
The start

Tyler is unlike any other kid, he doesn't play with toys or listen to the radio. No, he likes to collect things. He doesn't collect rocks or knick knacks, he collects knives. And occasionally he collects animals. Not live animals,but stuffed ones. He's stuffed the lifeless bodies of dozens of animals. Maybe if his parents paid attention to him they would know something was wrong. One day Tyler was cooking dinner, which was a mature thing for a twelve year old to do. As he was cooking his parents started arguing then hitting each other. Tyler's father smashed a beer bottle on the counter. He held down his wife and pressed the broken bottle to her throat. He pressed harder and harder until his arm was covered in blood and his wife had stopped moving. Tyler only saw the ending because his mother couldn't scream. Tyler was unfazed by the scene he had just walked into. Tyler's father started laughing. He stood up, went to the sink and washed his hands and the bottle before walking over to Tyler. "You saw didn't you?"his father asked. Tyler didn't move nor did he answer. His father became hysterical, shouting curse words and telling off his sons motionless actions. He pushed Tyler to the ground and held the bottle to his his right eye pressing harder each second until everything stopped. Tyler pushed his father's lifeless body off of him and pulled his knife out of his father's chest."I was just going to show you my new knife but now it's dirty" said Tyler with a pouty expression. Tyler's right eye was bleeding he didn't know if it was even still there. Tyler went to the sink and washed his knife. Then he ran to the basement and came back up with a bag full of supplies. Tyler pulled his mother next to his father and quickly started pulling out their insides. He grabbed teddy bear stuffing out of his bag and shoved it in every crevice in his parents empty bodies. Tyler grabbed a stapler off of the table and stapled their skin back together. Then, Tyler cut out their eyes and replaced them with doll eyes. Finally, he dragged his mother to the kitchen table and sat her in a chair with dinner on a plate in front of her, then he pulled his father on to the couch and turned on the TV. Tyler cleaned up quickly making sure to throw it all into the bin or else his parents would punish him. That was four years ago Tyler ran away before the police noticed his parents missing. He is now sixteen and he just can't stop killing people that is the only thing that brings him any joy. The smile on his face as he watches his victims lose hope. Oh it's magnificent!

The only sound in a dark alley is a whistle followed by footsteps. "Oh I smell something so familiar"! whispers Tyler. He continues walking down the alley until he spots the back of a woman crouched over a dead man. "Hey, what are you doing"! Shouts Tyler with a smile on his face. The woman turns around, her face covered in blood as she licks her fingers. The man is laying there with his chest torn open. The woman looks scared and speechless. Tyler's grin grows wider " wow that's so cool, does it taste good?" Tyler sticks his finger in a pull of blood next to the man and tastes is "yuck, its cold and metallic!" The woman has a wide eyes expression on her face. Tyler reaches out his hand" hi I'm Tyler, who are you?" He seems so happy and carefree about everything, the woman doesn't know what to do so she reaches out her hand" hi I'm ummm.." She gets interrupted as a man with a flashlight slowly walks toward them. " Welp that's our que to leave!" Tyler grabs the woman's hand and pulles her out of the alley. She can't believe it. Why doesn't he seem scared, she thinks he's crazy. She's right. No one who isn't crazy would try to taste blood. What about the woman. Is she crazy then.

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