
Chapter 35. Error or intent.

Hogwarts. It can be different, majestic and overwhelming, unapproachable and hospitable. For many wizards, it became the gateway to the world of magic, the world of wonders. For Henriette Potter, he was also a refuge from the Dursleys. Now, Dolores Umbridge was putting her own order here, and Hogwarts was becoming a danger from within. But then again, for Potter, the words "danger from within" were much deeper than for others. The enemy (with a capital letter) penetrated from inside Potter herself. He came in dreams, tormented her mind in nightmares.

Henrietta rushed to Hogwarts after Dumbledore, trying to get attention.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor Dumbledore," she shouted. But the director was in no mood to talk to the heroine.

Dumbledore's position was incomprehensible to me. Yes, by fencing off Potter, he leaves less temptation for Tom. If Anrietta does not know any plans, then she will not be able to find out them. The trouble is, Potter is a target in itself. Let Sirius and the others pretend that Voldemort's goal is prophecy. It's clear to me that the target is Potter, so it should be clear to the director too.

"The Headmaster won't talk to you now," I said to Potter, who stood alone, so lost, vulnerable.

- But why? The girl asked offendedly.

"He thinks he's protecting you this way. The less you know, the less temptation Voldemort has to get into your head.

- Climb into my head? Do you know what's happening to me? Potter almost screamed.

- I can imagine, - I winced at her violent reaction. - Speak more quietly, please.

- Tell me what is with me, what should I do? - Hot and loud "whispered", Potter.

The girl was not completely open with me, as she would have been with Dumbledore. Henrietta did not tell me about her fits of anger and her desire to hurt someone. My statement about understanding for her already sounded almost like a betrayal - he knew, but was silent. She was ready to pounce on me with a spell at the ready to get answers.

"You already know what is connected with Voldemort," I didn't try Anrietta's patience, starting to answer. - What unites you works both ways. You can see and feel what the Dark Lord sees and feels, but he can also see with your eyes. But he has a significant advantage, he is much more experienced than you in the arts of magic. You can't even separate his desires from yours. How strong can his influence be on you?

- What should I do? Potter looked around in fright.

"I'll give you a book on Occlumency," I suggested. - In one day you will not learn how to protect your mind, but it will still be useful to you in life.

But I need protection now, "the girl began to shout again.

"Calm down," I lowered my voice, trying to convey my mood. - The director will certainly do something. But ordinary anti-Legilimency artifacts provide no protection and are only called upon to warn of an attempt at superficial reading. Be strong, Potter!

I didn't leave this moment so simply. Having asked the director for tea, he told the old man about the problem that arose with our heroine. Dumbledore promised to think about what to do about it. For my part, I suggested that the director replace Potter with an avatar, which would immediately increase the girl's protection. Albus, after a little thought, told him to wait.

In the "Prophet", notes about the disappearance of magicians began to appear. While they were still rare, Dumbledore, calling me to his meeting, said that the last time it all started the same way.

- He began to act, - said the director, - we need to be prepared that he will soon go on the attack.

Only the confidants were present: Snape, McGonagall and myself. If Hagrid was at Hogwarts now, then perhaps he was also present at this conversation. The meeting, in fact, carried the only purpose of this message - to be ready.

In addition to this message, the director asked me to hide Sybil Trelawney, if necessary. The situation developed in such a way that he could no longer guarantee that security. After thinking a little, just for the sake of significance, he agreed to shelter the soothsayer in case of need.

The only suitable hiding place was, again, my forest home. What I did as Meghan's keeper was not a mistake. I myself was not afraid of need and marching conditions; if necessary, I could escape across the English Channel. Another thing is Megan, who has relatives and who is not as mobile and unpretentious as I am. First of all, my concern was about her.

Finally, I managed to approach the director with a question about buying a house. The cost of the house was set by the ministry and amounted to ten thousand galleons. A familiar figure. The director sold the little house without question. We made a standard contract and I went to the kitchen to pick the lucky one.

The elder of the housekeepers of the Hogwarts community was not eager to give away his best workers, and he had few real generalists who could be put on any job. Let any housekeeper be happy to go to the wizard's servant, but the final word is for the elder.

