What Started It All?


What seemed like a quick memory flash rolled over as a dream which created a scene that spun up the chapter.

The little boy ran to his mother rolling her body against the floor but, she...she was dead. Fifteen years ago, this was an action committed by Puppet Lord, an elder of Arkaylia.

Light Fades.

A grown masculine figure was seen laying still on a bed. The room which was occupied by the unknown person was in no state of mind modest. 

The curtains although were still fixed and as it seemed, did well to block away the harsh morning rays of sunlight.

The figure, contradictorily, was troubled in his subconscious. The scene changed to what seemed like a view of what the figure saw in his mind. What felt like a dream, or a vision. 

It was like a court. An organized meeting including what seemed to be a high hierarchy of power of a given land.

A man, endowed with rich luminous ornaments walked up to the pulpit of the court to address those who arrived, or rather those who were present. A few faces and body statues were recognisable, ranging with the couple who Puppeteer killed and also an individual with a relatable body figure as the last man who Mar shredded. These given individuals and more were seen on higher tables that were before the man speaking. They were seven in number, occupying seven chairs crowned in heavy items and ornaments.

The man before the pulpit spoke up with a light crease on his forehead. 

"The Grand Monarch Of Riverdia has ordered for the wiping and demolition of the hidden land of Mages which recently was discovered by one of the Pillars of our Court!" 

He had a paper in his hand which he read from. His head was only faced up to look at the congregation when a given sentence was to come to an end.

"Such creatures were once existing amongst us, until they were identified and casted out from our midst." "We received reports that they died in the forests and wilderness but there was more." "A whole empire exists."

He added before adjusting the micro speaker before his mouth. 

Today, under the high name of the Grand Monarch Of Riverdia, an order of elimination has been executed. The location of the witch's land will be given to all that are to battle." 

Before he concluded, he lowered his voice and gave his final words. His lips alone were seen as he uttered.

"Invade, Kill and...Conquer!" 

The congregation gave a loud applause before the light that engulfed the scene faded.

This was what the man on the bed saw in his visions. His visions indeed explained a shard of what happened before the bloodshed that is on going by Mar and The Puppeteer. 
