

"ARGONAUT 2" follows Bell, a half-vampire, as he rejects Syr's love and reunites with Goddess Hestia. The story includes Freya becoming more obsessed with Bell and Hestia's family getting attacked. Bell is captured and forced to endure a hellish experience, finding himself in a war between Hestia and Freya.

ABHIJITH_J_B · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Home coming

Bell was standing in the cemetery. He was offering flowers to those who had fallen in the battle. The Lefiya and Filvis came to see Bell. Filvis joined Hestia Familia. Bell was happy for them. Lefiya returns the ring he gave her. They then offer their prayers to the dead ones. Lefiya is back to her elf form. She is no longer a demon, vampire. 

They part their ways to their respective places. Bell and Jupiter were cooking some food. They were startled by a knock at their door. Bell checked who it was. He was shocked to find Goddess Hestia with Hedin. Both of the greeted them. 

Then the food was already ready. They all shared the food. Then Hedin told Bell that she wanted Bell to join her Familia. Jupiter and Bell were shocked. Then they enquired about the law to which she replied that she will manage it. Then he asked why she wanted to join her now. She told him that she only wanted to offer a hand to a hero who literally saved Orario yesterday. 

Bell was thinking about Jupiter. He was about to say no. Then Jupiter interrupted him. Jupiter encouraged him. Bell was hesitant. Then she remained him of his ambition. Jupiter told him that it is his only chance to get strong. She convinced him. She removed the contract with Bell. Then Bell asked Hestia, humbly to give him her blessing.  was happy that he said yes. She proceeded with the blessing. 

Status sheet

Bell Cranel 

Level 6

STR SSSS 1579 --- I 0

END SSSS 1701 --- I 0

DEX SSSS 1483 --- I 0

AGI SSSS 1542 --- I 0

MAG SSSS 1451 --- I 0








SKILL : Liaris Freese



 Ox Slayer 


 Bell and Jupiter accompanied them to Health Mansion . Hedin congratulated him for becoming a part of their Familia, again. They were invited by all of the Familia members. Ryu was the first one to invite him in front of the Health Mansion. Bell fell like home coming. 

They were given separate rooms. Jupiter wanted to stay with Bell. Then Hestia told her that sexual activity is strictly prohibited inside. Bell also encouraged her. Then she said fine and went to her room with a boo-boo face. Ryu is little sad, she wanted to know Bell's relation with Jupiter. 

Bell opened his room. Bell took a long breathe. He never expected to get back into his room. Then he took a look at his status. He determined himself to get stronger. He feel like he is moving closer to the dream of being a hero. But the fact that disturbed him was the rule. He wondered how she is going to deal with that law. 

Bell then took a shower in the bath tub. It was so refreshing. He enjoyed his bath. After that he changed his clothes and came out of the room. He was roaming around. He saw Familia members training in the front yard. It remained him of the training he had when he was in demon land. It wasn't much different from that at all. Ryu came and greeted him. 

Ryu " Welcome back, Bell." 

Bell " O thank you, Ryu. I feel like home. "

Ryu smiled. 

Ryu looked around and confirmed nobody around. 

Ryu with curiosity" So how do you feel about miss Jupiter? "

Bell without hesitation " She is my partner. "

Ryu shocked, but she managed to remain calm and composed. 

Ryu with a made up smile "You selection, I am impressed. "

Bell " Thank you. "

Ryu " By the way, is she going to follow you to the dungeon? If yes, I suggest that would be dangerous. "

Bell " No, I believe she is not. Even if she wanted to, I just can't allow her. "

Ryu " Good. Just hypothetically , can I ask you a doubt, Bell?"

Bell " Sure."

Ryu " Can spirits reproduce? "

Bell " No I guess,"

Ryu " How do you know?"

Bell with a red face, looking away from her, acting shy " We tried to make one."

Ryu shocked, almost lost it, but somehow she pulled it back together "Oh I see, you are not a virgin any more are you?"

Bell shy " No I guess."

A moment of silence

Ryu thought of another topic to deviate " So I guess you are going to the wise captain from now on. "

Bell " Eee, But I don't intend to..."

Ryu " It's okay, everyone knows you are the strongest in this Familia. "

Bell shocked " But...."

Ryu " But I have a request, Bell."

Bell "A request."

Ryu " Yeah.. Please appoint me as your personal secretory." She bowed her head to him.

Bell shocked, then with a smile " Lift your head Ryu."

Ryu lifted her head.

Bell " Are you sure about it?"

Ryu with a serious face " Yes I am." 

Bell with a calm smile " Then so be it. I appoint you as my Personal secretary."

Ryu was happy. She smiled. But somewhere in the corner of her heart, she is hurt.