
Aria The Apothecary

After the Hero Party defeats the Demon Lord. The hero and the apothecary were betrayed by their comrades. In a series of events, they were branded traitors. In this world full of treachery and despair, Aria must navigate the world of Solandis to find answers and justice. Will she be true to herself? Or let the world change her? Hello I'm elevencat. It's my first time writing a novel. Please, feel free to comment and let me know what you think! English is not my first language and maybe I miss some details here and there. Please ignore them for now as I will continue to review my work and change any mistakes I made. Welcome to the world of Solandis! PS: Small Warning to those who doesn't like any depiction of blood, death, decapitations and mutilations. My book cover looks harmless but it contains violence so please keep in mind that this is for mature audiences.

Elevencat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 7: The King’s Advisor

Meanwhile, the commander and his party managed to escape the forest, with the capital's gate now in sight. "Slow down, men," the commander commanded his weary party. They were tired but relieved to have evaded such a dire situation. The commander turned to Aria, expressing his gratitude, "It's good that you helped us when you did, Aria." His voice filled with pride. Aria responded, "We have been facing different situations since we left the fort, so I prepared some concoctions beforehand."

Hours earlier, when the commander had mentioned outrunning the bandits, Aria had suggested that she had something that could assist them. She had instructed the party to close or cover their eyes when she gave the signal. It was all part of their plan, and they were relieved that it had gone smoothly.

Only a few hours remained before they reached the gates of the capital. The sun had set and darkness enveloped the sky. The party was in a weary state, their supplies gone, their hunger growing stronger. The commander needed to decide whether to take a quick rest or continue without stopping. He looked at his men and saw that they were in really bad shape. He decided that they should take a quick rest in an open field, where an ambush would be impossible. He commanded his men to stop briefly and they would leave at first light. Without anything to eat, the party only had water for sustenance. It was not ideal, but it should be enough for now. Only a few hours remained before they reached the gates of the capital. The sun had set, and darkness enveloped the sky. The party was in a weary state, their supplies gone, and their hunger growing stronger. The commander needed to decide whether to take a quick rest or continue without stopping. He looked at his men and saw that they were in really bad shape. He decided that they should take a quick rest in an open field, where an ambush would be impossible. He commanded his men to stop briefly, and they would leave at first light. Without anything to eat, the party only had water for sustenance. It was not ideal, but it should be enough for now.

Suddenly, Aria took some dried flowers called the Fading Lavender from her satchel. She made a fire and boiled a pot of water. While waiting for it to boil, she prepared the dried flowers and some Solace Leaf herbs. The tired soldiers' eyes were fixed on Aria's work and were curious. When everything was ready, Aria put everything inside the pot. After a few minutes, she asked the soldiers to prepare an empty canteen, and then she gave them the drink. It was called the "Adventurer's Tea." As the name suggests, it was a common tea that she would prepare for her party in the past. It was a tea that would alleviate fatigue. The commander and the men was pleased with Aria as they drank the tea, and then the commander decided that he would keep watch while his men rested.

In the silence of the night, under the starry sky, his mind wandered to his past as a young soldier, as a leader. His past battles and wars echoed in his head when suddenly he heard a young girl's voice. "It's lovely, isn't it?" Aria was still awake, looking at the dark starry sky. "We used to have nights like this a lot," her voice had a hint of joy, "when I traveled with the Hero's party." Her phrase now carried a hint of sorrow.

The commander, his curiosity getting the better of him, asked a question that had been on his mind ever since Aria showed up at his Fort. "What exactly happened... in the Demon Lord's castle?"

Aria, finally feeling that she owed the commander much, decided to regale him with their past adventures up until the events at the castle.

Thinking about everything Aria said, the commander addresses her. "Aria, we have been traveling together for quite a while," the commander began. "Regardless of what the capital thinks of your alleged crimes, know that I will be your ally through it all. Not just me, but all of us who are here today. We are grateful that you chose to stay and go through this trial. You have even helped a lot of people, including me."

The commander then shared his own background, revealing that he had been a commander for 20 years and had extensive experience in various frontiers, including a long stint at Fort Bastion. He believed in his ability to judge people and, despite the accusations against Aria, he firmly believed in her innocence. He described her as a courageous and honorable girl, expressing his unwavering trust in her character.

However, the commander also expressed his concerns about the situation. He felt that there were dark forces at work and that there might be more to the command they had received. In an unusual move, he offered Aria the option to leave and find safety away from the impending dangers. He admitted that this behavior was not typical of a commander, but he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her due to his blind faith. He reassured her that they would be able to take care of themselves. But Aria's response was resolute. "Indeed, commander, we have gone a long way," Aria replied with conviction. "We have faced many dangers together. While you think that you are in my debt, the opposite could also be said. You have protected me until now, and there were also those who perished. I would like to honor those people. I believe in justice, just as the Hero Arlan did. He believed in our strength as a party, even in the end, even after the betrayal. The hero's will is also mine. I will see this through." Aria smiled, expressing her determination.

She then mentions someone who would be worried if she disappeared without saying goodbye, referring to her master in the capital. Understanding her reasons, the commander nodded and agreed to do his part in uncovering the truth. His determination remained strong as he declared, "Then I will do my part, I will get to the bottom of this."

It was already dawn when they finished their conversation.