I was asked to choose from five options. The first option is Dobby, a former Malfoy housekeeper who is loyal to Henrietta Potter. The second option is Winky, the former housewife of Crouch. All the Crouches she served have died, so she can be considered completely free from her previous obligations. The other three options are Nodi, Rollie and Cody, young, untrained housekeepers.

There seem to be many options, but the choice is scarce. Having estimated the pros and cons, I chose Winky. A trained, not yet old housewife who doesn't screw up in a black way, it will be easier for me with her than with the young.

Although the standard agreement in the form of an oath was considered bilateral, in fact the master did not owe anything to the housekeeper. The naturally dissipated magic by the wizard was the only obligatory means of payment, everything else was at the discretion of the magician. No, of course, I was not going to starve the housekeeper and carry out preventive punishments, but the established traditions of the housekeepers themselves were quite cruel and uncompromising.The proposal to make yourself clothes to look decent, led Winky into a state of hysterics.

- What have I done? She asked, crying.

The magician just took her into service and immediately gives her clothes. Does not give? But he asks to look like a free elf. It took me a lot of patience to convince Winky to use an extra piece of fabric - to wear it like a toga, and protect her arms and legs with long ribbons, tied around them like bandages. So-so protection, but at least something.

I had no faith in the housekeepers. Too much their way of thinking was different from the usual person. It was difficult to understand where and how the housekeeper would be able to break the oath or bypass it. Binding to a specific wizard did not solve all possible problems.

Having defined the housekeeper's responsibilities, he promised a lot of homework. But now I put her to watch over my room and things, to carry out orders. Set the task of evacuating Megan, in case of need, behind the Hogwarts anti-apparatus barrier. Let the barrier work for the housewife as well, but the barrier zone is less than fifty meters, which can be crossed quite quickly on foot or by running. Go beyond the barrier and use the port-key or housekeeper's abilities.

This winter, for the Christmas break, I was assigned a Transfiguration protection, so I dropped out of school life, almost not following the events, and in the meantime, Umbridge was gaining strength. She increasingly interfered with the usual way of life at Hogwarts, overwhelming students with new rules. The color of Umbridge's clothes grew brighter, as if she was poured with strength while drinking the juices from Hogwarts.

Walking along the corridor one day, making the necessary rounds like the headman of the school, he met a crying freshman of Gryffindor, who was calmed by the Weasley twins and Anrietta Potter. The freshman had the characteristic marks of the Black Bloody Umbridge feather on his arm. Approaching the freshman, he sighed in annoyance, anointed the wound with mountain ash broth, accelerating healing.

- I will try to influence this situation, - sounded as if I was making excuses. - But, I can hardly change something. Even the director and deans are forced to endure Umbridge's antics. It was true, only Pomona Sprout dared to show Umbridge everything she thought about her inspections. By inviting her to the greenhouses for a lesson and almost feeding her to a giant sundew. Then she asked not to go arm in arm in her lessons.

Positioning the students in a way that forced Umbridge to move closer and closer to the sundew, Madame Sprout taught the freshmen about safety.

"The giant sundew in rare cases can be dangerous even for humans," Pomona said. - If a person is stupid enough to come into contact with the glandular hairs, then the plant will release special enzymes and move all the nearest moving hairs, increasing the contact area.

At this time, Umbridge just climbed into the sundew with one hand, but did not notice it yet, because the sleeve did not have time to soak in the juice. The students, unlike the teacher and Umbridge herself, saw the whole situation and tried to warn Pomona: "Professor-professor-professor," they said. But Sprout asked not to interrupt, and they watched with fear. Umbridge herself began to lose touch with reality.

"The enzymes secreted by the sundew are used for several sedative potions, for pain relief and for local anesthesia," Sprout said. - At the initial moment of time, the sundew to calm the victim releases enzymes that paralyze the victim. They cause mild paralysis and a feeling of euphoria, so that the victim not only loses the ability to escape, but also does not particularly want it.

Umbridge smiled more and more, gradually getting stuck in the hairs of the sundew more and more.

"Gradually the composition of the enzymes changes," Pomona continued. - Now the plant begins to secrete digestive juices. Also, antennae now begin not only to secrete enzymes, but also to suck juices, trying to attract prey to themselves. At this point, the victim will begin to feel a burning sensation, despite the partial paralysis.

