
Gravity Rune

AI' answered, [Yes, the training method I will be sharing with you will basically have you absorb the essence in your body and use it to enhance your physical appearance permanently through wear and tear.]

Yuan asked, "So instead of container seals, my body will act as a container."

AI answered, [Yes, in a way, but the analogy is wrong. Does your body act as a container when food or protein is consumed? If yes, then your analogy is right; if not, then your analogy is a bit off as essence will assimilate in your body just like food to enhance it.]

Yuan spoke, "Ok, I understand. Let us go ahead with the gravity spell."

Yuan sat cross-legged, ready to learn the arcane gravity spell. The AI had sent all the data and incantation for the spell to Yuan's device, and he had studied it thoroughly. He was excited to learn his first spell and add it to his arsenal.

[Yuan, there are two ways to perform the arcane gravity spell] the AI began. [The first method is through saying the incantation and channeling the essence to perform the spell. This is the method most of the arcane mages use.]

"And the second method?" Yuan asked, curious.

[The second method is to imprint the rune of the spell on the seal of the essence in your consciousness] the AI explained. [Most arcane mages prefer the first method, as each spell is divided by level. Once they level up, they will have to imprint the rune of a new spell on their seal.]

The AI continued. [A seal can not hold more than five spells, and the process is too complex for arcane mages to imprint it directly. However, with my assistance, you can easily imprint the rune of the spell on the seal in your mind.]

Yuan asked," What are the advantages of imprinting the rune in the container seal?"

AI answered [For the first method, you have to always say the incantation, but for the second method, you just need to think to activate the spell, just like your abilities.]

Yuan nodded, understanding the process. "If I permanently imbue this spell rune on the seal in my mind, wouldn't it be a loss of one spot for the spell? The spell will be a minor spell, while the seal will evolve into a medium-grade container in the future," Yuan asked, curious.

The AI answered [Even if the spell is a minor one, when the seal evolves, the efficiency of the runes will increase. You can think of it as when the seal evolves, the potency of the spell will be that of a medium-grade spell when the container seal becomes a medium-grade seal. So there will be no loss. It is not like you are going to have only one seal; as your physical and mental capacity increases with practice, you can create more seals beside the hundred when you reach the level of an adept .]

Yuan was relieved to hear that. But another doubt popped up in his mind: "But if I have to create more container seals just like others to become the next level mage, then why do I need evolvable seals?" he asked.

The AI explained itself patiently. [Let's say you have 100 evolvable minor container seals. Just like others, you become an apprentice. But after becoming an apprentice, you can just evolve the seal to become adept. So your cultivation will be faster. Another advantage is that if you decide to create a new medium-grade seal to advance to adept, the 100 minor container seals become pretty much useless for a general apprentice when they become adepts and when they create new medium-grade seals. But you will not only be able to create a medium-grade seal, but you will also have a hundred more seals that are going to be medium-grade seals. With a supply of that much essence, you can literally spam your enemies to death. As each seal can have five spells, even if you receive an unlimited supply of energy, the dimension cannot give you spell runes.]

Yuan closed his eyes and focused his mind, entering his consciousness with ease. As he floated in the empty space, he saw the familiar AI panel floating beside him.

[Yuan, it is time to create the gravity spell rune on your minor container seal," the AI suggested.

Yuan nodded and focused his mind on the task at hand. He summoned the purity flame in his consciousness, its white energy pulsating in the emptiness. With a thought, Yuan directed the pure energy towards the outer area of the seal, where the gravity spell rune was to be imprinted.

Slowly, the pure flame energy started to imbue in the seal, and Yuan watched as a small rune began to form in the outside area of the seal. The intricate patterns of the rune started to take shape, and Yuan focused his mind on creating the rune with precision and accuracy.

As he continued the process, the pure flame energy flowed from his consciousness towards the seal. The rune slowly started to take shape, the patterns becoming more defined and intricate with each passing moment.

Yuan felt a sense of satisfaction as he watched the gravity spell rune take shape on his minor container seal.

Soon he felt his energy draining as he focused on imbuing the seal with the gravity spell rune. It was a difficult task, and he was only able to complete a quarter of the rune before he felt exhausted.

The AI panel floating beside him noticed Yuan's fatigue and suggested that he take a break and rest. Yuan agreed and decided to exit his consciousness to give his mind and body some rest.

As he opened his eyes, he felt a pang of hunger in his stomach. Yuan got up from his bed and walked towards his room door. When he opened it, he saw a tray of food left outside his room. He brought the tray back to his room and placed it on the table.

The tray contained a bowl of hot soup, a plate of steamed rice, and a grilled chicken breast. The soup was a clear broth with thin noodles and slices of vegetables, which made it a light and comforting dish. The rice was perfectly cooked, and each grain was fluffy and fragrant. The grilled chicken breast was juicy and tender, and it had a subtle smoky flavor that complemented the other dishes.

Yuan sat down and enjoyed his meal, savoring each bite. He felt a sense of comfort and warmth in his body as he ate, which helped him relax and feel reinvigorated.

The next day, after finishing his breakfast, Yuan resumed his work on the seal in his consciousness. He continued to imbue the seal with the gravity spell rune, focusing his energy and concentration on the task.

The process continued for a week, with Yuan taking breaks as needed to rest and eat. On the seventh day, the rune was finally formed on the container seal in his consciousness. With a deep breath, Yuan exited his consciousness, feeling the physical world around him once again. He opened his eyes and stretched his limbs, feeling a sense of accomplishment. The process of imprinting the gravity spell rune on his minor container seal had been a success.

After creating the spell, Yuan decided to take some time off.

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