
Are They Right?

Adrien has always been branded as the family disappointment, cast aside by his wealthy parents for being a 'loser.' Despite the endless ridicule, he never stopped trying. Rejected from law school due to poor grades, Adrien finds himself in a place he never imagined—fashion design school, where his lack of talent in art only cements his reputation as a failure. After six grueling years, he barely scrapes through with a degree. As he steps into the cutthroat world of fashion, Adrien faces a question that haunts him: will the world continue to see him as a joke, or can he finally prove everyone wrong and carve out a name of his own?

light_queen1 · Realistic
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35 Chs

Chapter 2

Six years later...

Here I was in The Institute of Fashion and Design.

"Adrien!" a woman yelled at me, it was my design lecturer, "What is this nonsense? This crap can't be called art!"

"Sorry miss," I replied.

This kept on happening during my 6 years of this wretched school.

Why can't they accept me?

The reason was quite simple. I was supposed called an 'orphan' with 'nothing to my name.' The world is money and power and someone like me, who was dumped out by my parents, had nothing.

I stared at my design. It seemed like nothing was wrong. It had a green dress decorated in ivory and a modern touch to it. It seemed like nothing was wrong.

A few months later...

"And this is the graduating class of 2023! Well done!" the dean announced.

I had barely passed. This was merely a sympathy pass for my 3 plus extra 3 years of re-takes of university. They made it seem that I was given the opportunity to graduate in order for them to 'get rid of me.'

"Adrien!" a young man in his twenties yelled, "tough luck finding a job after this. I made sure that all my father's friends companies will never accept you!"

It was Stuart. He was the top of the class and the creme of the creme of society. They all looked down on me since I was nothing.

I will take my revenge, someday...