Umbridge began to show signs of anxiety - twitching and making indistinct sounds.

- But at this moment, a stupid person who has fallen into a sundew will no longer be able to call for help or independently escape from the deadly embrace of the sundew.

"P-p-professor," one of the students tried again to draw Sprout's attention to the problem.

"If someone gets caught in the flagella by the sundew," Sprout continued, smiling and seemingly oblivious to the situation, "then you should use the immobilus spell to free the fool. A very useful spell, it has a paralyzing effect and even temporarily disables the Muggle alarm system without breaking it.

With the last words, Sprout turned to Umbridge and used the named spell, after which she tore Umbridge from the embrace of the plant.

"You should also know that the sundew is afraid of the cold and, when cooled, folds its antennae, releasing its prey," Sprout said calmly. - Perhaps using the cold is even more correct, so the victim will suffer less during the rescue. Now, I need to escort Miss Umbridge to the hospital wing, "Pomona told the children. "I ask you to wait for me outside the greenhouse. As you can see, there can be many dangers here. Leaving you unattended would be wrong.

This whole story went around Hogwarts for a couple of weeks, overgrown with details. After Sprout's lesson, Umbridge inspected the medical wing and did not go to Sprout with her questions again. However, there were no questions about the hospital wing of Hogwarts.

Mister Black? Dolores greeted me with a smile.

- Miss Umbridge, - slightly bowing his head, answered in the same format.

- What brings you to me? - a sugary smile never left her face.

- I learned that you are still using the Black Pen for educational purposes, - brought the essence of his arrival as calmly as possible. - I recently met a freshman from Gryffindor with characteristic marks on his arm. I don't think Professor McGonagall gave permission for such methods to be applied to her students.

"It has nothing to do with you, Mr. Black," Umbridge replied. - As the head of the school, you must keep order, first of all, by supervising the work of the head of the faculties. The educational process and the actions of professors are outside your competence.

Umbridge was right about that. The question with which I came to her did not concern me. This question should have been raised by McGonagall, since it concerns a student of her faculty, but not me. However, it was impossible to leave just like that, it was necessary to issue a portion of threats under the guise of a warning.

"You're going overboard, Miss Umbridge," I said relaxedly, persistently continuing to refer to her as "Miss," refusing to call her a professor like all the other Hogwarts professors. I was never asked to sit down, but I felt quite free, which I demonstrated as I walked around the office and examined the interior. - Freshmen - they are still children. It is enough to make a stern look and raise your voice to embarrass the freshman, to make him feel guilty even without guilt. A slight hint of a threat is enough in most cases to bring a child to tears so that he or she apologizes. Every Hogwarts professor knows this truth and skillfully measures this effect, so physical punishment at Hogwarts has not been used for many years. So my question is: what was so terrible that a freshman could have done that required the use of the Bloody Feather?

- I repeat, Mr. Black, - the smile became like a grin, literally for a second, having lost its sweetness, - this is none of your business. Please leave my office.

Did Dumbledore know about what was happening at Hogwarts? Yes, I knew. He summoned me the next day after my conversation with Umbridge and began to inform me of "party policy."

"Please, Arrakis, do not interfere," he said. "The Ministry put Umbridge over the school. Now all these atrocities that she is doing are drowning the minister and his supporters. I don't think anyone would vote for Fudge now, after Henrietta's case. But the minister still retains many levers of control, and it will not be possible to remove him from office now. It is a pity that we are wasting time, but there is nothing to be done.

Dumbledore spoke calmly, but I still got the feeling that he was making excuses.

"Believe me, time will put everything in its place," Albus rubbed me in the tone of a wise old man. - Now you need to be patient.

Dumbledore's Squad began their activities at Hogwarts. Well, yes, while the old man told me to sit still, Anrietta and the other students organized themselves into a DADA self-study group. Using my special knowledge, I attended their classes in the Room of Help, which caused a little commotion.

- Arrakis, - Anrietta was surprised to see me.

"Black," Granger greeted me somehow aggressively.

- How did you get in? Ron asked bluntly and bluntly.

