
Chapter1: ARRANGED

I knew that this day would come, but It seemed I was not ready. My father, king Titus had arranged a marriage between me and the prince of Marovia. He was said to be the most cruel and heartless person that had ever lived on earth.

Prince, Romero Alberto.

His name alone sent uncontrollable shivers of fear down my spine. I could not lie that I didn't have cold feet. I was immediately called out if her thoughts when my maid, Maria spoke to me.

"Mam, Which gown is you're favourite?" Maria asked holding up to two dresses. The dress Maria held on her left hand was a silk dress decorated with pearls and and silver gemstones, while the dress Maria held on her right was was a simple white satin dress with a lace in the cleavage, Wich was too revealing for her liking, so I chose the dress that Maria had held in her left arm.

Maria carefully helped me into the dress and styles my hair into a neat bun. she then brought my silver tiara out and placed it on my head carefully. I slipped on my shoes and was Maria escorted my downstairs. I kept my head held down until I reached my seat. low whispers were heard through out the crowd and looks of pity were sent my way.

I breath in a nervous breath as I returned my stare to the ground.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to wed my daughter and the prince of Marovia, this couple will bring good fortune too are two kingdoms!,let the wedding ceremony begin!".

my father spoke, the crowd immediately burst into an appluase, but it later stopped when the groom began to walk down towards me. I immediately looked down as my breathing sped up. A few seconds later, I felt a strong hand grab my chin and roughly yank it up.

I was met face to face with a pair of blue eyes. They were nothing like anything I had every seen. they were a deep blue colour. it held warmth and provision of safety. They were.... Beautiful.

I immediately blinked my green orbs to get rid of the thoughts that filled my head. we sat down and the party began. there was a lot of happiness and merriment, until it was time to say goodbye to my loved ones. my parents gathered near the carriage to say goodbye. I immediately enfulged my mom into a warm bear hug. A tear fell from my eye, I didn't want to leave the warmth of my home. Yes, my father hadn't given me much, but I still had a bit of love left in my heart for him.

my father cleared his throat causing me to pull apart from my mother. then I immediately gave him a hug Wich he slowly returned. A smile crept up to my lips.

This had been our first father and daughter moment.

we soon pulled apart abd u waved goodbye and was dragged inside the coach by my husband.

we sat quietly through the whole ride and the only thought that came to my mind was:

God, please help me


Authors note.

Hello, guys, did you like my first chapter, please if you did make sure to vote, comment and send a gift.

I'm new to web novel and to notify you, I'm not the king who likes making book covers,

see you in the next update❤️