
Arcana Mysteries of the infinites

In the beginning there was a supreme being that created everything in this exist Ayan a boy who wants to have adventure let us follow him throughout his adventures

Kinglot · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 4:vol 2

When I woke up I felt kinda weak and drowsy probably because of the the chains affects and the collar, so I went to the bathroom to wash my face and get prepared for today, I went to go get breakfast and they have pancakes, which is my favorite food by the way, I then recall everything that happened yesterday until I realize that konon was still there so I stopped eating and quickly teleported to the location I put him at yesterday and I looked around and saw a spot where he was, it seems he teleported away before the person who saved me could get him, I sigh and hope he doesn't come back for a while because that encounter was very annoying, then somebody comes up to me, hey are you the guy from yesterday I,um yeah I'm ayan aren't you the helper to the student council president, yeah and I'm also a guard, sorry if I was in a rush egil told me to do something and it was very important, so for a proper introduction my name is lokas kingeiver, and my name is ayan ienos iririna the 7th prince. Alright now that that's out of the way, egil told me to send you to his office, really again! Yes he says it's something important, it's probably because of yesterdays events I thought to myself, well ok I sigh in defeat, let's go, after walking around for a bit we arrive at egils office, we'll it was nice meeting you ayan cya around, yeah it was nice meeting you as well, after he left I opened the door to egils office and he's sitting in his desk thinking about something, egil you called for me? Oh right I think you know why I called you here ayan, is it because of what happened yesterday, yes ayan, it seems one of the kolkin empires spy's had inflitrated us and was right under our noses the entire time. Yeah it was konon, konon? You mean the son of our previous duke, yeah do you know what happened to them, well our parents caught them doing evil things such as trafficking illegal items and his son helped as well so they kicked them out of our empire and they seemed to be very upset about it, they also were recruited by the kolkin empire for something, I don't know what though, I'm guessing about the abyss annihilation did you say anything to him, no I only said it was the gravity collapse and he said they were looking for a great spell. A spell why would they want that I guess I'll need to do some digging around to find out what spell they are talking about, you know anything else, this guy had saved me and he looked very different from other people. How do he had heterochroma eyes which is very rare, oh he's the new student I don't think his eyes have anything to do with it, he also broke a collar that has the same properties as the euroiros chain. Wait what did you say! He broke a collar with the same properties as the euroiros chain with his bare hands, that means he is very special if he can do that ayan, um I guess so, that means we need to recruit him into the tournament so we can win, but he's a new student he just can't get in, I know that but we need him, but he's new I yell in defiance, do you seriously want the kolkin empire to win ayan I say getting angry,n-no, so why don't you want him to join the tournament, u-umm b-because, I try to come up with an excuse but I couldn't, I-I don't know, is that it then huh ayan, I huff and rub my head, we'll continue this later ayan you are dismissed, after he said that I walked out and saw egil's helper, did everything go alright? No it didn't I say with a saddened face, well I'm okay I guess I'll see you later then, sure cya later lokas, same to you, I walk away from the office in my thoughts, what was I thinking I said to myself how could I say no even though I just met him and I don't even speak for him. I sigh and start to go to my dorm room until I remembered I had to thank him for what he did, so I went around the academy searching for him but couldn't find him anywhere and it was lunchtime so the last place I haven't checked was where he saved me at so I went there are and I finally found him, I try to come up with an approach method in my head but he snapped me out of my thoughts, oh it's you ayan right? Y-yeah I say nervously, why are you here I thought you had to do something, I did and I finished it I say stuttering, well ok, I came here to repay you back for saving me, oh yeah that it was nothing just doing what's right, I blushed and that sent butterflies down my stomach why is he so tempting I thought in my head, y-yeah so what do you want me to repay you with, well nothing really I just like doing the right thing, t-that's very heroic I say blushing, well yeah I've always wanted to do good, I clear my thoughts and get my mind straight, are you sure you don't want me to repay you there has to be something you need help in, well I do need help for some studies since I don't come from anyone special just regular commoners but I love them dearly, oh well that's good that you live your parents even though their not special or royalty, well yeah I came here through hard work and training and they've always wanted be to be successful and did everything for me so I'm here to repay back their kindness I say smiling at the thought of them. So to help you with your studies do you want to come to my dorm room? Sure I'd it'll help me pass the year he says smiling warmly, his smile made my heart flutter, w-well I'll lead the way, I walked around the academy to my dorm even though I was supposed to go to class egil said I was very weak and couldn't go to school today to the teachers they believed it and now I don't have school for today either, alright we're here, after saying that I opened the door and showed him my dormroom, woah it looks beautiful it's even better than my dormroom, it's a perk of being royalty, I guess being royal is nice huh, well most of time, anyways where do you want to study at, anywhere is fine as long as I can get better at my work, so my bedroom then I have a stand there so we can work together, that seems great let's go then, I grab ayans hand and go inside his room, wow ayan your room looks really nice! W-well yeah I'm royal so of course it would be really good room. It seems commoners like me can miss out on a lot of things that royals don't, hey don't say that just because my room is nice doesn't make me any better than you, well you are right on that ayan I believe everybody should be equal, I chuckle, I hope that comes true, after that me and him to sit down together on my stand and begin working, after an hour we finish working and he gets ready to leave, thank you ayan I never really understood this part of the academy work and you helped me understand it better, no problem it's no biggie, no seriously you've really helped me and I thought I was in trouble, o-oh I never knew it was that important to you, I will forever be grateful to you as you saved both me and my parents, oh and I forgot to properly introduce myself, I am lezario legansule it is my pleasure to be your acquaintance, I blushed and revealed my name, I am ayan ienos iririna the 7th prince, nice to meet you ayan the 7th prince, well now that our proper introductions are over I'll guess I'll see you later lezario, you too ayan cya later I smiled and he blushed and that made me chuckle. W-why is he so hot i thought to myself, I shake my head and try to clear my thoughts ugh why am I like this, after that I go to my bed and read books I've never read before, after a while I look up and see that it's getting late so I go out to get food but before I step out I see a basket with a note inside of it, this is for you ayan as you're supposed to be sick, oh if I stepped out and for food then I wouldn't really be sick would I, I grabbed the basket and went back inside, In the basket it's a ham toast sandwich from the cafeteria, after I ate it I took a bath, and went to bed for sleep.