"Your conspiracy is at the level of schoolchildren," I explained, frowning. - You are already being followed. Argus Filch, Malfoy and his hangers-on, Miles Bletchley and a few other Slytherins sang along with Umbridge. Already now, just at your third meeting, only the features of the Help-room protect you from disclosure.

"You never said how you got here," Ron pressed on his.

- I just had to wish the same as you, - I explained as clearly as I could. - I wanted to find a convenient place for training and practicing spells, and the mechanical death eater is, in general, my creation. I made it a year ago with Fleur.

"You won't betray us," Potter said with a vague tone. In her words, there were equally requests, questions and even orders.

"I won't give it up," I agreed. "I don't like what Umbridge is happy with at Hogwarts. She is currently using the Bloody Feather on freshmen. Tomorrow she will start using veritaserum, and the day after tomorrow it will come to the Cruciatus. Therefore, I will put some protection in front of the entrance to the Room of Help. You will know from the inside if someone outside is too close to the entrance. Before leaving, you will need to stand a little in front of the door, then those outside will fall asleep.

Help? Helped! Well, that's enough for now.

Potter continued to suffer from nightmares, and one day she ran to Dumbledore with important information about the attack on Arthur Weasley. The director this time did not dismiss the heroine and sent people quickly to clarify the circumstances. The elder Weasley was saved, and with Henrietta they began to teach occlumency lessons according to the express method of Severus Snape, or according to the "Brazilian system" - as anyone can understand.

Information about the attack on the Weasleys and the beginning of training reached me through Potter herself, who complained to me of a headache. I will not say that Snape's method is useless, this method is quite applicable when you need to pump "mental muscles", but such training does not give any understanding of the processes occurring in the mind. With a rough intrusion, she will be to some extent ready and will be able to seize the initiative, but this method of training will not give flexibility of mind or improve memory, will not allow learning to look for other people's bookmarks and a soft influence on thoughts. Only strength against strength.

I gave Henriette my entire supply of anti-hangover and tonic potions and promised to brew more. He advised to use potions, alternating, once, then one, then another. He warned that anti-hangover has, among other things, a cleaning property that binds the user to the toilet.


In addition to all these school little things, which I sometimes forgot to follow, I had my own unresolved affairs. I needed contact with a good law firm, preferably one operating in both worlds. The point is that the coming war offers many opportunities. It would be a shame not to take advantage of the situation. Not that I wanted to cash in on this whole lot, but yes. Memories of the likely future, when the Weasley twins were able to buy a decent building in Diagon Alley for a thousand galleons and start their own business, awakened my greed by itself. You will need to catch the moment when property prices fall.

I tried not to think about possible competitors, since Fred and George succeeded, then I can do something. People like Malfoy will not buy anything, hoping to get everything for free, by right of the strong.

I started looking for lawyers with goblins, for which I went to Gringotts.

"Gringotts Bank provides intermediary services," the goblin clerk said, "but does not release customer information from either side of the transaction.

I had to persuade the goblin for a long time. Often his words did not sound so unambiguous, more often he answered in a way that sounded neither yes nor no. It was all about the money. If the agreement did not provide for the preservation of confidentiality separately, then the goblies could well provide information about the client. The price was such that I decided to look elsewhere for information.

My deal went through all the bureaucratic levels of the Ministry of Magic, so I decided that I needed to look for the right lawyers in the ministry. Walking around the offices took a long time, most often I just had to wait for the right person, but for the money it cost me only seventy-five Galleons to stimulate my memory.

The Barkley & Sons office provided a fairly wide range of services. Notary services and defense in court, lawsuits and change of ownership, and much more - they did everything. Their main activity was carried out in the UK, but they also had connections on the mainland. Barkley was from the famous Scottish clan of the same name and all the affairs in the Muggle world that the office conducted were tied to the clan. The office was rarely engaged in other people's affairs, of some outsider. Barkley was in no hurry to conquer the legal services market, preferring to remain in the shadows, occupying his own niche, so it was not easy to persuade him. However, Blackie is a chance. And I was planning a fairly large-scale business by the standards of the wizarding world. Had to promise a share of the business to get Barkley's loyalty.


