1 Prologue

The men holding her hostage suddenly let go, causing her to lose her balance but as she began to tumble side ways, she was firmly grabbed. Her whole body went upright then turned to her left by the force of strong hands supporting her waist and back.

She could not see, as her head was blocked by a blindfold while her hands were tied during the abduction because she was wrecklessly flayying them all over the place and the men couldn't handle it.

Then, she was tugged backwards again.

"I apologize sir, we need to get this female to your grandmother." She had heard right afterwards. This was accompanied by silence.

She was then pulled forwards into an unknown direction.


With the blindfolds off and hands untied, she gave a stretch of her limbs as they were beginning to ache. Turning around, she was startled to find the architecture of the place she was withheld in to be so beautiful. She found it opulent, not the sense of contemporary but in one of a villa. Comparing to something like the palace of the Queen, this place wasn't so far off if not better.

The low lighting paired with the theme in this room overwhelmed her.

She examined her surroundings with the place when she finally caught someone walking in. She peered her gaze towards the only door and found a lady who looks as if she was in her 70s. This women was a lady of class, her elegant dressing and posture leaked it out without her having to even try.

She was walking directly to where she was standing.

"Apologies with this unjust treatment you have had to undergo with the guards. They don't know how to pick up foreigners properly". The lady announced. "Please, let's have a walk in my garden'. She gestured with her hand.

Lilliana on the other hand was wary. Who wouldn't be after being kidnapped randomly? Though the old women in front of her seemed polite so she stood up and followed right after her steps to her so called 'garden'.


After walking through many corridors, they had finally reached a back door. One made of glass where Lilliana could see the garden. The garden itself fell not too short behind the luxurious house. It was like a mini farm right outside their door consisting of a variety of plants and vegetations. But Lilliana wasn't one to be a green thumb. In fact, she hated the garden truly because it made her skin crawl. Seeing the bugs, dirt, and being outside under the bright, illuminating sun wasn't her forte.

But she resisted her irritation and walked out that door. Her curiosity growing seeing that this lady, whoever she is, had her taken from her weekly shopping out in broad daylight when she obviously seemed to be of rich status and looking content with life.

What is her exact purpose? She wondered.

Step after step, feet over feet, they had reached a sitting area located to the right where there stood a tall beach umbrella, and a bench likely placed there for people to sit and admire the view.

Watching the lady sit elegantly on one of the benches, Lilliana followed behind and took the one opposite from her. She then outstretched her right hand to Lilliana to go in for a handshake.

"I'm Ivani, I would like to formally arrange you for a marriage with my son".