I woke up and felt rejuvenated as I recovered from the collar bind konon put on me, I went and put on my academy uniform and went to class my first class was magic preparation, alright class today we are going to train your magic he said to everyone outloud, oh you must be the sick student are you ok? Yeah I'm better today, ok then well get ready, my name is mr.vanderin and I presume your ayan, yes I'm ayan, well ayan get in line and get ready to test your magic, after getting in line I saw several people who were excited to test their magic, I bet my magic is better than yours, no I bet mine is, alright class follow me, this is where you'll test your magic to your limits to prepare it for the most magic exhausting situation, alright first group step up, a group of students step up and they go and try to test their magic, alright start , this one student stepped up along with several others, and he started to use wind magic, boraen catastrophe! He shouted and it caused the wind to scream and the ground to tremble a few seconds later it appeared into a funnel and he caused a several hundred feet wide tornado, that's pretty cool I said and it seems he's a orc(by the way their are different types of orcs in this fanfic and he is the color orangish brown skin and mostly human features as this type of orc is only allowed in human kingdoms, as they are intelligent as humans and have as much if not greater magic compacity than humans. The tornado continued to form while somebody else formed a great fire ball, salamanderous fire ball! It formed a great fire ball in the sky and was a few dozen meters wide while another used lightning magic, thundershock annihilation, he causes a great massive lightning pillar to come from the sky and it was almost as big as the tornado and a few more others used several other magic such as magma and earth magic. After a few more groups showcases their power it was my turn so I tried to think of a magic and I chose one I researched about, I put my hand on the ground and caused the earth to heat up and caused a big superheated area around me on the earth I then supercharged the particles in the air and accelerated them to near light speed to form a highly ionized beam in front of me. Uhh mister ayan is that the magic you chose, yeah is something wrong with it? No no it's just I never seen a student use magic like that care to explain it? Sure it's a highly accelerated particle beam that is about 100 feet wide and a mile tall and it's purpose is to protect you from all attacks omnidirectionally, well I guess it's good then thank you for explaining, the class was also surprised and I received mixed glairs from them, alright class continue, after my showcase the class continued the magic preparation, and class was over after than we had gym and today we did combat learning excercise everybody find a pair and get ready, I look around to try and find a partner to team up with but it seems everyone until someone bumped into me, oh hey ayan! I look at the direction at who yelled at me, lezario why are you here? Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you I had came late because of separate issues, oh well okay then also can you be my combat partner I don't have anyone to pair up with, sure I was just about to ask you since I couldn't find no none either, ok great then, alright class now let the combat excercise began as he blew his whistle everybody just started fighting, lezario rushed at me and through a kick and I went forward and kicked his leg away as we did that it caused a shockwave that cracked the ground around us I then start to throw a punch but lezario easily intercepted it and flipped me away I then back flip in the air landing on my feet in a crouching position he then rushed me and tries to punch me, I flash step out of the way and quickly flip him under and put my foot on his chest, I win lezario, are you sure, lezario then disappears and before I could find out it was a clone the real lezario rushed towards me and tackled me, he then puts both my arms on top of my head on the ground while sitting on top of me, so you give up ayan, n-no I say blushing, are you sure he said as he got closer and his breath trickled on my neck,o-ok fine I submit I say bregudgingly and showing my neck towards him, good then I guess I'm the winner he says smiling, I guess you are I sigh in defeat, after he gets up