The Transfiguration Mastery defense took place during the Christmas holidays. I must say that this was my hardest defense. Yes, Dumbledore wrote a laudatory review, and Minerva McGonagall was on the committee, but no one gave me any discounts.

Of the members of the commission, I personally knew only McGonagall, the rest were familiar to me from Dumbledore's memory. Surprisingly, there were even fewer Transfigurators than Potions.

At first I was driven by a theory that was not holistic and unified. Like all the rest of the theory of magic, transfiguration was divided into two wings, except for the completely delusional theories. The first wing is strict formulas with clear results of transformations, like from a match to a needle. The second wing is a volitional effort with the application of a large amount of magical powers. It was impossible to answer many of the additional questions unequivocally. The theoretical questions ended, and the examiners moved on to practical tasks, starting with the school curriculum of the first year. I ended this part of the exam with a demonstration of my Animagus form.

Finally, after all this long introduction, we moved on to the topic of my work. I read the report for about fifteen minutes, and questions started pouring in. And after the questions - a demonstration in practice. There was no need to summon hellfire - for safety reasons, but played a lot with ordinary fire.

The demonstration started with a simple action. I put a candle on the table and lit it. Then, holding the stick to the fire, he tore the flame from the wick, forcing the flame to hang in the air. The fire moved a little, then removing, then bringing it closer to the stick.

Hearing a chuckle from someone from the commission, he looked up. It was interesting to see who this ardent skeptic was. It was not possible to understand who chuckled - all the members of the commission were equally serious and attentive.

The exam exhausted me even before the final demonstration, and now I was wasting my last strength. Transfiguration, in general, is very expensive in terms of the expenditure of magical powers, a weak power will not be enough for long demonstrations, for a couple of minutes at most, but I still had internal reserves for a spectacular fire show.

The light, obeying my will, turned into a butterfly and slowly, dropping sparks from its wings, flew across the audience, attracting the attention of the examiners. The commission did not see where the fiery bird quickly fluttered from. With one jerk, the bird flew up to the butterfly and pecked at it. The examiners looked around and saw several more similar birds circling around me.

The birds argued with each other, played catch-up and just fought. Several birds at once grappled in a deadly fight, entwining into a ball, from which a larger bird with a long tail appeared, which began to chase small ones. But other birds have grown too, equal in size and appearance to their aggressive companion. The birds flew around the room a little, until they collided all together a couple of meters in front of me, forming a ball of fire, which began to shrink, turning into an egg. The egg was not fiery. In appearance, it was an ordinary egg. In a moment, the shell cracked, and a fire dragon hatched out of it. Fiery is in the sense that it consisted entirely of fire.

At the end of the demonstration of power began to end. I had serious concerns that I would not be able to finish the show, because the most difficult thing was at the very end.

The dragon flew around the audience and, dropping in front of me, exhaled fire, which flowed around me without causing harm. The dragon began to grow in size and change shape, turning into a horse. The horse began to change, changing its essence from fiery to outwardly ordinary. This was one of the most difficult details of the demonstration - to show that the horse is not illusory, but completely material, solid. I scrambled onto my horse, although my knees were already shaking. Suddenly, the horse flashed right below me, causing groans from the commission. The fire flowed around me, forming a hemisphere on top, and then fell to the ground, turning into water, which began to slowly evaporate.

McGonagall was the first to clap her hands. They began to praise me, pat me on the shoulder and shake my hand. I myself smiled, although blood was pounding in my ears and "white flies" flashed before my eyes. Only after accepting the first congratulations, I seized the moment to drink a mana potion, hoping to recover sooner. The commission went to discussion, although it was already clear that I had passed the exam.

After the official result was announced, I had to re-accept congratulations from all members of the commission. At that moment I felt a little better, so I did not faint. So I became a master, the greenest master in all known history.


After the holidays, or even during the holidays, there was some kind of story with Potter, it seems like their circle for preparation for the DADA was opened. What changed is that Dumbledore disappeared from the school. I received no congratulations from my teacher. Umbridge was appointed director, who began to demand all kinds of heresy. To attempts to put pressure on me, I answered simply:

"You have nothing to pressure me with Miss Umbridge.

- And what about your ward? Dolores asked, referring to Megan.

