19 Chapter 19: The Trail Begins

Hearing what the guide had to say made him laugh as the phrase made him look back at the time he used to play games with his friends.

"I am ready!"

Pleased Lancelot looked at Geo as he opened the gate to the trails with a final sentence.

"Let the trails begin!"

The huge gate, once locked and rusty began to magically repair itself, slowly returning the glow of gold over brons. Not long after the doors began to shine and rumble initiating movement away from each other, allowing them to move forward.

But before allowing enough space to walk past both doors stopped.

"What's this? Still rusty inside? Must haven't been used in ages..."

Lancelot slammed its head against the floor.

"What are you saying?! Do you even understand what you're saying?! We are inside of your mind! This means it shouldn't have been rusty in the first place... Dear lord! What have I done to deserve this?!"

Irritated by Lancelot's remark Geo walked closer to examine the gate. It appeared Lancelot was right, they weren't rusty... But it appeared something else was blocking the mechanism making them unable to exit the room.

E.V.E. which Geo hasn't heard from in a while suddenly resounded within his head.

"I take it you've figured it out. Lancelot should have known all along, but, this is where your trail starts. Show yourself that you can challenge any hardships thrown your way.

Do you have the strength to move forward on your own? What will you do if you don't?"

Geo loosened up his muscles and walked up towards the massive gate. A small opening could be seen, light shined through the pitch-black void from the other side. What could be waiting for him there?

"Well... This must be faith. Like E.V.E. said, a test of strength!"

Geo opened his hands as he lay one on each side, preparing for the challenge ahead he steeled his resolve.

"If you want anything to be done correctly, you have to do it yourself!"

With that quote, he began pushing with all his might. The gate didn't seem to budge, moments passed which felt like an eternity when suddenly the gate budged a little as it began to push back. Slowly Geo began to slide back, unable to fight this force that pushed him back. He stood there looking straight at the challenge ahead.

"Pressure reverts in time. Healing all wounds, but cultivates trauma and regret."

Geo wasn't about to give up, as he knew a few more ways to open a door or gate for that matter. Each less graceful than the next. The pressure at both sides seemed to work although only for a little. This is why we decided to take a heavier approach.

Taking a few steps back, Geo made some distance between him and the gate. Shortly after he began to stretch his arms and legs to prevent unnecessary injuries. Without much thought, he stormed towards the gate increasing his speed,

preparing for the impact he was certain this plan would work, but shortly after colliding with the gate, he came to a rude awakening to reality.

The gate wouldn't budge. Crashing into it made Geo fall to the ground asking himself the question; "Why?"

"Normally this works on doors and the likes... although bigger the concept should be the same, right?"

Geo sat down on the ground and took the time to think about his dilemma while carving random stuff on the ground. Thinking back, logically there had to be away. What had he tried?

Brute strength? It gave way... even if just a little. But... Maybe...

Something popped up in his mind, wanting to make sure Geo called for E.V.E. since she seemed to be still connected to his subconscious mind.

"Be as it may, the trails have started right?"

"That which you ask is both equally correct as it is incorrect. While the road towards the trails has taken us along for the journey, we have still to arrive at the first of five trails. Each harder than the last."

Geo jumped up, pumped about the fact that there was more to it, yet... Having to resort to such actions on an almost empty stomach made it difficult to rationalize the situation.

"Wait, you're telling me five trails are waiting for me, each harder than the last and while the trails have started we haven't even arrived at the first one yet?!"

E.V.E's voice echoed within my head.

"That is correct. The hurdle ahead is crucial to evaluate your potential and understanding of yourself. The trails ahead all serve a purpose more important than enlightenment. Because it shows the extent of one's mind."

Geo didn't take what E.V.E. had to say too seriously, yet he knew there was a certain truth to it. That was when Geo came up with an orthodox idea that might even work.

Slowly Geo stood up and once again walked towards the gate. This time around he stopped in front of it, carefully observing every nook and cranny.

Quickly it became clear to him that brute strength wouldn't have any effect whatsoever. Although strength must have been the key, applying too much pressure comes back to bite you.

"Treat others the way you wish to be treated, for chance doesn't start with them,

but instead with yourself. As you choose to take action you will see,

the universe will turn around it."

Curious about the knowledgeable quote Geo just uttered E.V.E. wanted to know where he got it from.

"Inspiring, say... when you say this. It must be that you know."

"Know what?"

"How to treat others."

"Pfftt, of course, I do! But where's the fun in that? It's more exciting to grind people's gears and see how they react when getting them with their logic and desires as they realize what they've done in the end... or not."

Geo once again layers his hand on the gate.

But this time instead of using force, this time around it was more somewhat of a gentle gesture to move it along. Expecting this to fail as well,

Geo couldn't believe what he saw when the gate opened without restraint.

What was even more mind-boggling was how easy it was to open it after he decided not to fight it. E.V.E. reacted surprised.

"Wow... didn't think you would get this so fast..."

Geo shrugged as they walked through the open gate.

"What did you expect? It's not that I'm stupid. It's key to make people believe you are, while you know you're not haha. After applying force didn't work I figured it had to be the opposite. I went with the flow. But like I said, doing what's expected of you is no fun at all. You see, I like to challenge myself. Finding new ways to accomplish the same results. Experiments so to speak."

After he had walked past the open gate it slowly slammed shut behind him.

"Well... there is no way back anymore, let's just move forward."

Geo started walking as suddenly glyphs on the floor and walls surrounding them began to light up. Similar to the room they were in before a dark green could be seen. The glyphs were each carved in such detail that Geo could see multiple layers within its design,

each giving off a different glow.

Fascinated by them Geo stopped walking and brushed his hand across the glyphs. As if he expected something to happen Geo waited in anticipation, but nothing happened.

A disappointed sigh left his throat while he continued to move forward.


"Is it far to the first area? The Glyphs... what do they mean? And... What lays in wait for...?!"

Before Geo could finish what he was asking himself, something changed within the corridor. Geo could have sworn it had become darker again. Darker and wider... What did this mean?

"Are we where we need to be?"

Geo asked hoping he didn't have to turn around.

That was when flames on the sides of the corridor lid up one by one.

Revealing an almost identical room to that as they were in before.

Had they run in circles? Or was his mind playing tricks on him? The only difference he could stop aside from the identically shaped room was the fact that flames had lid up the room.

"We have arrived."

Geo walked inside the room, as he walked further the heavy clanking of iron plates could be heard from behind. Without a second thought, he knew what was going on.

"Deja Vu."

He had arrived... but where this was he did not know. The only thing he knew for certain was the fact that it was finally about to begin.

A window popped up.



[Note that before answering that accaptence to failure might result in permanent death, as the trails might erode ones mind entirely giving way for the desires within, still want to continue?]


Geo answered with a resounding yes which instantly opened a message window.

[The Trails of Enlightenment; The First of the Trails.

The Player has accepted the conditions, receiving objective.]

[Trail I; Flowing Energy Start!]

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