
Archdemon in DxD

Just a random wish-fulfillment DxD fanfic...nothing more.

Demon_Monarch69 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


(AN: Sorry for not uploading lately, I have been busy with my research paper...)



The prosperous capital city of the underworld where the satan clans live with their families. But this otherwise prosperous and bustling city now has a tense atmosphere. The streets were mostly deserted except for some patrolling guards.

The windows and doors of houses were tightly closed as if there was no one inside. But that's not the case since with the announcement of the satan descendants and the mobilization of troops of two sides of the current devil race, I.e Satan Clan and Anti-Satan consisting of various families, the civilians felt the upcoming conflict.

So they didn't go out and mostly stayed inside their houses. But as this was happening, in a luxurious building, a young man stares at his subordinates kneeling in front of him.

"Go now, kill all of them. I don't care if civilians are implicated, the only thing I want is the news of those rebels dying. Understand?!" The young man ordered coldly, each word oozed arrogance.

"Yes, I will carry your orders" The man who was kneeling answered concisely. After which he stood up and left the place, leaving the young man alone.

"Hmph! How dare those worthless bunch rebel against us, the descendants of the original satans. They should just accept their situation and follow all our orders." The young man snorted. As for his name, it will not be mentioned as he is just cannon fodder.


On another part of Lucifaad, a massacre was happening. The streets were filled with blood flowing down, dying the pathways in red. Corpses were scattered around, some had lost limbs while their organs were spilled. It was a gruesome scene, and this was happening due to an order from that young man earlier.


"P-please don't kill me!!"


*Puchi! *Fwoosh! *Boom!

Various magic attacks were thrown towards the rebels, of course, the rebels fought back. But this caused the civilians to be implicated as they were caught in the crossfire between the two sides.

The battle continued on for hours until the rebels were finally defeated, after all, they were outnumbered. But there's also the civilian casualties which were more than the rebels killed.


Gremory Mansion~


A red-haired man that looks to be in his 20's slams his fist on a table, breaking it. His face showed anger, very angry in fact as his aura was out destroying other furniture.

"Those bastards!" Sirzechs gritted his teeth in frustration and anger. It has been a few days after the massacre in Lucifaad happened which was instigated by a random Beelzebub clan member.

"It looks like the war is inevitable now," Sirzechs muttered coldly, then he turned his head at the side where a group of servants was standing. Luckily for them, when Sirzechs released his aura in anger earlier, he controlled it so the servants were okay.

"Inform my ancestor Zekram Bael, that I will join the resistance. And also inform my friends to meet me here." He ordered



In another place, this place was full of lush grass with trees and beautiful flowers scattered around. And on this place, a big house was built on. It was a Victorian-style house.

In the lounge area of the house, Asra could be seen sitting on a couch with a glass of alcohol in his hand. A smirk was present on his face.

"So it's finally started, huh." He says towards a holographic image in front of him. The one in the image was a servant of the Gremory Family who contacted Asra through magic communication.

"Yes, young master Sirzechs has ordered me to ask you to meet him in the Gremory Mansion for a meeting."

"Mm, tell him I will go."


After that, the call ended. Asra was still leisurely sitting on the couch, sipping his alcohol.


Asra put down his glass of alcohol and mutters, "It's time, looks like I need to prepare some things."

The same call was made with Serafall, Ajuka, and Falbium. Following which, the group of friends went to Gremory Mansion via teleportation.


Gremory Mansion~

The group was gathered in the lounge area. The atmosphere was tense, all of them had serious expressions. Sirzechs was the first to speak.

"I'm sure you've heard about the news right?" All of them nodded, Sirzechs then continued. "I've decided to join the resistance, what about you all?" He started at his friends.

"Heh, of course I'll join in the resistance. I've always wanted to pummel those arrogant pricks from the satan clans. This is the perfect chance for that." Asra smirked and answered Sirzechs's question.

"Of course, I'll fight them."


The rest of the group also agreed to join the resistance in fighting the Satan clans. But there's still one more thing to talk about.

"...Are we going to join in early this war?" Serafall asks

"We can't join in early. There are factors as for why that is. One is that the leaders of our current coalition will not authorize our mobilization and we also don't have authority over it...yet. We can't recklessly attack too as the resistance army is still not gathered. Some clans are still gathering their troops and if we attack at this time, then the resistance wouldn't be able to handle the counter-attack of the enemy. And we could also act as a deterrence towards the satan clans with our strength. They wouldn't recklessly attack too as they could suffer huge damage, although they are arrogant, they are not stupid." Ajuka says, to which the others nodded. They accepted Ajuka's explanation as it makes sense.

"Then as we already agreed to fight the satan clans, we should prepare too for the incoming war." Asra suddenly says to which the others agreed, "Then Ill go first, bye!" Asra didn't wait and teleported out of the place.