- I have some acquaintances in Beauxbatons, so after studying French for one month while sitting on potions of memory, Murphy will simply move to Beauqueton.

There was nothing to cover Umbridge with.

Umbridge never touched me any more, but Sybil Trelawney, who was left without protection, was kicked out of Hogwarts. According to the old agreement with the director, I gave shelter to our prophet. It was a little uncomfortable to involve Megan in order to lead Sibylla under the fidelius, but nothing - they got it right.

"There is food in the house that will last a couple of years," I told Trelawney's routine. - There is little alcohol, but full of various cereals and sugar. If there is a desire, then you can do applied alchemy, putting a brew on yeast.

"I'm very embarrassed that I'm embarrassing you so much," Trelawney said.

- It's okay, - I soothed the drinker. - The director asked me about it. The prophecy that you said creates a certain interest in you in Voldemort. Now, finding yourself without reliable protection or shelter can be fatal for you.

"I don't remember that prophecy," Sybil said. "This is often the case with prophecies. The prophet falls into a special state in which visions are found on him. He says he sees, but when the visions pass, he forgets everything, like a dream.

"Dumbledore believes you," I nodded, "but Voldemort may have his reasons. Perhaps he will not be so gullible and will use Veritaserum to make sure you are true. However, I heard that the Dark Lord is very fond of using unforgivable spells, especially here the cruciatus will come into play.

Sibylla lowered her head, realizing that I was right.

- I ordered my little house Winky, - I continued to place Trelawney, - she will prepare a room for you and stay at home - to keep order. You can call her on small errands, she has already given the appropriate order.

"Thank you, Arrakis," Trelawney said in a warm and meaningful way, smiling sadly.

"Since this is the case," I said, thinking, "maybe you'll tell me why you have been supporting the masquerade for many years, why dry your hair to the state of tow, wear these thick-rimmed glasses, why spoil your skin with acne?

- Is it so noticeable? Trelawney was confused. From her voice, the nasty squeakiness disappeared, her movements became confident and dexterous, as if she had not drunk every day in all the years that she spent at Hogwarts.

"For Dumbledore, with his experience, it's immediately obvious.

"These are all prophets' troubles," Sibylla sighed. - Even if there was no Dark Lord, it is undesirable for me to get under the supervision of the Department of Mysteries. As long as I am considered a charlatan, and while I am sitting at Hogwarts, I am not touched, I can live relatively calmly, even occasionally go out into the world of Muggles, falling out of the image of an ugly drinker.

Sibylla began to speak in a languid voice. Her movements have acquired smoothness and accuracy. In general, the conversation somehow changed, it seemed to me that now they would seduce me. Not that I was categorically against it, but at the moment it embarrassed me and even scared me, so I quickly curtailed the conversation and hurried away. Before leaving, I heard Sibylla laugh. If she can actually predict events, then she could deliberately cause me to flee.

It will be necessary to think about how to get Sibylla out of the blow. Drain the text of this prophecy to the Dark Lord or send the prophetess away from Britain. Otherwise, when Dumbledore dies, Trelawney will have no chance of avoiding an unpleasant acquaintance.

In the prophet, two more announcements of the disappearance of magicians appeared in a couple of months. Here nothing could be blamed on the "terrible escaped wizard", Sirius Black, so they wrote all sorts of nonsense about conducting searches, attacks by werewolves and vampires, about dismantling criminals.

As soon as the snow began to melt, Hagrid returned to Hogwarts. He returned to be fired. Umbridge rode up to him almost immediately and interrogated him. Hagrid said nothing to her. Even surprisingly, the half-giant, as it turned out, knows how to keep secrets. As far as I know, Hagrid maintained contact with Dumbledore through Aberforth. He was able to report his negotiations to his superiors.

Having seized all the power at Hogwarts, Umbridge did not calm down. She organized patrols at the school of relatively loyal Slytherins. They did not do anything terrible, the only significant violation of the new rules in the school was Dumbledore's squad, but after his exposure, only minor violations of a single nature remained.

Taking advantage of the lull, he wrote letters to Carlos and Fleur. I asked Carlos to come as soon as possible, and Fleur was only describing the events taking place, expressing the opinion that it would be better for her to wait out all the dangers.

