
chapter 2 page 1

One week goes by and Big Red had run across destroyed village after destroyed the alien invaders.

He ponders, "Why have I been forced into this body that I never asked for? Where have these bots come from and why are they destroying us? What have we done to deserve this?"

Big Red was starting to drown in his pool of self-pity and regret. He was walking in a town and he started to lose his cool. His tears fail to fall out of mechanical eyes and he is in his own private hellhole.


More than thirty hours go by and the robot boy is still lost within himself within something strange happens. He has a vision of his world, Bascarver burning clearly from space. He hears the screams of countless people that rattle Big Red to his very soul. Anger starts to swell up within him

and he clinches his fist so tightly that his hand joints start to grind. He screams with a bellow that drowns out of the screams.

Now he was back, in reality, standing in what was left of a house.

"System where is the nearest city with those metal rats located at? I have got to destroy them."

"Big Red, there are three hundred miles away to the southwest invading the fleshly ones. Why are you wanting to destroy fellow comrades again? It's against the SOP (standard operating procedure) for all androids."

Big Red spoke, "Screw the SOP!"

He rushes away towards the city while following the system's GPS at eighty miles an hour.


Big Red enters the city limit of the seventy- thousand and dwindling city.

He speaks," System, where are the nearest robots?"

"Three miles to the west as shown on your GPS screen."

A path was now appearing before him.