

Ryan a young man who is stranded to another world and embarks on an adventure and a true ruler

In_Fajar · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Seeing Mr Oslo's coffers and then announcing that the goods will only be available tomorrow morning

Mr Oslo : if you really want a bike you have to come to my place early in the morning

Mr. Oslo then immediately invited Ryan to come back and planned to make the bike overnight

Ryan : have you gone mad sir Oslo one hundred orders in one night

Mr Oslo : yes as long as we can make it fast

Ryan then thought of an idea

ryan : Mr Oslo can I borrow your bike for a moment

Then Ryan tried to copy Mr. Oslo's bicycle in his Skill and it turned out there was but it needed mana which was very draining

Immediately Ryan copied Mr. Oslo's bicycle and now 2 bicycles

Mr Oslo who saw that was very confused and confused and fainted in shock

After realizing

Mr Oslo : I fainted huh

Mr Oslo looked at the bicycles already lined up in his room and once again passed out

ryan : hey mr Oslo wake up I've made 100 bikes in 5 hours you slept long enough ok ok I'm home I'm really running out of mana (but Ryan also lay down and fell asleep in Mr Oslo's room)

The morning has arrived

they both wake up hearing the crowds of people who want to buy bicycles

Mr Oslo : Son you really surprised me wake up

Ryan: wow I fell asleep here too huh

Mr. Oslo then opened his shop and was warmly welcomed by people who were queuing up to buy bicycles

Mr Oslo : I will sell one bicycle for 10 gold coins

Ryan: eh isn't that too expensive

Mr Oslo used a really great marketing trick

Mr. Oslo : this item is limited edition aka limited if you don't buy it you will definitely regret it

then all those who were there flocked to buy the bicycle in just 3 hours 100 units of the bicycle were sold out and at that time Mr Oslo made a profit of 1000 gold coins

Mr Oslo : huhu I'm rich ok here's 200 gold coins for you

Ryan: ee 200 why only a little

Mr. Oslo : You sell this item in my shop, so the bigger one I am the tenant of your stall

Ryan : damn you cheater Oslo

Mr Oslo, if you don't want to accept me, I'll take the coins back

Mr. Oslo : eat make a letter of agreement first

so you don't lose. Business is Business. Let's just say it's my payment during your training

Ryan: well I also get knowledge from you like this is comparable

A month has passed Ryan and Ellie finally left the dwarf kingdom and resumed their academy in the human kingdom

The first day of the 2nd semester to celebrate the victory of the academy tournament and to honor the Hero of the academy that is Ryan

Now Ryan is considered the hero of the academy for defeating the half-dragon humans who are considered monsters by people

Now the status of the craftsman group is no longer underestimated

Mr. Nam : everyone let's cheer for our hero Ryan


Pak Sio as a teacher in the craftsman group is proud that finally there are students who can be proud

Ryan was told to do a speech in front of everyone

After that


A puff of black smoke appears from the west

accompanied by bat-like creatures that invaded the entire kingdom including the academy as well

The Kingdom was suddenly attacked by a horde of monsters that surrounded the kingdom area so there was no place to run everyone tried to defeat the monsters

that monster is led by a general wearing black armor

The number of monsters surrounding them was very large, everyone was evacuated underground and passed through the secret kingdom's path to penetrate the forest

all the students in the academy also ran away by passing this way Ryan deliberately didn't want to fight because he didn't know what the cause was

Ryan also took Ellie to the mountain near the forest to observe the movement of human soldiers against monster soldiers

Ryan: let's just watch what happens

Ellie : Yes I prefer to see this scene when humans are destroyed by monsters

Even the royal troops were overwhelmed by this sudden attack

And suddenly there is one figure that restores the state she is the greatest magician in the human kingdom she is Meguri

meguri uses explosive magic on enemy platoons from 4 directions and kills all the monsters present

Ellie : that human must be a very tough opponent

Ryan : yes it looks like he has a lot of mana

The human kingdom knight named Fergu also appeared

The best knights in the kingdom go straight to the enemy generals and they fight

The two of them fought very fiercely and at that time Fergu issued a Shymponyng Strike by charging and releasing a shockwave and carrying himself towards the opponent at full speed.

"Jeeedddeeeer" the enemy general's armor was destroyed and how shocked everyone was after seeing the general's form which turned out to be a bunch of skulls: undead which means someone raised him from the dead and made him like a pawn

fergu : what skeleton Undead

Fergu without further ado immediately slashed at it when it was destroyed the bodies of this group of Undead fused as usual then Fergu cast a spell on his sword issuing Holywave and the Undead was completely unable to rise again.

Seeing that Ellie immediately realized that someone must be controlling the Undead but who could control the Undead and the monsters at the same time she really wasn't an ordinary person.

All the monsters were defeated

Ellie : let's go back to the mob so no one gets suspicious

Ryan: okay

Everyone in the forest also passes through the secret underground passage that leads to the kingdom

After that day everyone helped each other to repair the gates, the houses were destroyed and the human kingdom's casualties were slightly lost


Ryan : Transforms his hands into Dragon claws and releases his bonds

Ryan : I'll kill you lowly creatures

the fight against the goblin village ensued and the two of them managed to flatten all the goblins without exception the goblin children were left alive

After that Ryan and Ellie flew north to the Elf kingdom to hide from human pursuit

the hunters who hunted Ryan and Ellie lost their track only seeing the goblins being slaughtered

And thought They fled to the western kingdom

Lizardman kingdom place