

A new chapter for everyone siuuuuuuuu.

Deo's POV:

When I opened my eyes again and sat up on the ground, memories of what had happened before I lost consciousness quickly flooded back to me. Quickly turning my head to scan my surroundings and check for any danger, I could see Nag, Aston, the boar, the cub, and about 12 rabbits surrounding me, guarding against potential threats and predators.

The next thing I noticed, after calming my nerves a bit, was the corpses of the wolves we had just fought against.

"Thank you for your sacrifices, they will not be in vain."

As I was about to get up, I saw all the shadows surrounding me move closer and stop in front of me. I could see their gazes fixed on me. Without them needing to say anything, I understood perfectly what they were waiting for.

"You can evolve."

And without further ado, a small black cocoon enveloped the 7 intact rabbits, while the size of the cocoons for the other 4 was much larger and more intimidating.

As my shadows evolved, I approached the wolves and summoned them. After a few seconds, 10 shadow wolves stood by my side.

"Enter my shadow."

And once again, I was alone in the forest.

While waiting for the process to conclude, I began to reflect on myself, or rather on the changes that had occurred within me.

I could feel how my strength had increased significantly after absorbing the 10 wolves. I also noticed that I had more control over the shadows.

"It seems I'll have to investigate and practice."

Without realizing it, my hand rested on my chest where the scar left by the wolf's claws was. Although it wasn't at risk, my healing isn't strong enough to make such a severe wound disappear without a trace.

After a couple of minutes reflecting on my fight and how I could improve, the cocoons finally broke open, revealing my future generals.

The cub, whom I'll call Bolt, had grown considerably in size, reaching about 1.80 meters. His fangs had grown, and the aura he emitted was terrifying.

The boar was the second to finish, now named Pumba. He had also grown to a height similar to Bolt's, while his tusks had grown both in diameter and length.

The third to finish its evolution was Aston, who had surprisingly grown to a height of one meter. His hind and forelegs seemed to be made of pure shadow muscle. But what drew the most attention about Aston's evolution was the horn that had grown on his forehead.

Not much later, Nag finally finished evolving. When the cocoon broke open, I couldn't help but drop my jaw. In front of me stood a Nag with two additional heads, bringing his total to three. He had grown a torso with four legs and a tail. His total height had reached an impressive 2.5 meters.

In other words, Nag had evolved from a common snake to what appeared to be a small hydra.

When Nag opened his eyes and saw his changes, I could see him casting a smug glance at my other generals.

"I'm sure I imagined it."

Thinking this, I saw all the generals turn and kneel before me.

I won't lie, it's a curious sight.

"Thank you for giving us this opportunity, my lord."

"Eh? Who just spoke to me?"

"It's me, my lord, Nag. After evolving, one of the abilities I gained is the ability to communicate with you."

After a brief moment, I couldn't help but ask, "Are you the only one who can speak yet?"

"Yes, although the others can understand you, they are not yet able to communicate verbally with you, my lord."

"I see, very well. Earlier you mentioned that the ability to speak is one of the abilities you have gained, what are the others?"

"The power to create poison; I can create a very potent poison and spit it in various ways from my three heads, and a great increase in my strength."

"I see."

After he told me about his new abilities, my other three generals began to list their abilities.

Aston had gained a huge boost in his speed and a smaller one in his strength. He also gained an affinity with the electrical element. According to what Nag has explained to me, the only thing Aston can do with his affinity for now is to envelop a part of his body with electricity, increasing his speed even further.

On the other hand, Pumba, as expected, had gained a huge increase in his defense and strength. His element seems to be earth and rock, which like Aston, he can only envelop a part of his body with earth and rock, further increasing his defense.

Lastly, we have Bolt, whose affinity is for wind and air, contrary to what his name might imply. However, apart from enveloping himself with his element, he can also launch what appear to be wind blades. Due to the speed at which he throws them and the fact that air is transparent, they are very difficult to dodge, as demonstrated by a poor rabbit that had the brilliant idea of passing by when Nag was explaining about the blades.

By the way, a funny fact, it seems that if my shadows eat the corpse of the prey they have hunted, their strength increase is slightly higher than without eating it.

Again, thank you very much to the rabbit.

"Your sacrifice will not be in vain."

"By the way, Nag, how long have I been unconscious?"

"Approximately 6 hours, my lord."


Shit, I'm dead.

Without a second thought, I grabbed a couple of rabbits from my shadow and stuffed them into the bag. The rest of the animal carcasses my shadows had hunted today, I gave them as a reward to my generals to distribute.

Ten minutes later, I finally reached the city gate and, after passing through the checkpoint quickly, I began to run again at full speed to get home as soon as possible.

Obviously, while I was returning, I was thinking about the best way to prevent Asteria from killing me. Unfortunately, my best plan is to enter my room through the small window.

"It's better to accept your fate, my lord."

I could hear Nag's comment after hearing my brilliant plan.

"Shut up, Nag, trust in my mastermind."

So I began to put my master plan into action. First, I peeked around the corner just before reaching home to see if anyone was at the door. After seeing no one in sight, I passed by the front of my house without being seen and listened at the door to see if anyone was in the entrance. There was only silence.

"It seems there's no one at home, it's my lucky day."

I slipped into the alley leading to my window and quickly climbed through it.

"See, Nag? A foolproof plan."

"A very good plan you've devised, Deo."


When I turned around after hearing the voice, I found Asteria with a smile on her face, but her eyes didn't say the same.

"I warned you, my lord."

*Time skip to a few hours later*

Third-person POV:

We find ourselves in the east of the planet, more specifically in what would be considered India in the future, inside a hut.

There is a group of people there, in the midst of a discussion.

"I don't understand the reason, but there has been a significant increase in deviants in recent years, Ajax, especially to the west of here. In a country they call Laconia."

"We should go there."

"I understand your concern, Druig, but right now, our mission is here. When we finish, we'll go there."

"You're killing them, Ajax, leaving them alone against the deviants."

"We can't do anything, Druig. Ikaris and Thena are on a mission in the south, and the rest of us have to stay here for 10 years."

The man whose name we now know is Druig couldn't say anything to contradict him. He knew what Ajax said was true, but he couldn't help but think he could somehow help.

"Don't worry so much, Druig. After all, it's normal for there to be a few sacrifices for the greater good, especially when we're talking about deviants. Besides, this may even help them evolve." Phastos mentioned.

Seeing the response from his other companions, he couldn't help but sigh.

"But they haven't even reached Laconia yet. According to my calculations, the first ones will arrive in two years."

"Two years won't change anything, and you know it, Phastos."

And without anyone knowing it, two years passed.


Hello again, here's the author. What did you think of the chapter? I'll be reading your comments. See you in the next one. Adiooooooooooooooooossssssssss

I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I'm sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. I can be given to many, or just one. What am I?

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