
18 Kidnap

What happens to your finger?” Rohan asked as he noticed teeth marks.

“Nothing…I was playing with some chicks.”

“And she bit you here instead their?” Rohan said sarcastically but I was not into his tiny little joke. All I was waiting when to set in motion the plan.

Yesterday, Amayra did the unusual thing and there was no chance that I should bar myself from taking no reprisal on her. I needed to negotiate terms with her either in a good way or in a bad way.

She was with that monster Adi who had kept her for a long time. On the other hand, Rohan was eating my brain with his arbitral questions

"Don’t you think Adi is spending too much time with this new girl?......Is she your close friend? Can you talk about me to her? Is it true you guys working in the same cabin and still do not talk? Do you think can we date? Do you think they are dating?.......

He continued twittering in my ear until I saw her coming out of Adi’s cabin and heading off somewhere. This was the opportunity that I could seize. I engaged Rohan in some files and told him to scrutinize them before I come back. He as usual politely nodded his head and send me a thumb.

I followed Amayra, she was heading outside, perhaps, for lunch, and in the meantime, I forcibly dragged her to the basement elevator without anyone noticing us.

Yes, she shouted, screamed, and questioned my behaviour, etiquette, moral conduct, and everything within that 2-3 second in the lift but I had my preventive measures done already.

“Where are you taking me?” She asked dragging my collar, my shirt, and every possible thing.

In my next step, when the elevator opened, I took a major risky step.

I shouldered lifted her and slid her into the front seat of my car which I parked right at the exit point of the basement. At that moment I didn’t pay attention to my ethics, humanity, or sympathy, or whatever………

“Sama…………………………………….th” She intensified her soft voice into a screeching , abusing me, for sure and the glass windows acted as a barrier so yes, I couldn’t hear of what she said.

“Sorry, Amayra …... I am not gentleman, you treated me badly, and now it’s my turn …....” I said locking the doors and seizing her cell phone. She began to beat the window but I paid no eye to her. She must have been in shock, I knew it. But sometimes in order to get things correct, one need to choose the tricky way.

Kidnapping Amayra was one that tricky option I preferred.

“Sir, here is her bag and laptop.” He handed over the things I needed.

“Did you say what I told you?” He nodded and left.

Actually, I hired a foreman for a small petty work, just to bring the belongings of Amayra to me. Her bag and the laptop shouldn’t be on the table and I dropped a message from Amayra’s phone to Adi …

Inbox: feeling slightly ill. I am going home.

Let, he should be out of doubt so that he should not call her. Next, I switched off her phone. Only remaining thing was to inform my dad and so I messaged him and superbly lied.

Inbox: Dad, wanna take Amayra to our farmhouse, please convince her parents and let no one in the office should know about it.

Almost all the stages I cleared before commencing the journey. My road was clear and I was all set to drive on a long journey.

“Put on the seat belt,” I said to her as I get in the car, barely looking at her.

“What is this disgusting behaviour? Open the doors.”

“Sit quietly and buckle up your seat belt…….” I said again.

“I won’t…. you are kidnapping me and you think I will sit quietly……give me my phone or else I will scream.” Said she.

“Scream if you want……neither they could see you nor they could hear,” I laughed hilariously and pointed at the windows of my car.

“Why are you doing this? What have I done? Does it suit you? Moron?”

She unlocked her chatter box and with the speed of light she laid out thousand questions in one breathe. But the only little thing I told her was to put on the seat belt.

Girls these days never listen and act like queens, as if they own the world. I had been telling her right before sitting in the car to put on the seat belt and she ignored my words just like people ignoring Climate Change.

Over-indulged in dialogue with her, a split second …….and ……a cat incidentally came in the middle of the road, …….

I momentarily put the brake and then what?

Blank, Blank Blank,

all hazy and mist……

my hand on her breast,

Blemishes on my cheeks! Oops ………that’s embarrassing ……… I was all red and wet.

Did I really do it on purpose?.................. “no” How could I? Although it was a good grab but purely my intention was to save her forehead from getting hurt.

She didn’t listen me and all of these never would happen if she had taken the help of a seat belt. “Have I not told her that?”

Mention me a century where girls have actually listen to advices? ……………….

But I could have touched a little up in the direction, I thought so. Nevertheless, it was a fraction of a second….as I put the brake in haste, her entire body came forward and it was reflex of my brain to stretch my hand to protect her.

“Do I not receive a motion of thanks coz I saved her? “Am I to blame here?”

I withdrew my hand as soon as I realized something soft over the fabric. That’s when a shock of waves ran through my veins My stomach tightened and beneath my body, I felt the rising erogenous zone. A sudden, intense, feeling of excitement often I experienced in moments of romantic connection.

Damn, she has the power to arouse me!

I started driving again and said nothing to her. Neither she told me a word.

My head was full of weird scenes and I was imagining both of us, which I never thought to imagine……………………

That was literally weird!

“Me and her on a couch, our dress on the ground, I’m hovered over her and she’s wildly kissing me.” I pondered. I couldn’t continue to say more what I did next, because it was private.

So unrealistic , HahahAhAhaHaHa……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

I had never met such a stubborn girl in my life.

“Can you please just take in the seat belt? I cannot give you the assurance of more cats in the road.” I said giggling a little.