
Arcane Immortal

Robert Frost, CEO of a multinational company, transmigrates to the world of Immortals and Arcanists. He must confront the consequences and make difficult choices that test his will to survive in this mystic world. Follow Yuan's journey as he learns about his immortal bloodline and sets out on a quest to find out his true potential. With each challenge he faces, he gains a deeper understanding of the world around him and the true nature of his destiny. In a world where strength and power reign supreme, Yuan must find his own path and rise to greatness as an arcanist with an immortal bloodline.

Daoist_Drumstick · Fantasy
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168 Chs

Warrior Training

After resting for a day, Yuan began with the next steps to try to fix his weakness, which was his physical strength. The AI had already shared a warrior cultivation method with him.

But before he could begin with the warrior's training, he needed to master the gravity spell.

Yuan began experimenting with gravity spell. He was amazed at the power he possessed with just a simple rune he had created. The AI continued to guide him, showing him new ways to manipulate the energy and patterns of the runes.

When he activated the spell, he felt a sudden increase in weight. Yuan's body felt like it was five times heavier than before, and he struggled to maintain his balance. It was as if the weight of the world had suddenly been placed upon him, and every step felt like he was dragging his feet through quicksand.

While he was feeling the effects of the gravity spell.

The AI informed him that the rune he had carved was ingenious. The gravity spell could not only make Yuan feel heavy, but it could also give the opposite effect and make him feel lighter. This revelation excited Yuan, and he decided to experiment with the spell.

Yuan stopped the active spell and channeled energy into the rune again, but this time, he tried different patterns. As he did so, he felt a sense of weightlessness, and his body lifted from the ground, floating in the air. It was an exhilarating feeling as if he was made of feathers and air.

After experimenting with the gravity spell, the AI asked Yuan to increase the heaviness of his body to at least ten times its original weight. Confused about how to increase from five times to ten times, Yuan asked the AI for guidance. The AI instructed him to supply more energy to the rune, and Ai said it would let him know when his heaviness reached ten times his original body weight.

Following the AI's instructions, Yuan channeled more energy into the rune, and slowly his body weight increased from five to seven to nine, and finally to ten times his original weight. However, when it reached ten times his weight, Yuan found it extremely difficult to move his body even a single inch. The strain on his muscles, bones, nervous system, and even his brain was too much to bear.

Despite the physical discomfort, the AI asked Yuan to keep the spell active all the time through the gravity rune. With the AI taking care of the energy supply, Yuan could focus on maintaining the spell and adjusting the weight as per his needs.

After a few weeks of practicing the gravity spell with his body weight increased to ten times, Yuan began his training as a Novice warrior under the guidance of the AI. He started by learning the basics of the human body, such as its anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. He learned about the different systems in the body, including the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems, and how they work together to keep the body functioning properly.

Yuan then moved on to learning about his meridians, which are channels in the body through which energy flows. He learned how to identify and activate specific meridians to enhance his physical abilities, such as strength, speed, and agility.

The AI told Yuan that he would not have an inner vision until he became a warrior, which was the ability to see one's own energy flow and the energy flow of others. Therefore, he had to rely on the AI for guidance on which meridians to activate and how to properly use them during combat or training sessions.

Yuan inquired about what level of warrior did he have to reach before he could achieve the inner vision.

The AI informed Yuan that once he becomes a novice warrior, he will have an inner vision, which means he will not just be able to feel but also view the flow of energy in his body. But until he becomes a warrior, he should concentrate on training.

The AI asked Yuan to control his pure flame energy and move it out of his consciousness and into his body.

The first step was to remove the impurities from his body, which were preventing his energy from flowing freely and being absorbed by his body.

To do this, the first step of training was physical exercises while keeping the gravity spell active.

He started with basic exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, and squats, but as he progressed, he increased the intensity of his workouts. He added weight training to his routine, lifting heavier and heavier objects as his body grew stronger. With the gravity spell active, every movement felt arduous. Lifting even the lightest weights felt like lifting a heavy boulder, and each repetition felt like a tremendous effort.

After the physical exercise, Yuan had to practice meditation technique to send pure flame energy into every corner of his body. He would focus his mind on each part of his body and visualize the energy flowing through it, removing any impurities.

Over time, the flame energy started expelling the impurities through Yuan's pores. Yuan could feel a sense of clarity and purity in his body as the energy flowed freely and unimpeded. The process was slow and required a lot of effort, but Yuan knew it was necessary to become a warrior. The past CEO might lack in many things, but he did not lack much in patience.

After a month of intense training, Yuan successfully removed all impurities from his body using the purity flame. He was now ready to become a level 1 novice warrior. The AI instructed him to use the essence energi of his abilities rather than absorbing outside essence like normal warriors.

Yuan agreed, and after another grueling workout, he channeled the pure flame energy and golden wisdom energy throughout his body. His body absorbed the energy at an incredibly fast speed, much like a sponge absorbing water. Every cell in his body seemed to come alive as it absorbed the essence of energi, and he felt a surge of power coursing through him. He closed his eyes and focused on the sensation, allowing the energi to flow freely through his body as he prepared for the next phase of his training.