off. He slowly entered and saw his friends mom cooking. He remembered that many times when he was starving she had given his food from their small stockpile. Laughing like a maniac, he slowly walked forward.

"Oh hello Ni He, Yun Be is inside.. anyway wash your hair or else you'll get sick..."

" Okay aunt, where is uncle?"

"He went to work..." In this world the weak always had to work, even in this weather Yun be's dad has to patiently wait in his stall and try and sell some crude iron ore...

Smiling creepily, he opened the shabby drawer and took a knife. Without hesitation, Ash slashed at the women who had her back towards him. Back on earth, he was used to killing, he got rid of his opponent in business through such means and bought their company stocks at a low... He developed a cruel personality, but in Ash's perspective this was normal, the weak die and those who scheme live... some may consider this behavior to be disguising, to him it was a form of art.

Blood flowed and he saw as the body fell with a shocked expression. Chocking on her own blood, she asked "Why?"

" hehehehehehe "

Laughing he made his way towards his "friends" room....

He stabbed his friend and slowly made quick work of him.

Then Ash quickly stole any and all riches he could find and folded it in a small sack. Then he slowly made his way back to his house... He later went back and waited in ambush... A few hours later Yun be's dad was also killed. After making a few rounds back and forth when it was dark, he took all the valuable things back to his shack and buried them in a hole he dug.

He then repeated this process a few times... children, women, weak men, anyone he could beat he did so... Of course the disappearance of such characters didn't rouse any suspicion. Think about it, it's like this, if a few homeless people from your city disappeared would you care? would anyone investigate? what if their family was killed as well? would anyone care? ...

Smiling in satisfaction, he bit into a piece of meat he bought with his spoils and went to sleep. The next morning, he first went to a local slum cloth shop and bought some patched up robes. He then went outside the slums and went to another slightly better shop and bought a new set of robes. He did this a few time until he went into the inner city and went into a decent shop and bought a set of black robes. If he directly went from the slums to this shop it would've raised suspicions. Imagine a young teenager with ripped clothes going to a louis vuitton store and managing to buy clothes... It would've been suspicions, in this world such an act can potentially get you killed.

Smiling he went round the streets asked for the direction to the library...

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