With the disappearance of the Headmaster from Hogwarts, Snape did not abandon his Occlumency classes with Potter, on the contrary, he increased their intensity. One might think that he was actually preoccupied with the problem and is keen to train Henrietta as soon as possible. But there was another version of the explanation for this attitude of Snape - he just liked watching Potter's memories and making caustic comments.

I was aware of the increased intensity of occlumency classes due to increased headaches for Anrietta. Potter came to me with her complaints.

- Arrakis, - she turned to me, - can you give me more of your potions for a headache?

Potter looked tortured. Of course, I gave her the potions she needed. Snape made Potter, in some ways, more vulnerable. Physical health and wellness can greatly affect the ability to resist mental intrusion. Simple uncertainty also weakens the defense. Snape himself didn't care about Potter's early recovery, so I had to brew potions for the girl.

You can say a lot about Snape, that he has a difficult and tragic fate, that at heart he is very noble, that he fell into the network of the intriguer Dumbledore. But my opinion about Snape was simple, he got a lot of what he wanted, what he deserved. Let, in a past life and in another world, many young girls were in love with the image of Snape, with this gloomy and mysterious style, with this witty and caustic character, in reality, no one likes such "Snape". When you look at everything from the outside, you can allow yourself to think distantly or try on Snape's feelings. But in real life, no one will have the time and inclination to mess with people like Snape. Especially young girls will not have this desire to overcome all the complexes of the stinging potion maker, to endure his barbs and ridicule. In this situation, you can run into direct rudeness, this happens if you start to climb into someone's soul.

Who is ready for humiliation? For a "good deed", you have to pay. There are no such? They will look, regret it quietly and move on.

What can we say about Snape, if some in Filch managed to see a decent personality. This is where it is impossible to see the hero, how not to look closely. Now Filch has shown himself in all his glory. If earlier he fawned at the director, then with the advent of Umbridge became her loyal follower. Filch is a man with an incredible sense of seniority. He, like a compass, navigated the new pole of power at Hogwarts, without any doubts or inconveniences. Whoever says anything, Filch is not a person. In some fics, he was considered a special form of undead - a very accurate comparison-description. This character looks more like a mechanism than a living person. He has some kind of human feelings only for his cat.

Is there anyone who wants to help Filch? Well, what is also a tragic fate, hehe.

Snape's lessons for Potter were suddenly over. It's just that Henriette stopped running to me for potions, and I asked her about such changes. It turned out that at one of the classes, the Gryffindor was able to get angry and seize the initiative from Snape. The Great Occlusion Severus could not hold back his memories and showed Potter how her dad was making fun of him.

"I didn't know my father was so unfair to Snape," Potter said.

- Oh-oh-oh-oh, - I chuckled. - You still take the blame for your father. Considering that Snape himself was bullying you for old grudges with your father, such a twist would come in handy.

"Come on," Potter said, a little angry.

Be that as it may, but Potter's lessons with Snape are over.

In general, it was with Henrietta that I had the best relationship of the entire golden trio. Granger had a strong mistrust of me, and Ron was at times just afraid. Potter, on the other hand, treated me like an older friend. It's clear that she didn't run to me with female problems, but there was a lot that was embarrassing to talk to Dumbledore or even Sirius because of her age. It was then that I emerged, experienced, intelligent and responsive, and quite close in age - you can talk about almost any topic.

Umbridge continued to punish students and introduce new rules. Most of the punishments fell on the first courses. What can I say, they are still very small and many have no concept of discipline.

The increased moral pressure was defused by the Weasley twins with a fire show at Hogwarts. They just decided to leave school and slam the door when they left. Fiery birds, explosions of firecrackers, sparks in all directions - this defused the situation a little, but literally for a couple of days.

What did I do? Do what the director asked - let Umbridge get bogged down deeper. She had already used up the entire supply of veritaserum and was already ready to switch to cruciatuses, but, unfortunately, the denouement came earlier. Potter ran into the Ministry with the company. At that moment, I tried not to shine, so that I would not be hooked into this friendly company.