Off of me I get up off the ground and I have a hardon, I quickly try to hide it but i can't so I have to go on with my classes with a hardon and with lezario for today and hope nobody notices it, after doing all my classes I rush back into my dormroom with my cock as hard as ever I rush into my bedroom and strip off my pants which reveals my cock that has a condom on it and a cock ring I then stroke my cock thinking of lezario i grope my balls as well doing it full of passion and vigor, my cock and balls start to pulsate so I keep on stroking it nice and hard until my balls start to pulsate so I start to grope my balls releasing thick juicy sweet boy musk into the air and I start to stroke quicker and quicker until I cum, my thick juicy boy cum splashes everywhere in my condom filling it up to the point it leaks I moan with my tongue out and mouth open with heart eyes, i took my cock condom releasing potent pheromes in the air and the condom releases my thick boy Cum that came from my juicy cock, I then lick my own cum I almost drown at how thick it is but I still keep swallowing and licking it, after I finish eating my own cum I felt incredibly horny again so I grabbed my boy tights which are my underwear,I make a makeshift onahole. And thrust into with incredible hornyness I then play with my foreskin and wrap another condom around my cock, I then start humping the air and my ass starts to clap and my boy feet starts to curl up after a few minutes I came again, after that I calmed down and I went to go get dinner, after getting dinner I read a few books and went to bed.

I woke up having a wet dream about lezario and it seems my condom got even more filled up with cum, so after I wake up I put my clothes on and start my school day and continue this till a week later.

After that week I started to begin my training with egil.

Alright ayan you ready I say getting prepared for our spar, yes I am alright then let the match begin! We both rush towards eachother and our forearms hit eachother creating a crater in the ground, i then use my frost wind magic and create dozens of ice swords and launch them at egil, i dodge all most all of his ice swords until one explodes and entraps me in ice binds and the others come towards me and explodes leaving an icy mist which freezes everything around me and I get frozen as well, but I use flame magic to destroy the icy mist and the ice itself, it seems that trick won't work I thought to myself, so I start to use vine magic and try to trap him, but his flames easily burn through it all so I decided to go with swordplay,after burning ayans vines I start to summon a flaming sword and he also brings out his own sword, we both clash and my flaming sword can negate any type of resistance or durability do to how strong my flame magic is, I then start to clash swords with ayan and he blockes some of them but still gets cut in places and then I parry his sword attack and counterattack,when evil counterattacked my own attack he had me down and I yielded, that was a pretty good spar ayan but not good enough, you still need to be better at what you do and your techniques, I'll show you some that'll be useful, after teaching ayan for a bit, we decided to finish our training lesson, ok ayan that's it for today but every 3 days of each week will be training sessions so get used to it, alright egil,after the training session i went to my dormroom and read books then I had dinner so I went to the cafeteria and headed back to my dorm. After reading a few more pages of my book I then decided to go to sleep. I was sleep until I heard a loud bang, what was that! I thought to myself until I stepped outside of my dormroom and saw a fight between a divine person and a angel.