
Army of the dead

divine_adomi · Fantasy
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34 Chs

CHAPTER 16 : Maudsift classes 1

 The clattering of weapons were loud , Lily finally understood the meaning of Maudsift , It meant female royal army . All the women of royal blood and noble birth were here, Lily hated the fact that lady Zia was here too and from the looks of it , she was friendly with Doric, Rian's sister. Lily did not find anything disturbing apart from the clothes they wore. The trousers and the long sleeved turtle neck shirt they wore were tight fitted, there were golden metals on the knee and elbows. At the chest region, there was the crest of Ashty. The reason Lily hated the clothes was that it made some princesses look ridiculously thin , it only accentuated the figure of the likes of Lady Amstrid , the king's sister, Princess Karina, Rufus's wife, princess Gwinn, Royce's sister , princess Doric and of course Lady Zia . It also accentuated the figures of four other ladies that the she was not familiar with . Lily also was not looking bad in the uniform. Among other ladies present, she knew she the uniform brought out her shape the best. 

 " Okay ladies, gather round " lady Amstrid clapped to get their attention " welcome to today's class . Today we are going to be having archery classes. So pick up your arrows and bows and move "

 The command was firm ,the ladies had no other choice than to oblige. One by one, they picked up arrows and bows and strutted to the field. 

 " Run " lady Amstrid commanded and they all ran towards the archery field. By the time they got there, they were breathing heavily. 

 " Anyone tired ? Fatigued? If so, get out of this class " lady Amstrid said looking at the ladies " In your respective homes ,you may be a lady, royalty but here " she paused "...none of that really matters. Again, go back to the castle and run to the field . Move it, go " 

 After running for the third time, the ladies were tired, they were sweating profusely . 

 " The purpose for the race is to see if you can have stamina when aiming. See the board over there, you have five attempts to hit the bull's eye, if you don't, consider yourselves out . Understood? "

 " Yes lady " they chorused 

 " Louder " lady Amstrid shouted 

 " Yes lady " they chorused and lady Amstrid went to sit under the shade, the ladies were out under the scorching sun. Lily could not even see properly, if this continues, she might as well drop out of the class . 

 " You've probably never done things like this before huh? " Lily heard someone beside her say, she turned only to see princess Elma 

 " No I haven't " Lily was already irritated , she did not like anything about prince Royce and here his wife was taunting her

 " I expected it, considering the fact that you fainted on your wedding day. Here's how a pro does it " Elma said and aimed towards the round wooden structure, she was just two steps away from hitting the bull's eye. The distance was much and what she achieved was amazing " Now, you try" Elma coaxed 

 " I will do it, it may be my first time but I trust myself " Lily boasted, but on the inside she was scared 

 " Trust is earned, you haven't done anything so far for people to trust you or for you to trust yourself. Shoot it " princess Elma said and looked at the round spiral structure 

 Lily reached for her arrow and bow, she could not even position it properly, and she was glad that princess Elma was not looking in her direction. 

 " Please, please, please " she muttered softly, closed her eyes and tried to imitiate what princess Elma had done before. Lily did not notice it but, her hair was turning white and by the time she opened her eyes, they were the faintest shade of blue. She released the arrow and the wind suddenly changed directions .


 And the arrow landed directly on the bull's eye . Princess Elma's mouth flew open and her eyes wide with surprise 

 " Mark " one of lady Amstrid's assistant shouted and raised a red flag. " Who made a mark do soon? " lady Amstrid commented and got up to check . When she saw the arrow securely lying on the bull's eye she said " princess Lily well done, let's proceed to stage two " and she smiled wildly. 

 For the rest of the day, Lily spent time with lady Amstrid, she was given special training. Lady Amstrid was strong and she overpowered Lily without stress. Lily was also surprised, sue never knew that she could shoot perfectly, she had never even tried but yet she has done it and at her first attempt .

 " Sleep well, ladies for tomorrow, we shall practice with two arrows in one bow "

 " How is that possible? " princess Gwinn asked dumbfounded 

 " We would find out. Tomorrow's training intensifies. Prepare for it "

 Hello dear readers, how are you all doing?, I trust you're fine 

 Please don't forget to vote, comment and of course give some power stones 🙏🙏

 Your humble author, Lily