
CHAPTER 10 Soft nerve

  Life was too easy back then, I, Easton, Julieta, Pato-duck and Tian. We used to be best friend. Easton and Julieta were twins, they had same IQ, in the whole school that could beat Easton was his sister Julieta.

  “This time I won with one number” she said excitedly on the other side Easton does not care at all. We were standing in the hall. A girl passed by them and Easton smiled at her. She winked at him and he left after her. Pato-duck and Tian were not in the school today, so only I and Julieta left.

  “Look Alejandro I won over Easton and instead giving treat he left” she said sadly, I felt really bad over her sadness.

  “Don’t worry Leeta, I will take you to the café and it’s my treat” I said smiling. She smiled in return.

  We went on café and spent the time together. She was a bit nervous like she wanted to say something.

  “What is it Leeta?” I asked her. “Nothing Alejandro” she said while looking away.