
Chapter 1 Return

As Idris Leviathan, son of the Duke of the Arkenia Empire, strode through the grand corridors of the palace, his presence commanded attention.

Tall and imposing, with handsome features and a mane of white hair cascading past his shoulders, he cut a striking figure. His piercing red eyes held an intensity that mirrored his determination, a reflection of his unwavering resolve.

Idris's thoughts, however, were consumed by a troubling encounter. His betrothed, Luna Celeste, the third princess of the six princesses, had been seen in the company of a commoner, her laughter ringing out in the hallowed halls of the academy.

It grated against his pride, his sense of propriety, to witness her flirtations with someone beneath her station, especially in his presence.

Arriving at Luna's chambers, Idris squared his shoulders, steeling himself for the confrontation to come. He knocked firmly on the ornate door, the sound echoing through the silent corridor. Moments later, Luna greeted him with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, her beauty as radiant as ever.

"Idris, what a pleasant surprise," Luna cooed, her voice honeyed with charm.

"Luna," Idris replied curtly, his tone betraying his unease. "We need to talk."

As they settled into the opulent confines of Luna's chamber, Idris wasted no time in broaching the delicate subject at hand. "I saw you with that commoner at the academy," he began, his gaze unwavering. "You were... rather chummy, I must say."

Luna's expression faltered for a fraction of a second before she composed herself, her eyes flashing with defiance. "Oh, that," she replied nonchalantly, though a hint of guilt lingered beneath her facade. "It was nothing, I assure you. We were just talking."

Idris's jaw clenched at her dismissive tone, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "Just talking? Luna, you are engaged to be married. You represent the royal family of Arkenia. Your actions reflect upon us all."

Luna's demeanor shifted, her eyes flashing with a fire that matched his own. "And what about it? I'm entitled to chose my own company am I not?"she retorted, her voice laced with anger.

Idris bristled at the excuses, his temper flaring. "That's beside the point," he snapped, his patience wearing thin. "I expect better from you, Luna. You are better than this."

A tense silence hung between them, thick with unspoken words and unresolved tension. But then, Luna's expression softened, a glimmer of determination shining in her eyes.

"Fine," she said, her voice steady. "If you're so concerned about my behavior, then let's settle this like adults. Under the pact of Thanatos, we shall engage in a duel of physical strength alone, without the aid of mana."

"If I win, you shall not contact Edwyn any longer, is that clear?" Idris confirmed.

"And If I win I hope you don't bother yourself with who I shall meet with from now on, as we shall divorce and you shall keep your distance from under the oath of death."Luna asked solemnly.

Idris regarded her proposal with a mixture of surprise and admiration. Despite their differences, Luna's spirit remained unbroken, her resolve unwavering.

And so, with a nod of agreement, he accepted her challenge, knowing that this duel would serve as a test of more than just physical strength.

As they stepped out into the courtyard, the air crackled with anticipation. The pact of Thanatos bound them both, prohibiting the use of mana in their duel. It would be a test of raw physical prowess, a battle of wills and determination.

Idris and Luna squared off, their eyes locked in silent defiance. And as they clashed, their blows echoing through the courtyard, they both knew that this duel would mark a turning point in their relationship.

As Idris Leviathan, son of the Duke of the Arkenia Empire, faced off against Luna Celeste, the princess, in their duel, the air crackled with tension. Luna's swift movements were like poetry in motion, her swordplay as graceful as it was deadly. Idris met her blows with equal skill, his strikes precise and calculated.

The sound of their swords clashing echoed through the courtyard, a cacophony of metal meeting metal in a dance of skill and determination. Each clash reverberated through Idris's bones, fueling his resolve to confront Luna about her intentions with Edwyn.

"Luna," he called out between parries, his voice cutting through the din of their duel. "What are your intentions with Edwyn? Are you planning on canceling our engagement?"

Luna's movements faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features before she regained her composure. "Idris, darling, you know I value our engagement," she replied smoothly, her voice laced with honeyed words. "Edwyn is just a friend. There's nothing more to it."

Idris narrowed his eyes, unconvinced by her excuses. He pressed on, his resolve unwavering. "Then why do you spend so much time with him? Why do you flirt with him in front of others?"

Luna's response was swift and unexpected. With a fluid motion, she swept her wooden sword toward him, the full force of the blow catching him off guard. Idris stumbled backward, momentarily disoriented by the unexpected attack.

As he regained his footing, Idris's gaze locked with Luna's, a mixture of frustration and admiration swirling in his red eyes. Despite their differences and the tension between them, he couldn't help but admire Luna's spirit and determination.

But beneath the surface, doubts lingered. Their engagement hung in the balance, threatened by the specter of uncertainty and mistrust. And as they resumed their duel, the clash of their swords ringing out into the night, Idris hower, didn't know that their relationship faced a crossroads, one that would shape the course of their future together.

In the heart of the courtyard, Idris Leviathan and Luna Celeste engaged in a tumultuous battle, their swords clashing with an intensity that matched the fire burning within them. Each strike was a dance of steel, a deadly exchange of blows that brought them closer to the brink of exhaustion.

