There are 7 States in this era. Ji state is the leader of the 7 States. An agreement was made among the seven states to bring reputable ladies to marry Ji Princes every 100 years. Ye Xing is the daughter of a farmer in Dan State and was chosen by the Dan King for marriage into Ji State. Yan Yue is the fourth prince of Ji State and is known as General Overload. He was considered scary for two things, he will always shed blood whenever he goes and he always wear a scary mask around. Ye Xing was asked to marry Yan Yue. Ye Xing plotted to return to her hometown but failed. Soon, her reluctance became love for the cold general. Will Ye Xing still be able to return to her hometown. Will Yan Yue requite her love??????
<p>Once upon a time, In Ancient China there is only 7 States in the world. Everything is different in each state.<br/>Xi State in the east is along the coast where trade flourishes local of generation do business where rich people are superior,it is known as the State of Wealth.<br/>They had abundant money where everywhere were decorated with gold to show their extravagant lifestyle.<br/>Dan State in the southwest is responsible for farming. Every individual in Dan State were farmer hence there is abundant food. In most states men are considered superior but in Dan State they practice monogamy where men and women are equal.<br/>Cang State in the north is responsible for their strong manpower where herdsmen lives in scattered manner.<br/>Dai State is the center of mountainous responsible for abundant mineral resources which made other state stand in awe.<br/>Ying state in the southeast women rule,the women there are shrewish and straightforward who usually have matrilocal husband.<br/>Yan state in the south has abundant rainfall where plant are evergreen and abound with flowers and fruits.<br/>Ji state is the strongest of state among the seven,where lineal descendant are more honourable and women are inferior to man. These seven states have been fighting war for years until Ji state won. A peaceful agreement that would last for century was made. Girls of right age from each state shall marry Young lords of Ji state and no violation is allowed.<br/><br/>"Mom, I don't want to get married to a stranger. Ye Xing said holding onto her mum.<br/><br/>"Don't worry, you won't get married. Her mother said patting her head.<br/><br/>"I have already been selected, how won't I get married. Ye Xing asked.<br/><br/>"Xing'er, you just have to rely on yourself, you have been selected but not yet chosen.<br/><br/>"What if I get choosen by the emperor of Ji state. What do I do?Ye Xing asked.<br/><br/>"You know there is nothing me and your father can do, we are just a mere farmer there is nothing we can do. It is the king edict and we have to obey. Her mother said, then continue, I heard Li Man,Lord Li second daughter was also choosen. <br/><br/>"Yes, that means if Li Man is selected of course I will be sent back. Ye Xing said grinning. Then I will try my best to get Li<br/>Man selected.<br/><br/>In Ji Palace<br/><br/>"Tomorrow, I will be selecting a wife for each one of you and I want you all to be present. Emperor announced <br/><br/>"Yes, Your Majesty but I heard that Yan Yue has not been home recently. Yan Jun the First Prince commented <br/><br/>"I think Fourth brother should be able to go wherever he wanted at least Father can summon him when he wanted. Yan Qi the Fifth Prince blurted in giving the First Prince a sideway glance.<br/><br/>"Brother, I didn't say anything bad why do you have to take it so hard. Yan Jun asked looking sternly at Yan Qi.<br/><br/>"Jun'er you should take care of your brothers, you can take your leave. The king said waving his hand at them.<br/><br/><br/>***<br/>"Your Highness, the man whereabout has been found, our men says that he was found at Chanqi warehouse, what should we do next? Li Fu, who is dress in a black dress holding his sword firmly announce as he await his Master response.<br/><br/>"Make a move, Yan Yue said as he stand up and take a sip of his tea. His handsome figure could be seen as his hair was thrown to the back and curvy at the front which makes him charming. His aquiline nose complemented his prominent cheekbone. Handsome is an understatement, he had a titan shoulder which spoke of strength. His casual dressing always makes him appear younger than his age. His brown eye were orb round, they shone brightly like two sapphires dipped in milky pool.<br/><br/>"His Majesty sent his eunuch here yesterday to remind you of the selection of wife tomorrow, Li Fu added <br/><br/>"I need to go out, Yan Yue said as his rather low voice could be heard, completely ignoring Li Fu's announcement, but I don't want anyone to know about my whereabout he added again while putting on his mask.<br/><br/>"Yes Your Highness. Li Fu noted then takes his leave.<br/><br/>Yan Yue opened his drawer and bought out a bracelet looking at it emotionally.<br/><br/>"I wish I could find out the truth today. Yan Yue said as he hid the bracelet in his cloth.<br/><br/>***<br/>"Xing'er hurry up don't let us be late. Ye Xing mother said as she pack her luggage.<br/><br/>"Mom, am coming, she said coming out. "Let get going, Ye Xing said as she enter the carriage.<br/><br/>At Chanqi warehouse,<br/><br/>"Where is your boss, Yan Yue asked the group of guys pointing their sword at him.<br/><br/>"What do you mean, we do business but you came here to disrupt our business. One of the man said arrogantly.<br/><br/>"I don't have business with you, Yan Yue said giving Li Fu a glance.<br/><br/>Yan Yue went upstairs of the warehouse while Li Fu took care of the men.<br/><br/>"What is Lord Qi looking for? A masked woman ask Yan Yue who was looking around the room.<br/><br/>" I think you should know the answer. Yan Yue commented arrogantly as he blurrted in.The lady didn't give a response and just smirk. <br/>In the next second the woman draw out her sword and started to fight Yan Yue. Yan Yue brought out his sword and the two started to fight intently in the next second, Yan Yue sword slash the woman arm.<br/><br/>"You.... the woman said as she held her arm in pain and fly through the window and Yan Yue followed her. Then Li Fu break into the room to look for his master he look at the window and saw his master trace then he flew out through the window to catch up with his master.<br/><br/>In the carriage,<br/><br/>"Mom, why didn't you pack more food for me. Ye Xing asked her mother as she was eating.<br/><br/>"Eat less to maintain your weight. Her mother said.<br/><br/>"I won't get chosen though why do I have to watch my weight. It would be better if I could be bloated so I can scare the princes, Ye xing said mischievously.<br/><br/>"Even though you should watch your weight as a girl and what if you are chosen. Ye Shu, Ye Xing younger brother said.<br/><br/>"You.... Ye Xing said as she pulls his ear.<br/><br/>"It's okay, Shu'er you should respect your sister. Their father said as Ye Xing and Ye Shu hump at the same time.<br/><br/>"Father, are we not there yet. Ye Xing asked her father who drove the carriage.<br/><br/>"No, that why I choose to pass a faster route so we will reach there soon.<br/><br/>Slash!!! As a sword pierce the carriage, the Ye family began to scream frantically.</p>