On my part, it was cynical, mean and cowardly to leave the situation to its own accord. The real hero had to try to save Sirius. The thing is that Sirius blocks the "sun" for me, does not let me "pass." It's useless to negotiate with my father, he just doesn't take me seriously. But if everything were so simple, and rationality always stood at the head, then this moment would not be worth mentioning. The fact of the matter is that my conscience gnawed inside me, and the complex of the hero-hitman appealed to accomplishments.

My mental anguish was interrupted by an order from Dumbledore, who flew in with a Patronus in the form of a phoenix.

- Arrakis, - the director's voice sounded, - Henrietta is in trouble, you should hurry to help her, to the ministry. I have already summoned all the forces of our order there. Hurry up!

I had no choice left, and therefore there was no need to fight with my conscience. The way the Death Eaters moved in the form of black smoke was known to many. In fact, this is a slightly modified old type of apparatus. The changes made give more control over movement, allow you to go deeper into movement or return to physical form at any time, but with the vulnerability, almost nothing has changed. The Phoenixes have one more special modification added to change the color of the smoke.

Arriving at the ministry, he immediately hacked into a general dump. My appearance did not really change anything, the Phoenixists were pushing the devourers on all fronts even without me. I fought my battle with the devourers, not concentrating on one one, now I will help, now there. The fever of battle made my inner darkness stir. Not that she was addressing me, rather the opposite. There were no promises of strength and power, but in the battle I felt them. The darkness beckoned to itself. This is not a cheap drug, in fact, where the first dose is free - just try, no, everything goes for free - take it. It's very hard to resist being limited to a probe.

Eaters, no matter how scumbags they were, nevertheless, were in no hurry to use the unforgivable. Dark curses that impede subsequent healing, the usual spells of the school course and bombards that showered opponents with fragments of stone knocked out of the walls were what they used. Therefore, the words "avada kedavra" sounded like a bolt from the blue.

One of the saddest moments in the film, I saw it in this reality. Sirius, receiving a green flash of avada, falls into the arch of death. Laughing Bellatrix Lestrange, pursued by Henrietta, tries to hide. At that moment, I had neither anger nor a sense of loss, I was busy fighting the scattering eaters.

When I entered the atrium with the whole company, I found the final scene. Voldemort tried to control the girl through his connection with the heroine.

"The main thing is not how you are alike," Dumbledore said. "The main thing is how you differ.

Dumbledore's words helped the girl resist Voldemort's mental influences. She pulled herself together and pushed in a pretentious speech about friendship and love, breaking the spell of the Dark Lord.

As ordered, the fires of the displacement network flashed, releasing the Minister of Magic with his numerous retinue and other employees of the Ministry into the atrium. If Fudge was alone, he could write off what he saw as hallucinations, but many people witnessed the appearance of the Dark Lord.

"He's back," was all the fucking Fudge said.

Dumbledore was immediately reinstated. Umbridge has launched an investigation into abuse of office and abuse of power. But unexpectedly Fudge, this political corpse, was able to pretty much spoil the director's plans, taking all the blame for Umbridge's actions on himself. Someone, apparently, suggested this move to him. As a result, Umbridge suffered practically no punishment, other than what the centaurs did to her. I don't want to know what they did to her, hehe.

As a result of the investigation into the Umbridge case, Dumbledore realized that he had made a mistake. At one time, one should have taken a more active position in relation to the affairs taking place at Hogwarts, then Fudge could not have prolonged the situation so much, and then dissuaded himself with general phrases. But even here you can't do anything.

Rufus Scrimgeour became the new minister of magic. The option is clearly better than Fudge, but not strong enough. Yes, he began to take action, but the moment was missed, now the completely correct actions to contain the Dark Lord were too late. Rufus should have assembled his forceful team of loyal supporters, and not simply rely on the administrative resources of his position. If he had more time, he would certainly have come to the right idea, and maybe even team up with Dumbledore, but what is not, that is not.

I passed the exams at Hogwarts perfectly well, except for the history of magic. There was simply no need to argue with the ministerial commission. Well, but what, through the memory of my ancestors, I was a "witness" of many events, so modern interpretations irritated me greatly. And the commission was annoyed by my knowledge.

I tried not to think about the death of my father and the missed opportunities to change something. Now I had to take the lineage.

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