Idris's skill was evident as he pressed his advantage, his swordplay honed through years of training and dedication. Luna, however, refused to yield, her determination fueling her every move as she fought to defend herself.

As the frenzied exchange of blows neared its climax, Idris saw an opening, a moment of vulnerability in Luna's defenses. With a roar of determination, he lunged forward, his sword aimed for Luna's heart.

But before his blade could find its mark, a blinding light erupted from Luna's ring. A fireball, conjured from her magic, hurtled towards Idris with terrifying speed, engulfing him in a searing inferno.

The force of the explosion sent Idris hurtling across the courtyard, his body crashing to the ground with a sickening thud. Pain seared through him as he lay sprawled on the ground, his senses reeling from the impact.

Through the haze of agony, Idris struggled to make sense of what had just transpired. The acrid smell of burnt flesh filled his nostrils, and he could feel the heat radiating from his charred skin.

As he struggled to push himself to his feet, Idris felt a surge of anger and betrayal welling up inside him. How could Luna, his betrothed, unleash such a devastating attack against him?

With gritted teeth and a steely resolve, Idris forced himself to rise, his sword still clutched tightly in his hand. Though battered and bruised, he refused to let this setback bother him.

He rushed forward, but a sudden strike to his kidneys ended up going and tearing his mana organ, abolishing his mana once and for all.

Idris groaned in agony, Once a mana organ is broken it is almost impossible to recover it and even if that is done it is near impossible to grow stronger or have more mana than your previous mana organ could contain in the first place.

What was her intention? Did she hate him soo much that she directly abolished him? Or was it all for that bastard Edwyn?

"I'm sorry that I have done this to you but this is the only way through which I can escape this marriage without any consequences. I just wanted to be a normal girl but I was whisked into politics."She sobbed, but soon continued.

" Edwyn understood that and is my precious friend. I hope you understand that I love him and anull the engagement and betrothal, you will be compensated by my father so don't worry"

"Our time was sweet, but you are not the one for me I'm sorry."

Idris knew she didn't love him the same way but never could he have expected her to cheat and use magic in a physical duel, much less on a duel under the pact of a god, just to cut him out of her life.

Under the constant assault of pain from his body, Idris simply fainted. Fortunately, with the help of his lackeys and a few members of the faculty from the academy palace hall, he was sent to the emergency room and later taken home.

However, the damage had been already dealt, he can no longer use magic. Under the psychological trauma and what not, his face has been treated late, causing scars across his face and back.

The incident was ruled as an accident but his parents were outraged. Under the threatening of his father, Duke Sygnus, the king proposed giving any two artifacts from his treasury lest the Duke rebels.

Idris rejected the notion and lived his life in misery a stark contrast of his past.

Five years later, age 1761

As Idris fled through the dense forest, the echoes of clashing swords and battle cries resonated behind him, a haunting reminder of his parents' valiant sacrifice. His heart raced with adrenaline as he navigated through the labyrinth of trees, his breath ragged with fear and exhaustion.

By his side was Rosa, the loyal maid who had revealed her true identity as Rachel, a formidable Tier 7 assassin. Together, they had orchestrated his daring escape from the clutches of the king's army, relying on Rachel's unmatched skills and cunning to evade capture.

But as they neared the edge of the forest, fate dealt a cruel blow. Surrounded by the king's relentless soldiers, Idris found himself outnumbered and heavily wounded. With each passing moment, his strength waned, and despair threatened to consume him.

In a final act of selflessness, Rachel urged Idris to flee, knowing that her own fate was sealed. With tears in his eyes, Idris bid farewell to his steadfast companion, his heart heavy with gratitude and sorrow.

As he vanished into the shadows, leaving behind the chaos of battle, Idris carried with him the memory of his parents' bravery and Rachel's sacrifice. Though the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, he vowed to honor their legacy and forge his own path, determined to seek justice and reclaim what was rightfully his.

However, before he could move on, a spear impaled his right shoulder, nailing him against an oak tree. Standing in front of him was Edwyn Frontera, the new king, now a tier 9 warrior who is the strongest in the entire empire.

"What did I ever do to you?" Idris asked Edwyn, who simply had a snarl on his face

Luna simply stayed quiet, her eyes not leaving his scars as he talked coldly.

" It was just your badluck that your family heirloom is an artifact that would help me level beyond the ascendant realm and enter a new plane of existence. So while it was short and sweet, let's never meet again"

Sygnus snatched the ring on Idris's hand and wore it in his own, "Aira, activate" a complex engraving of various overlapping circuits integrated into Edwyn's body, empowering him, while Idris laid defenseless.

However, a deep pitch black aura envoloped Idris as he felt himself leaving his body, as a space channel sucked his soul away.

I know it was kinda random but I promise it gets better from now on.

Kinda my first novelnin a while so don't mind it being messy, if you have any doubts or some suggestion drop em in the chapter comments. Also drop em power stones please

Ouroboros109creators' thoughts
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