

Akira, a 16-year-old student at Arcane Academy, learns how to utilize magic to battle monsters and evil characters there. The creatures are known as Shadows, and they all appear in caverns, so the academy students will advance their training.

AkiraKaze · Fantasy
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Akira Arcane Academy Student


S rank mage

Age: 16

Location: Arcania

10 AM.

My name is Akira, I am an S rank mage who will be attending Arcane Academy for the first time. But since I transferred over to another school I don't have many friends, the people at Arcane are already afraid of me since they happened to know about my arrival and my strengths.

Every student is ranked to F - S ranks, in order to get S rank you must master all 7 elements excluding the dark element.

Everyone at the age of 8 randomly gets an element, Fire,Water,Lightning,Ice,Wind,Earth,Light,Dark

I got my first element at the age of 5, I wasn't able to control the magic, which led me to lead a more difficult life than most.

The wind element was my first, I discovered this when I was walking near a window in my home and I fell. Within seconds I was falling, and it felt as though it was over for me, then out of nowhere I was flying right in the middle of the air to my surprise. Next the elements fire and water showed themselves to me at the age of 7 while I was training for the academy.

The ice and earth was revealed after I turned 10, It was during a class when we all had to explore a dungeon and fight off the monsters and when I was about to be killed I unleashed a wave of ice shards and spike stones at all the monsters and killed them all in a matter of seconds.

The last element is light, legend has it that the light element only comes out when you have a kind personality and have mastered all of the other 6 elements before hand, I luckily was able to do so...

After I learned all 7 of the elements, I suddenly got a letter in the mail saying I was invited to one of the best prestigious schools in the entire Arcane nation. I was called Arcania Academy, the day I started my new adventure!

After I got dressed in a black outfit I got my backpack and headed outside of my house, I had no family left so I said goodbye to pretend like they were watching over me...

Within hours later...

I arrived at the front gate of the house and noticed a whole bunch of students dressed in fancy, some weren't dressed that fancy so I wasn't worried about my appearance.

I didn't know where to go but assuming that it is the first day of school I followed the crowd, eventually ending up in the auditorium

It was pretty dark but out of all the 8 rows with 12 seats across, I chose the very back seat in the left corner. No one seemed to be sitting in the 8th row seats. Which made me feel at ease so I didn't have to hide from the public, then on the stage 3 adults went on stage and started to introduce themselves and us to the academy.

"Welcome students of Arcania! Today is a special day for you all, those who were invited or had to work your way to prove yourself worthy. I hope you are ready for this big day to attend this prestigious academy. I am the academy's principal Noah, to the right of me is the assistant principal Ms. Celestia and to the left is our guidance counselor Mr Twilight. These 2 will help guide you around the academy to get used to the classes and routines and such. Also compared to many schools, our school does indeed have a dungeon that many of you will have to explore in the "Hunting" class. But I'd like to say that it could potentially take your life." Principal Noah explained.

Everyone around me was in shock but some were excited to fight the evil monsters that sleep below us.

"Now then, I'm going to call out 24 names. If you are called you will stand up and follow your professor's home room. Now then allow me to begin."

As the principal was announcing everyone's names 1 by 1, I waited for hours until my name was called.

"Akira Mizu" Principal Noah shouted, and I stood up.

"Your home room teacher is Miss Freya" Principal Noah said to me as she appeared out of the shadows.

Everyone was shocked to see how beautiful miss Freya is, she was wearing a very formal dress and had blue clear eyes. She was very nice and graceful towards her students.

"Alright class, follow me to our classroom" Freya said to all 24 of us.

As we left the auditorium we walked down a hallway and up the stairs to the 2nd floor, room 204 was our classroom. Everyone entered and settled in, Freya told us we'd be assigned a seat but only for today.

I looked around, but I saw no one I'd hope to know. My only worry was making friends, I didn't want them to know my rank or my abilities. I told my school that I was a wind and lightning specialist and that I used a sword to fight as well. Most fighters have different names depending on what weapon they use, for example If someone used a sword they were called Arcane Knights, people who used staves were called Black Mages. The list goes on but I won't explain all of them, all you need to know is that I am a Arcane Knight.

As I waited for my name to be called so I could be assigned a seat, It wasn't long till I was called, my seat was in the 4th row on the 8th seat in the back. I sat down next to a window which was nice, I was able to see the outside and nature doing nature things.

Eventually everyone was seated down, next to me was a green haired elf. Elves tend to be pretty and most humans will fall for elves but they do have strict code, but it doesn't mean elves can't be married to humans.

There are also dwarves in our class, but they don't actually tend to be aggressive unless you start something, but in general they are humorous and funny.

Freya started to introduce herself, but I looked out the window admiring the blue sky and birds flying around until she noticed me and called my name.

"You there in the 4th row 8th seat, what's your name?" Freya asked me.

"Huh? It's Akira miss Freya" I told her.

"Akira...that name is very pretty" Freya complimented.

"Thank you, your name is very nice too" I said back.

She smiled at me and stopped bothering me after.

The green haired elf whispered out my name.

"Psst, Akira!" she said quietly.

I looked over towards her.

"What's up?" I said, but when I looked at her face I realized something...

She looked familiar, I tried to remember what her name was and It snapped back to me.

"Is that you...Yua?" I told her.

"Oh? So you really do remember me!" Yua said with a bright smile.

"I just had to think long and hard" I explained.

"How have you been? We haven't seen each other in about 5 years!" Yua said.

"I'm doing great, I am now a S rank Arcane Knight now" I explained.

"S RANK?!" Yua accidently yelled, and the whole class went silent and looked at her.

I sighed and facepalmed in disappointment, I wasn't mad that she exposed my rank though.

"I-I'm sorry!" Yua apologized to me.

"Don't worry about It, we're friends and It's only natural you'd freak out since the last time you saw me I was a D rank."

"But does that mean you have all the elements mastered? Except the dark element?" Yua asked me.

I nodded

"Yes, I did. But the school think's I'm actually a C rank since I wanted to hide my true powers from them" I explained.

"That's awesome!! I swear I'll surpass you someday just wait!" Yua said with a smile.

"I look forward towards that Yua" I replied back.

To Be Continued...

New series


World where magic is everyones power!

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