


"You stupid donkey! Get out!"

I've seen a lot of anime cliches to know where this is going. Seeing a naked girl while she's bathing in the lake for whatever reason would always result in a bloodbath. It's either I get punched on the nose or kicked on my groin. I have to avoid this death flag as soon as possible!


I'm a complete moron! As if imitating a cat would work! She has already seen me the moment I got here!

"Could you stop staring at me!?" The beautiful naked girl shrieked once again, covering her bountiful bosom with her arms. "Get out!"

"W-Wah! I-I'm sorry!" I cried out loud. 

I made a step back, and unfortunately, I stepped on a tree root that made me outbalanced! I fell to the mossy ground with my butt and smacked the back of my head to a tree trunk.

"Gahack!" I cried in pain. I rubbed the back of my head until the ache is no more.

"Just how long are you going to keep on peeping, you damn donkey!?" The beautiful woman roared. "I'll beat you up until you forget what you saw!"

The woman briefly closed her eyes and inhaled the sweet breeze of the air. Stardusts started to gather around her body and glued to her skin, reshaping into a frilly blue aristocrat's dress!

That magical dress-up stuff is not the most surprising thing she did! She clasped her hands and then spread it out, creating a white magical sword on her grasps!

"I'll cut you down!" The woman roared.

"Eeeeeeek!" I cried out loud and scared.

The woman started to walk out of the center of the glowing lake. After five steps, her eyes rolled and her sword vanished into thin air. Her head went merry-go-round until she fell down flat in the water.

"Not… enough… mana…"

A weak splash of water was made as her face submerged. I was left dumbstruck for a second. Or two. Or three. I waited for ten seconds. Twenty seconds. But the woman did not stand up. Thirty seconds. Bubbles started to pop in the lake. That's when my common sense knocked me.

"She's… She's drowning!"

I immediately dived into the shallow waters and rescued the woman. I pulled her until I reached the solid ground, raised her body, and put my ear to her nose to hear her breathing. Unfortunately, she's not! So I guess I have to do CPR!

I pushed my face towards the unconscious girl, bracing myself for this first-aid procedure. She certainly looks beautiful from this angle, like a goddess that descended from the heavens. Aside from her delicate face, she's voluptuous and has a shiny pair of thighs. She's quite tall, maybe one hundred and seventy centimeters, slightly taller than me. This is a dream girl all social media is talking about.

I guess this is it! My heartbreak will finally be cured once I kiss this goddess! Oh God in the heavens, thank you for this wonderful wife you have given to me!

My face drove closer to her, aiming at her kissable lips. But then...

"Cough! Cough!" The girl splatted water from her mouth straight to my face.

"Ack!" I cried as I crawled backward away from the woman.

The woman continued to cough out until she was already fine. After that, she made a killing stare at me who is already two meters away from her. I'm surely getting to jail because of sexual harassment!

The killing intent did not last long as she shifted her attention to her right shoulder. She adjusted her detachable sleeves to reveal a dried wound that is colored violet. I saw her gritting her teeth in pain and her golden eyes are telling me that she's trying hard to endure it.

"Your wound-" I started to crawl towards her, but...

"Don't come any closer!" She blocked me with her hand.

"Ack!" I cried. I halted my intention to get close and observed her movements.

The pretty woman gently touched her wound, and she made a cute moan. She looked at the fingers which are now soaked with blood. It has a little mixture of glittering violet liquid.

"It's...getting worse…" She muttered.

"I'll help you!" I stood up. "I'll carry you to the hospital!"

"No, anything but the hospital." The woman bowed. "Thanks, but I don't need your help. I can manage."

I stayed motionless in my position. I saw that her breathing is quite ragged, and her movements are sluggish compared to normal people. Her skin is getting paler, and her face is red as if she has a fever.

When the goddess noticed me staring at her, she struck me with a killing glare again.

"Will you stop staring at me as if I'm going to murder you? Because if you don't, I will murder you."

"Ah, I'm sorry." I forced a smile as I scratched my head. "Is there anything I could help you with?"

"Do you have any painkillers in you? Or maybe some bandages?" The woman spoke again.

"N-No, but I have some at my apartment. Hang on, I'll go get some for you." 

I was about to leave when suddenly, the woman grabbed my wrist. Her hand is undeniably too warm for a human's body temperature.

"No…" The woman exhaled heavily. "I don't want to trouble you by getting back and forth. Just… take me with you…"

I want to think about lewd thoughts on taking a woman with me to my apartment, but I can't. The way the woman said it seriously means that she's in serious trouble. She looked too sick to imply some hidden meanings.

"Fine. Can you stand?" I asked.

The woman did not answer. I briefly scanned her tired posture until I realized it's a stupid question. So without waiting for her to talk, I immediately carried her on my back.

"W-Woah! Y-You stupid donkey, what are you doing?" The woman's voice cracked.

"Hang on tight. I'll just carry you until we get to my bike." I smiled at her.

"F-Fine, whatever floats your boat." The woman turned away with a blush on her face. "If you try to touch my butt, I'll beat the crap out of you."

"Ahahaha…" I faked my laugh.

As soon as she got on, I started to walk towards the exit of the grove. Surprisingly, the woman struck a conversation with me. I can feel that she's nervous about talking to me though.

"T-Thank you, um…"

"John. John Casterdyne." I said with a smile. "And you are?"

"I'm Ales-..." There was a short pause. After that, she continued. "Lizzy. Just call me that." 

"Sounds like a fancy nickname," I said. "What are you doing in this grove?"

"None of your business. Just shut up and keep your eyes on the road." Lizzy sermoned. "Don't act so friendly at me because we just met-gyah!"

I heard a loud thud, followed by the woman falling off my back. When I turned, I saw Lizzy on the ground, completely unconscious. Her forehead is bleeding and there are twigs, leaves, and barks all over her silky-smooth black hair.

Apparently, her head was just smacked to the thick branch overhead! I forgot that carrying her on my back would make her tall enough to crash with that branch!

"L-Lizzy! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't see it!" I cried as I picked her up.

"Y-You stupid donkey…" Those were the woman's last words.

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