
Wei's Fury

After contracting the demon, Yuan knew that he had to leave the cave immediately. There was no telling what might happen if others discovered what he had done. With a sense of urgency, he retraced his steps and returned to Frost Peak at full speed, the wind whipping through his hair as he raced through the forest.

Upon his arrival, he saw Mei waiting for him. She asked, "Where were you?"

Yuan replied, "I went hunting. What happened?"

Mei questioned him, "Didn't the master say not to leave Frost Peak without her permission?"

Yuan answered her, "I wasn't far, just on edge."

Mei shook her head and said, "Come with me; the master is waiting for you."

Yuan nodded and followed Mei, ready to face whatever consequences awaited him for his actions. Little did he know that the whole Huohui sect was looking for him..

Mei led Yuan to Fairy Ling's abode, where she awaited their arrival. Upon seeing Yuan, Fairy Ling wasted no time in asking, "Where were you?"

Yuan replied simply, "I was hunting some rabbits, Master."

Fairy Ling told him, "We will be going to the principal. Whatever they ask, just answer honestly. You are my apprentice, so you don't have anything to fear."

Yuan nodded in agreement.

Fairy Ling released some of her essence energy and carried Yuan as they flew towards the main meeting hall of the Huohui sect.

When they arrived at the hall, Yuan noticed that all the core educators who had been present during his verification as a level one scribe, including Educator Fang Yizhi, a talented diviner known for his ability to predict and analyze anything. Educator Fang Yizhi could instantly discern if someone was lying in front of him.

Yuan had come to know most of the educators and bowed to all of them as a sign of respect.

While scanning the room, Yuan noticed a girl standing beside Old Man Shi, the old acolyte who served Yuan's meals.

The principal addressed Yuan, "You already know Acolyte Shi, who takes care of chores at Frost Peak."

The principal then pointed toward the girl and continued, "This is Acolyte Wei. She is the fiancé of Apprentice Chen, who got hurt in the recent incident regarding the summoning of the demon."

Yuan remained silent, carefully listening to the principal's words.

The principal continued, "Acolyte Wei claims that you are the culprit who made Chen summon the demon by giving her the lesser arcane paper, which had details about summoning."

Yuan looked intently at Wei and said, "I had found some arcane papers by lucky chance. So, I was experimenting with arcane seals, but those papers were just for theory; they were not supposed to be used for practical purposes. When Acolyte Shi came to me, saying that Acolyte Wei was ready to pay a really good price for those papers I had acquired, I decided to give them to him as they were of no use to me."

Yuan lied, but Fang Yizhi couldn't detect it because his Truth Seeker had the ability to see the ultimate truth as well as hide it. Yuan could have said that the papers were stolen. Educator Fang Yizhi wouldn't be able to tell if Yuan was being truthful.

However, Yuan chose not to claim the papers were stolen, as it would implicate his employee, Old Man Shi. As a former CEO, Yuan refused to let his employee get into trouble when he had done a good job.

Wei, upon hearing this, was furious. "Stop pretending; it was you! It was all your plan! You spread the rumors that you had learned seal creation through arcane papers left by a grandmaster scribe, and then you used the rumor to lure me and make me buy those papers from you through acolytes that served you. You knew the summoning was faulty in those papers, but because you hated Chen, you wanted him to die."

Yuan met Wei's eyes and did not speak to her directly.

Instead, he turned to the principal and asked," I would require your permission to ask few questions to acolyte Wei so the truth could be revealed."

The principal nodded his approval, and Yuan spoke professionally, "I am not saying I was the one who spread the rumor, but let us say if I spread the rumor that I have the fountain of immortality in the backyard, would you believe that too, What if I spread the rumor that washing your face with excrements gives you arcane powers will you believe that too? "

Yuan continued, "You said I lured you. Have we ever met before? Have I even seen your face before?"

Wei replied with a terse, "No."

Yuan further questioned, "Did I force you to buy the arcane papers from my Acolyte?"

Wei answered, "No."

Yuan continued, "So saying that I lured you is wrong. You were lured by greed and jealousy because I became a scribe while your scribe peak did not produce any scribes."

At this point, Scribe Qin could not sit idly by any longer as Yuan directly insulted whole scribe peak.

Scribe Qin began to rebut Yuan, but Yuan stopped him, "Let me finish, fellow scribe before you decide to rebut my statement."

Yuan reminded Scribe Qin, and every other educator present that he was not just an apprentice but a level one scribe with equal standing as Scribe Qin. Right now, he was speaking as the scribe of the sect, not an apprentice of Fairy Ling. Scribe Qin quieted down, and Yuan turned back to Wei.

Yuan continued, "As I was saying, it was your greed since you have no talent for inscribing. It's quite a shame, really. You call yourself a member of the Scribe Peak, yet you possess no skill, no creativity, and no determination. You are merely a shadow of what a true scribe should be. And Chen? He fares no better. A mediocre talent at best. Who couldn't even dream of reaching the heights I've achieved."


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