
Dread cub

Year 981


I barely know anything more than my name, my mother gave it to me and she died not too long ago my father is neither known where he is nor expected.

Everything, everything is the fault of this rotten city with all this toxic gas, chemicals, and other bile indigenous to Zaun it would be very easy to blame the living conditions for this place being nothing more than a giant dump but nothing could be further from the truth, it's not just the place, the people are also one of the reasons why this place is a pit of disgrace and decay.

But it's not only that the biggest problem is up there the shining Piltover that treads on the neck of this dying city and its population all to rise above us taking advantage and repressing us at will so we don't raise our heads, I hate them I hate how ostentatious and wasteful they are, I hate them for their enforcers that come to our city to abuse their power...I swear one day the Zaunites will have all the opportunities they deserve and finally, Zaun will rise.....

At least that's what Vander says, a man who wants to get us all out of this hole is quite heroic he has convinced a large part of the lines to follow his cause, It organized a kind of resistance, but anyway, the thing has been heating up for a few months and I think that soon they will cross the bridges to try to take a part of the city so at least they will listen to us I will join, I am small but precisely because of that it will be easy for me to give furtive, precise and forceful blows without anyone seeing me.

I am much stronger than anyone my age, my strength even exceeds an average adult and I know I will only get stronger as I grow, I have stolen a pair of mining hammers they are nothing special just iron corroded by rust and wood, maybe they are a little big for my size but thanks to my strength they are manageable, on the back to the mace they have a kind of sharp beak, honestly, I don't want to know anything the fights that occur in the mines or factories as to need something like that.

It's been a week since I stole my improvised weapons, and life on the street is taking its toll on my health, it didn't take them long to loot my house when they found out about my mother's death, damn rats, at least I still have my hammers but it's getting harder to avoid incidents every day that passes I've heard that the attack will be tomorrow...at last it's time to fight for my freedom.

POV Narrator

The atmosphere in Zaun had reached its peak, and the discontent of the population has led to resist the repression of the enforcers and consequently of Piltover, they want to claim rights and decent living conditions, but for that, they have to cross the bridges, a difficult task for the Zaunites because of the difference between the two forces while these go with knives and blunt weapons the enforcers are equipped with pistols and repeating carbines, it is a disparate battle, the resistance led by Vander has assumed an absurd number of casualties.

The day had arrived on the bridges are seen two forces as different as day and night some armed to the teeth and others with remains, with a deafening battle cry the Zaunites begin to run to get as fast as possible to the barricade imposed by the enforcers that were arranged in the middle of the bridge, soon the real battle began with Vander leading the charge, the enforcers began to shoot getting some casualties but mostly non-fatal wounds due to the distance.

With each step, the casualties increased for the resistance until they finally reached the barricade which could not withstand the load of hundreds of people and inevitably collapsed leaving the enforcers relatively vulnerable, but it was all an illusion what started was carnage for each fallen vigilante there were around five zaunite who met the same fate.

Every second that passed the ground was filled with more corpses from both sides on the Zaunite side there were all kinds of people of all ages ranging from the elderly to children but there was no distinction everyone ended up dead equally.

The fire and smoke enveloped the bridge, it only looked red and in the middle of that chaos a boy dressed like any other inhabitant of the subway city, was pouring all his hatred, his hatred for the world, the resentment toward his enemies, getting carried away by the rage he was killing more and more, in the most brutal ways he could think of, each blow pulverized his target, kneecaps, skulls, ribs, columns, necks, etc...the armor and helmets were breaking like paper.

It didn't matter if they were unprepared or if it was a frontal fight they all ended up dead with no chance of survival as the minutes passed their methods were only more brutal and vicious causing the maximum pain possible even though the boy was not unscathed he had several wounds from blows and even several bullet wounds in the right leg, belly, and shoulder.

Half an hour after the beginning of the conflict the shooting seemed to slow down, probably due to the lack of carbine ammunition, leaving only pistols as an option, however, the resistance was sufficiently depleted to force them to retreat, and many wounded were doing their best but even so, they had no way out, the enforcers would not let them leave the bridge alive and finished them off with a simple shot in the head, shooting no matter who it was.

A couple of girls were in shock as they had just witnessed how the people around them became just another corpse in the huge pile just formed on the bloody bridge, when they heard a deafening gunshot right in front of them that caused them terror, it was a enforcer, He had just executed a dying Zaunite, the enforcer watched them and was slowly heading towards them in an intimidating manner, suddenly an object flew directly at his head with terrifying speed leaving him more than stunned, a smaller figure quickly emerged from the smoke attacking the imposing enforcer with a hammer blow to the kneecap leaving his leg bent at an unnatural angle which caused him to fall to the ground, the small figure quickly placed his right knee in the chest of the enforcer while his left foot held his right arm to the ground leaving him vulnerable for what was to come, a hammer blow landed, then another and another and another the helmet of the watchman was a bloody mixture of metal and flesh but that did not stop the boy from striking with all his fury while letting out a scream that showed the hatred in his heart so much so that for a moment some veins in all of his body were glowing in intense crimson.

They could not see the abnormal reaction of the young man's body because of the position he was in and because they were distracted by the bloody spectacle he was showing them.

After what seemed like an eternity but in reality, was a couple of seconds and several more hammer blows, the boy picked up his weapons and limping was retreating from the bridge where he had released his fury and went to the group limping due to his wounds.

Vander was pale with regret right there were three consequences of his actions and he did not like any of them, the guilt began to eat away at him, he looked at the metal gauntlets he wore bloody for all the lives they had ended, He also looked at the corpses of what would probably be the parents of the girls who turned their gaze in that direction and crumbled at the news as the smoke before them did not let them recognize the corpses as Vander and the boy approached them they're backing away until Vander dropped his metal gauntlets, When the boy came close enough to be seen, Vander was surprised by his appearance, a boy of 5 feet tall, pale white skin, black hair like night and disturbing vibrant electric blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dark, the boy was full of blood, practically all his body and clothes had his blood and above all other people's blood covering him.

- Boy... you need a doctor, do you have someone to stay with?

-Vander... I have nothing and no one left...

-Come with me then boy, it won't be perfect... but you'll have a family...

-Thank you...

-Come on, you need someone to look at those wounds.

-You'll come with me too, now take care of yourselves.

The poor girls could barely nod their heads before they started to cry and were held by Vander who lifted them up and so the quartet left the bridge that made their lives change forever.

Hi guys, I'm new to writing, so don't be too mean to me. English isn't my first language either, so there will be mistakes. Feel free to comment on any questions, criticisms, or suggestions if you're about to throw a stone at me. Thank you for reading.

Rattelbittecreators' thoughts
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