
CHAPTER 24 A Doctor’s Appointment

  She was sitting next to window and watching snowfall. Her heart was still aching. “I will never leave your side” she heard his voice in her right ear and closes here eyes. She put her head at the wall. She still was wearing that necklace. Her name engraved over it. Water drops were fall down to the window. She touched the window glass it was cold. She was holding the necklace from the other hand.

  “Why you did this Easton? I have loved you,” she said in a whisper.

  She remembers their dance. She was dancing with him in the rain; happiest days of her life.

  “You owe me an explanation Easton” She said.

  “What explanation?” she heard his voice. She had gone startled and turned towards the direction where his voice came from. He was standing there.

  “Easton?” she called his name with tears in her eyes. She ran towards him and tried to hug him but she was unable to touch him his appearance was totally ghostly. She looked at him and he smiles.