
Six day war

On a mountain outside Kagero Village Okami and Madara were standing watching the ongoing fights.

"Isn't it funny?" Okami said.

[What exactly Boss?]

"How powerless we all are."

[Why Boss.]

"Look at how ironical Life is for preserving peace they shed blood, for wealth and security they shed blood and for everything he price is blood...sweat, blood and tears."

[I don't get the joke Boss.]

"Love births hatred and friendship births hardship look at them."


"It doesn't matter when or where our fates are sealed in an perpetual motion of creating, preserving and destroying."


"Reasons are unreasonable the only important thing is action. It doesn't matter why we create, it doesn't matter what we're trying to preserve and it doesn't even matter what we're destroying what matters is that all our reasons are unreasonable and we're stuck. We're bound to go through the same motions as our ancestors did and our children will do. Even when we completely obliterate the enemy we ourselves will birth the next generation of sad souls that will be fighting and that is why it is funny."


"We are the joke." Okami said while beginning to cry.

Reality is such that understanding is a burden, we've never been free and freedom is nothing but an illusion in which we seek refugee, hoping we will never have to face reality.

"But what else can we do we're divided...divided by land...divided by beliefs...divided in heart and mind. Our own insecurities and needs force us to take action and throwing us back into the perpetual motion once again even when the Wars are fought and all the battles are won or lost."

[I think there must be a way to break out.]

"..." Okami didn't know the answer.

"Okami-kun despite being so young you have an in depth understanding of the dilemma...reality is just made up of pain, suffering and emptiness."

Both Sensei and disciple were standing at the summit watching the ongoing cruelty of the world each alone in his own thoughts.

[Boss you have me.]

"I know Ai and that's why I am not breaking down in resignation like in my past life..."

[Want to talk about it Boss.]

"There is nothing much to talk about Ai. I was a refugee, an outcast and always the kind of odd person that would try to do the right thing but it wasn't a bad life neither was it a good life because I was a prisoner inside of my own mind."

[Boss the past is in the past...the future lies in your hands...]

"Wrong Ai the past is on your back while the future is steps you have to climb and the longer you go on the more you need to carry."

Okami was feeling sad, the kind of sadness only those people who have lost their loved ones can understand and he felt pain the kind of pain that would follow anger mixed with helplessness.

"Humans could achieve real greatness if they laid down their fears but this seems to be impossible..." every prophet or leader in each religion tried to make them stop but what was the result they just used these new concepts to create new reasons and as Okami said the reasons are unreasonable maybe Ootsutsuki Kaguya is right and only a strong Genjutsu in which each person lives his ideal life can give humanity a way out.

"Sensei I don't see a way out..." Okami tried asking Madara.

"Okami-kun only the strong with strong beliefs can achieve a short lived form of peace and we can only fight because not fighting is surrendering...to circumstances, to the presented reality, to the fear within." Madara explained.

"Sensei I am thankful for your wise words."

"No Okami-kun I am thankful to you... you taking my side and becoming my student made me hesitate long enough to doubt some things and by hearing your thoughts today I realised I couldn't have gotten a better student than you because you are understanding me... I'll teach you without holding back and make you the greatest Ninja in the world maybe you can help me save this accursed world from itself." Madara said while looking straight into Okamis eyes.

The War kept going for six days and nights thousands of people were injured and hundreds died and finally Kagero village surrendered they handed Okami all their knowledge and Okami picked each and every corpse from the battlefield intending to find who they were to give them a proper burial with all the rites and also collecting DNA samples.

Moving through the village he had destroyed he once again felt how sad this was but he hardened his resolve and heart because greater Wars will be coming soon and by killing these hundreds of people now he would be able to save thousands in the future.

"Welcome I am ..." a pretty lady begann introducing herself.

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