
REVENGE of the Little Girls.

little Leona...

Live in a broken family,has a drunkard father and a gambler.

Her mother was a weak, timid woman, her father always brought a bitch to the house while drunk and then hit her mother when her mother objected to the bitch entering their house.

Leona Always hears when Mom is trampled and insults her as a useless, cheap prostitute.

Truly His Mother Is A Good-hearted, gentle woman He never wanted to get away from his abusive father.

Truly his father was a wealthy nobleman who was famous for his eyes and hooked and enjoyed bitch

He never acted as a good father always yelling at Leona to enter his room when Leona cried seeing his mother beaten almost every day.

"When you die, bitch ... ??

I don't like to see your face...!"she's father Said.

"Mom ... Let's go I'm so scared ...!" said Leona.

"if we go your dad will find us and hit mom again son .."

until one day when Leona's father did not go home, he was crazy about his new bitch, Leona and her mother ran away from this father's mansion that was like hell.

when his father came home, he did not find leona and his mother, he realized they were both running away, and ordered his men to bring leona and his mother.

When they were found his father was very angry and hit his mother in front of his eyes to bleed.

Daddy don't hit my mom .. !! daddy ..... daddy ..... don't hit my mother, sob ... sob .... leona cried out her fainted mother.

I love your mother and this is my reply .. ?? Leona ... You Don't Defend Your Crazy Mother ... !! said his father.

He left his mother in an unconscious state. until nightfall, when his father came home with another bitch and still cursed how long his mother fainted.

Leona Cried, even her housemaid was afraid to do something, because her father often scolded the servants to let his wife realize herself.

Leona cried asking the maid to wake her mother, and the maid was surprised to find her mistress dead with a cold body.

The next morning when his father woke up from his hangover and slept with a bitch, he found his daughter crying without a sound.

the servants also cried ...

They say, sir, madam has died.

and Leona just realized that her mother died.


I hate you daddy ..... !!!

Dad you're a murder ..... !!!

I hate you...!!!!!

At that time, Leona was sitting in her junior high school bench. In front of his mother's grave, promising to make his father pay for all this.

Leona was put into the school dormitory when she entered sitting on the Senior's bench at her school He never met his father again, he got a full scholarship to enter Oxford University majoring in business.

The events of the death of his mother were very imprinted in his heart, making him rude and resentful of the young men who liked him he would teach them out.

Because Leona is a Taekwondo Master, and Boxing. He was very disgusted with sweet words Young men.

"Do you think you deserve my heart ...?"

"Who are you.?"

"how dare you....??"

Leona is very arrogant, rude, bad-tempered, curt, arrogant, doesn't want to lose and is extraordinary.

NOTE: hi .... my dear reader, please comment on my new novel, if you like it. give a review and PS and Gift.

Happy reading.

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