
-240- Don't be like this

////Sorry for not updating, been busy with collage stuff. Was facing problem about dropping courses. Turns out 3 courses is too much for me and been talking to my instructor and program advisor to arrange it for me. Now that my withdrawal is approved, I got more free time now <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠ >.////

"I extend to you the highest respects, my friend. The Winter's Claw will become the strongest ally of the Twin Cities in the North, and I will be your weapon, leading my people to become the strongest shield."

Linwin shook his head incredulously and said, "Sejuani, our deal isn't that complicated. You just need to help the Twin Cities guard the Hextech stations and refrain from invading Demacia."

"But the supplies you've given us..."

"No, Sejuani, you're overthinking it. Whether you feel deserving or not isn't up to you; it's up to us. Don't worry about the deal because in my city, everyone is shrewd, excellent merchants, especially the people from the Twin Cities, who never make bad deals."

Sejuani remained quiet for a long time before nodding while holding the Hextech phone.

The Twin Cities brought twenty Hextech phones this time, but Sejuani didn't distribute any of them. She kept them all to herself.

"I understand. If there's a chance, can I visit the Twin Cities?"

"Of course!" Linwin nodded vigorously. "Zaun and Piltover will welcome you."

The Fury of the North—Sejuani, Linwin had learned Sejuani's star rating these days.

Sejuani was a five-star, but upon closer thought, Linwin felt her strength wasn't deserving of five stars. 

Of course, Sejuani was formidable, but her power remained within human limits. So, her five-star rating was probably due more to her status?

She was one of the champion of the Freljord legend, said to be the reincarnation of serylda. The three sisters weren't ordinary, each confronting demigods, celestial beings, and the Void.

They were true heroes of humanity, with Ashe inheriting Avarosa, Sejuani inheriting Serylda, and Lissandra still hiding in her fortress.

Five-star card, Linwin knew of five-star champion, but encountering someone like Sejuani, who was hard to please and slow to warm up, was a first.

Kai'Sa's affection rose quickly, practically given away for free, while Lulu's was a literal gift.

Nasus also repaid debts, but Sejuani's favorability rose really slow!

"Well then, in a few days, I'll send the enforcers back, and you should send people to move your people to the south. The next batch of supplies will be given to you in half a month. It'll probably be mostly bread this time."

Linwin's lips twitched.

Piltover produced a lot of wheat bread daily, and while the bread tasted good—soft and sweet, if stored properly, some of it would inevitably be left over. Stored well, it could last for months, but the problem arose when the bread...

Linwin didn't fancy eating that stuff.

It became as hard as iron, even when chewed, it felt like wax powder. To be honest, bread left for a long time could be used as a stone to throw at someone.

The only good thing was putting it in broth, softening it up, and making it edible.


"Yes, some stored bread that's practically worthless to us, but for you, it's valuable." Linwin thought for a moment, feeling a bit embarrassed to give away things he didn't want, although he was sure Sejuani and the Fury of the North would need it. He quickly added, "The taste won't be great, but after boiling it in soup, it'll become soft and tasty. You often cook soup over there, right?"

"Yeah, in the cold weather, soup can warm our body," Sejuani replied.

Then she added, "Linwin, you don't need to worry about the taste of the bread. As long as it's food, we can eat it. Besides, I know about bread; I've eaten the bread Skite and Ekko gave me." 

Outside the cabin, Sejuani leaned against Bristle, the fur of the drüvask wild boar, lush and soft, like a comfortable blanket, except for the unpleasant smell emanating from Bristle's body.

In the past, Sejuani hadn't noticed it because she herself was covered in blood and sweat, but now, Sejuani took comfortable hot baths at night and changed into clean, refreshing clothes, so she found herself starting to dislike the smell emanating from Bristle's body.

Sejuani smiled, becoming more prone to smiling these days. "That taste is wonderful."

Linwin paused, then smiled back and said, "That's good, as long as you can accept it."

"Linwin." Sejuani suddenly called out Linwin's name.


"I will watch over these structures for you, and I will protect your people here."

Sejuani took a deep breath, got up from Bristle, knelt calmly on the ground, and placed the Hextech phone in the snow in front of her.

A group of Winter's Claw warriors saw this scene and simultaneously knelt down, bowing to Sejuani.

They had seen Sejuani like this many times before.

But those times were always in peril, but this time, it was in a safe and warm place.

Sejuani made a vow in such a place.

They silently watched the Warmother.

Then, they closed their eyes devoutly, hearing Sejuani's call.

The Northern war song was wild and mournful, usually sung with roars and howls, but this time, it was quiet.

As the short song ended, Sejuani lifted her hands, combed her soft silver hair back, and then grabbed the ends of her hair and tied them into a triangle knot, where several knots of different sizes were clearly visible.

Bristle sensed the change in Sejuani and stood up. It stood behind Sejuani, snorting fiercely, its fierce eyes filled with hostility.

But after a while, Bristle's fierce little triangular eyes became confused.

There were no enemies!

Sejuani made a vow.

"Even in death, I will protect them until they leave this land."

Ding: The Fury of the North pledges to you, increasing favorability.

Ding: The Fury of the North pledges allegiance to you, increasing favorability.

Linwin: "."

Ding: Successfully activated the Fury of the North—Sejuani, please continue to strive.

"I understand."

Linwin took a deep breath, feeling the weight of this oath. Though there was no written document, Linwin knew its significance.

Sejuani valued commitments deeply, and when she made a solemn vow, she meant it to the end.

"When the time comes, come visit with Vi."

Sejuani picked up the Hextech phone.

"At that time, Skite will be with your people. With the Hextech phone, you don't have to worry about communication issues."

"The Twin Cities have some good things to give you."

Sejuani nodded. "I understand."

"It's just a pity that I don't know if I'll be in the Twin Cities when you come."

Linwin chuckled. "I'll try my best to be there to meet you."

After chatting with Sejuani for a few more minutes, Linwin hung up the phone.

Hextech Sejuani.....

I remember the skin is really nice.

However, as Linwin put down the phone, he met Kai'Sa's eyes.

"Don't be like this. I'm just meeting her, nothing more."

Next chapter