
Knockturn Alley

Morgen enjoyed his black tea as he watched his empty store and the rain outside, he didn't really care if he had customers or not, he took a sip and sighed in joy as a face screamed on the surface of the tea before turning to smoke. He smirked in amusement.

For a shop that sold things that even dark wizards would frown at, he knew that only special people with special hobbies would visit his little shop at Knockturn Alley. He put down his tea and opened a notebook, "Who will visit today?"

"Not Mr. Collins that requested the cursed knife... Oh, that young fella who commissioned the poison... And..." He stopped muttering as someone entered the store.

His eyes show up curiously, observing the newcomer he didn't recognize, his hand moved to his wand, ready to fight if the other party was hostile. He had encountered his fair share of dark wizards and aurors. Meanwhile, the customer uncaringly approached him.

'A young woman in her twenties, a beauty... What does she want here? An auror doing inspection, perhaps? It is unusual...' Morgen thought as he caught a glimpse of the newcomer's face under the soaked cloak. He didn't make a judgement, however, in his line of work all sorts of strange things were natural.

His secretly cast a spell with his wand, some items in the shop seemingly vanished.

"How may I help you, young lady?"

The woman calmly answered, "I need some items that may seem unusual, I am willing to pay handsomely."

Morgen was quite interested as he tightly held his wand behind his back, "And what manner of items may I ask?"

He was ready to hear the woman mention cursed items, banned and illegal books, or something of the like; If she asked for such things, the possibility of her being undercover was very high, so he would not even consider doing business, but what she asked for was quite shocking.

"Wizard remains, the fresher, the better. I will pay the highest if the corpse is intact." The woman answered without even batting an eye.

Morgen was not sure what to think for a moment, 'This is a first! Necrophilia? Or a ritual...'

He smiled as he secretly put his wand down, 'An auror or inspector would not ask for something like that, if she can spare enough money then she surely belongs to a wealthy pureblood family and since I don't recognize this face, she must be under polyjuice potion to not get recognized. Interesting...'

William watched the gears seemingly turn in the man's head as he had intended, he pointed down the tip of the gun he was holding under the cloak, but still held it tightly. He had already planned ahead and thought everything through, getting a gun with a silencer was not difficult, nor was simulating the possible ways this could go wrong.

He had already planned several steps ahead for the various outcomes if this had gone out of control. He was wearing a necklace that he had bought from a normal magical artifact shop for a steep price that would protect the wearer from a single spell and shatter. That was enough for him to buy time and shoot the wizard in the head with his gun if he had attacked him. He had placed a few smoke bombs outside the shop's entrance before he had entered, and he had the trigger, he would make them explode to provide cover for his escape.

And even if somebody saw his face, they would at most search for the woman and not him. There was no trace to track him with, and he was no wizard, so searching for a wizard would throw them even further back. After all, in the current wizarding world, the wizards wouldn't even dream a muggle could murder one of them.

And he had prepared a visa for an extended stay in the United States and even plane tickets for tonight. If it had gone bad, he would have escaped. As for them using a time turner to find him, he could only use the gun to kill the wizard before she or he could cast a spell, but since they had not used such means to catch Voldemort's followers in the story, he doubted they would for him.

There were more, but it did not matter, his blunder had worked, thankfully. He had chosen this shop based on looks and randomly. He just hoped that the shop would have what he wanted. He was not looking forward to going out and taking the smoke bombs one by one and then entering another shop.

He kept his face neutral as the man pondered for a moment and said, "Well, it isn't difficult, I have some parts but since you need them fresh and intact, I have to procure them myself, this increases the price."

William nodded, "When and how much?" He winced inside every time he spoke, he was not used to the feminine voice that came out instead of his smooth deep one.

The shopkeeper smiled, "A week at most, about the price..." William could see the greed in his eyes.

He threw a small bag he was carrying in front of the shopkeeper, it held whatever was left of his money after he had exchanged at Gringotts and bought the necklace earlier.

"500 Galleons now to show my sincerity, 3000 for three fresh and intact wizard corpses after delivery. Is that acceptable?" He said.

The shopkeeper smiled as he instantly took the small bag and glanced inside, his smile widening, "Pleasure doing business with you, my lady. About the delivery..."

William gave Morgen a note he had one of his low-level employees write for him with a pen and paper he had touched only with gloves. The address written on it belonged to a family that lived oversees, and their house was a ten-minute walk from his mansion.

"Bury the small bag with the corpses under the tree in front of this address, In exactly a week's time at midnight, you will find your payment there as well at that time. If I am satisfied, when I will be needing such materials for the foreseeable future, I will come again."

The shop owner bowed slightly, "Yes, milady."

William didn't linger and left instantly, changing cloaks, taking many detours and checking in case he was followed many times, and when the potions were wearing off, he entered a public mall and disposed of the last cloak in his other bag there and left the mall as a man wearing jeans and a shirt.

When he reached home, he almost screamed from how excited he was. For him, this whole thing had felt like a super secret mission done successfully. With the materials arriving in a week, he knew he needed knowledge of the human body. So he bought every book he could on human anatomy, biology, genetics and such to study for the week beside the magical books which he had already bought.

He needed to see what made wizards different from ordinary humans in order to become one himself.

A long time of research and study was coming.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Argorncreators' thoughts