
Arcana Mysteries of the infinites

In the beginning there was a supreme being that created everything in this exist Ayan a boy who wants to have adventure let us follow him throughout his adventures

Kinglot · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 8:vol 1

When I woke up I heard some commotion downstairs in the palace so I did my morning routine and went downstairs to see what's happening and , I saw that my brothers are back and are talking about how they're training went and I also see that my sister is back talking with Inin about his engagement while she was gone, Mika is sitting by himself reading a book so I took this opportunity to try and talk to him, I walk up to Mika and sit by him and try to say hi but he interruptes me, what do you want ayan, I pause for a moment and found the courage to speak to him, I just want to say hi to you Mika we're brothers can I not do that? No you cannot and I also don't like you but actually why are you here because it can't be because of that, what he said saddened me but I swallowed it up and said how did your training go Mika, it was great actually zalario went to go help me and the others with our training I also learned a few new moves I say grinning, seeing Mika smile made me feel warm and good about myself that I made my brother smile instead of giving him a bad taste in his mouth. What about you ayan how has your training been, my face lit up in excitement and happiness I can't believe my brother ask me how I've been, ayan you good, oh sorry Mika I just paused for a second but my training with diablo was good he taught me some new magic and helped me improve my own, I see that's good ayan, also did you gave breakfast yet? I didn't yet mika I was just going to go get some you want any? Nah I already had my fill I suggest you eat as mother and father want to make an announcement, oh I guess ill get something to eat then, I walk up to the table and get a few pancakes and eat at the table after I finished mother and father came to make an announcement, my children we have gathered you hear to tell you something and review what you guys have been doing. How was your training? It was great mother egil said, it was good mom inin said as well, art and eon said they learned a few new things from zalario, Mika also said that it was great and he improved a lot, arlena said she made a new friend on her business trip and learned lots of other magic. What about you ayan how has your training been mother says with a stern look, i recompose myself and say it was good I learned a few new tricks from diablo, that's good then, I'm here to tell you all that me and your father has agreed to merge empires with another great empire, after mother said that everyone was shocked at what she said, are you sure about this mother egil said, yes I'm sure we are gonna do a massive combination circle to merge our empires and our people they also live near the grandiose magic academy as well so it will be beneficial we are also be best friends with the great empires emperor Elonis and empress duella and their 3 children Vivian Elijah and pericin, wait mother you know vivian, yes she is a very sweet girl, mother she's my best friend I saw on my travels! I can't wait to meet her again, well it seems your gonna fit right in then arlena, i think you guys will like will like it there the people of this empire also agreed to it as well, well I have no problems with it inin said, same with him egil said as well, art and eon also agreed to the merging of our empires, Mika said he didn't care, and I was curious if the new empire so I agreed, alright so it's settled then father said, lets start the spell to, I walked outside and put my hands up the people are standing in the roads anticipating the spell so I begin to start it i start the fusional teleportaition spell and I combine our empires the entire empire glows blue and the people are surprised about what's going on then there's a bright flash and now there's a huge empire and then it merges with ours and after that our empires merge and the people brought together the land our empire was on was left barren and we merged with the Erinis empire the new empire name is erilinis great empire, woah dad egil said, yes my son it takes a lot of power to do it but it's not a problem for someone as powerful as me, I can see dad so now what, we will hold a ceremony for 3 days and nights and the people will feast we will also feast and will have a grand ball to meet the new people, when will the ball start tomorrow late afternoon, alright dad I will get ready for the ball tomorrow cya later, alright son, wow I looked at the new empire and it looked beautiful with marble roads and pristine people this new empire was also stated to be made by a heroic queen and king in a book I read and it was true it was also stated this new empire will bring upon a new age of peace and prosperity for the world, this place looks amazing I say in my head, my children come to the table father said, I called your here to tell you there will be a grand ball tomorrow afternoon so the people will get to know eachother and we will meet the other royals and nobles, everybody except mother said yes father and we went out to our rooms to prepare for the big ceremony tomorrow. I can't wait to meet new people, I hope they are nice to me I say as I finished preparing my night routine and went to sleep