Once the party had their quick rest, it was time to resume their journey. They travelled for a few more hours and then finally, they arrived at the gates of the capital. As the party approached the gates, anticipation filled the air. The gate slowly opened, revealing the bustling city of Cosmopolis, the capital of the kingdom of Merthol. The streets were alive with activity, filled with people of different races going about their daily lives. The sound of chatter and the hustle and bustle of businesses filled the air.

The city was a vibrant mix of big establishments, houses, and tall forts that stood as guardians of the city. In the distance, the castle loomed on the horizon, a symbol of power and authority. The party's gaze was drawn to the circle fountain and the long street that lay ahead, leading them deeper into the heart of the capital.

As they entered the city, the commander and his party couldn't help but feel a sense of both excitement and trepidation. They knew that the chain of events that would follow the opening of the gate would shape their journey and determine the fate of Aria. With determination in their hearts, they pressed forward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the capital of Cosmopolis.

Then, a guard at the gate greeted them, saying, "Halt, state your business." The party, looking weary and dirty, caught the attention of the guard. The commander, stepped forward and introduced himself, saying, "I am Commander Rufus Adelard, in charge of Fort Bastion. I have brought Aria Nightbloom, the Apothecary of the Hero's party."

The guard responded, "Ah, the filthy traitor! Good work, Commander! You may enter." With that, the party proceeded inside the capital. However, after a few moments, they were confronted by an army of fully armored soldiers, their armor adorned with gold and gems. The soldiers wore full white face plates and armor with red capes. The commander immediately recognized them as the capital's Royal Guards.

The leader of the army commanded, "Hand the apothecary over. Aria Nightbloom, you are suspected of being an ally of the Demon Lord. A trial shall be held for you to have a chance to clear your name. For now, you shall be held prisoner in the name of the King." Aria, terrified but determined to prove her innocence, didn't make a fuss and went with the Royal Guard. She was chained and handcuffed as she was taken away. Before disappearing into the crowd, she looked back at the commander, Elias, and the rest of the party, giving them a reassuring smile. The commander, feeling a mix of emotions, saluted her, and the rest of the party followed suit. Aria left the commander determined to help her in any way he could.

As Aria disappeared from their sight, the commander led his men to a nearby tavern. The tavern was full of people with their own agendas, making it less than ideal for a discreet conversation. However, it was still a better option than talking outside where they could easily be spotted. The commander chose a secluded place to discuss their next move with his men, his face serious.

"I know we have finished our mission, but I fear there is still something more to be done," the commander declared. "I will personally conduct an investigation into Aria's accusation. This is a personal endeavor on my part, and I have no wish to include you in this," he stressed truthfully to his men. "You can all go back to the fort after you have had a well-earned rest. That is all," he concluded.

However, Elias Markus, the commander's lieutenant, expressed his opinion. "With all due respect, commander, I cannot allow you to do this!" he proclaimed. "We have completed our mission, and our meddling might further complicate Aria's situation," he added. The commander understood Elias' concerns, but he couldn't back down on this. Before the commander could say anything, Markus continued.

"I know you are a man of honor, commander. That is why I-no, we-follow you! I know I cannot stop you, but you cannot stop us from doing what we desire, and what we desire is to help you with your new mission," Markus declared, his eyes gleaming with determination. The commander looked at Elias and his men, feeling proud of them in that moment. The other men nodded their heads in agreement with Markus' proclamation.

"Very well," the commander sighed. "Here's what we're going to do." He proceeded to share his plans with the party.

Meanwhile, Aria was on her way to the castle. As she passed through the streets in chains and handcuffs, the people stared at her with utter contempt. Some spat on her, mocked her, and threw objects at her. She was hit a couple of times, but she remained determined and steadfast. Her mind was fixed on proving her innocence.

As she passed by the capital square, she caught sight of her shop-her master's shop. "Moonflower Potions." The name brought back fond memories of her master teaching her the ways of an apothecary. Her master, a humble man, was once part of a predecessor hero's party when he was young and was known as the greatest apothecary in Solandis. Instead of seeking fame and fortune, he chose to open a shop and adopt Aria as his apprentice. Aria wondered if her master was inside the shop and what he made of her situation and betrayal. She hadn't seen him since she went with the hero.

Finally, Aria arrived at the kingdom capital's castle. Inside, there was a lavish display of gold and silver, and the floor was so shiny that one could see their own reflection. Guards were stationed at every entrance and exit, as well as at the farthest center where the king and some important people were seated. As she approached the king, still chained and shackled, she dared not look directly at him, as it was customary for a commoner.

When she reached the designated spot where she was allowed to approach, she knelt down. The leader of the royal guard then announced, "I have here Aria Nightbloom, the apothecary of the Hero's party, convicted of being an ally of the Demon Lord and crimes against the realm!" With that, he saluted the king and returned to his post at the back.

The king remained seated, his old and grey appearance contrasting with his ability to still move around. "This matter I shall leave to my advisor, a man I trust," he stated. The advisor stepped forward and stood in front of Aria, whispering with a gentle voice, "I had hoped you had perished, Aria." Aria, whose head was still lowered, was in shock as she recognized the voice. "It would have been best if it hadn't come to this, for both our sakes... But alas, here we are," the advisor's voice carried a hint of regret. As Aria listened, she couldn't help but raise her head, her expression changing as she discovered the identity of the king's advisor.