

714 years after the purge, in the southern realm of Nodora.

As the sun rises on the horizon and workers make their way to their respective jobs, a boy watches these people closely while waiting for his father to finish buying some essential items. The boy has almost red hair, tied in a small ponytail. His eyes are green, unlike the majority of the southern inhabitants, but with a sharpness that seems to scrutinize any event around him. The boy could be considered handsome if not for his sickly appearance; with pale skin, sunken eyes, and a very thin physique.

Amon has had an unknown disease affecting his body in mysterious ways since birth. He has always had a very weak physical disposition, falling ill numerous times and getting hurt easily when attempting more demanding tasks. Naturally, in a society where a significant portion of work is done with manual methods, such fragility is a significant drawback. His only solace is his peculiar sensory and analytical ability, ironically a product of his illness. Whether it's his vision, sense of smell, or hearing, it's undeniably impressive compared to the human average, able to identify a bird successfully catching a small insect from a great distance or hear a small coin drop in the midst of a noisy crowd.

While immersed in the hustle and bustle of urban life, his father, Gavin, tries to haggle with the vendor in a frantic and heated discussion.

"Seriously? 1 apple for 1 copper coin? Come on! I saw a stall selling twice as much for the same price earlier!"

"That's because of the superior quality of my fruits! You can search the entire Steel Valley, but you won't find better produce."

"Don't give me that, Jonah. Currently, there's only one apple supplier in our region. All the apples come from the same orchard!"

"Damn it, Gavin. I'll do 2 apples for one copper coin, but you have to take at least 6..."

"Hm, I'll accept your price and take 12, but I want a discount on the bottle of milk."


After a few more minutes of negotiation, a smiling Gavin leaves Jonah with a defeated expression as he heads towards Amon. He hands him the fruits while questioning his son.

"Hey, son. Next week, you'll be celebrating your 14th birthday, effectively becoming an adult. I think it's time we talk about the coming-of-age ceremony. I'll respect it if you decide to have the ceremony just for us. Don't feel pressured by the responsibility of inheriting our family forge; you're not obliged to fulfill the expectations of those old folks who never contributed to our business."


"You know, when I was about your age, I had already developed a keen interest in blacksmithing. However, your grandparents never accepted such thoughts and pushed me to follow the path of a tailor, just like them. So, I would never dare impose my dream on you, after all, I experienced how restrictive it is to bear a burden you never wished for. I want you to make your own choices determined by your own will. Unfortunately, as a blacksmith, I can only guide you on the path of forging, but I'll support you in any paths you decide to take."

"...Dad, I don't know how to respond. I have a passion for blacksmithing and always wanted to work with you, but unfortunately, my body is unable to withstand the rigorous requirements to forge even the simplest horseshoe. I don't want my incapacity to set back something you've fought your whole life to build."


Gavin had a conflicted expression hearing Amon's words. It broke his heart to witness the difficulties his son had to endure due to his unknown condition. Despite spending several silver coins, it was never possible to discover the origin of his disease, let alone a cure.

"Don't worry, Dad. Herbalist Ada said I have a great talent for herbalism and possibly even alchemy. My heightened senses give me a significant advantage in this kind of work that requires precision and dexterity. I've been working in her shop for a few weeks now and managed to memorize almost all types of plants and medicines available for sale, as well as their effects. Soon, I'll learn how to produce some simple ointments for burns and healing small wounds, and if all goes well, I'll ask her to teach me some basic potions."

Gavin felt somewhat relieved to hear about his progress in herbalism. It's a relatively profitable business, provided the herbalist is competent and can produce at a low cost without compromising the final product's quality.

After a bit more interaction between the father-son duo, they finally arrive in front of a two-story house. It was built using a light-colored stone, while its roof was orangish. Its architecture, like all of Nodora, is reminiscent of Romanesque architecture.

Seeing that they've arrived home, Gavin handed the milk bottle along with a small bag to Amon and bid farewell to his son.

"Amon, my son. Deliver the purchases to your mother. I'll head straight to the forge. I believe the furnaces are almost fully heated by now. I'll see you again at lunchtime."

After parting ways with Gavin, Amon enters the house and prepares to meet his mother while placing the bags on the table. Not seeing his mother in sight, he decides to announce his presence in the residence.

"Mom!! I'm home!"

Almost immediately, Amon hears his mother's response. Her melodic and sweet voice was one of the few things that warmed Amon's heart.

"Amon? In the kitchen, dear! Could you bring me the milk your father bought, please?"

Amon promptly took the milk bottle with care and headed to the kitchen.

Hello, everyone! This was the first chapter of my first novel. I'm a beginner, so constructive criticism and opinions are appreciated. It's worth mentioning that English is not my first language. Thank you!

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