

My sisters, Yasmin and Sheikha, who were making strange plans with each other, as well as me, at my father-in-law's words.

Even Fatima, who overheard our conversation, was wide-eyed with surprise.





These conservative young people look like the world has turned upside down.

On the contrary, my father-in-law, who is very tolerant of sexuality, answered my question with a calm expression.

"إذا كان سائلاً جسدياً. ؟ (If it's a body fluid...?)"

"نعم. توقع الأمير صحيح. اسم رمزي للسائل المنوي السميك المستخرج من الأعضاء التناسلية للأمير. فقط قم بحقنه في جسم R. لذا، بكل بساطة، إذا قمت بالقذف المهبلي من خلال الجماع بين رجل وامرأة، فإن فإن عملية البصمة تكتمل تكتمل ويتم إعطاء الاسم الرمزي. سوف يتعرف R على الأمير باعتباره سيده. (Yes. The prince was right. The thick semen from the prince's penis, codenamed. R's body. In other words, when he ejaculates vaginally through intercourse, the imprinting process will be complete and Codename. R will recognize you as his master)".




What can I say?

My father-in-law is talking about something very disturbing.

And that sperm can be used to imprint an artificial life form....


So the code name I bought today. Does this mean that if R is a male A.I. instead of a female, I'll have to take a BL?

Ugh. I feel like something is coming from inside.

Fatima, who was next to me, asked her father-in-law if he agreed with me.

"Grandpa, don't lie to me. It's not just semen, it could be blood."

"In general, yes."

"What do you mean, generally?"

"According to the information I received from slave 156, SSS Rank artificial life forms cannot be imprinted with saliva or blood. Only secretions from the lower half of the body. That means a woman can be imprinted with saliva and a man with semen."


Fatima's mouth fell open at the words of her father-in-law.

After all, all the artificial life she'd ever seen had been up to S-rank, never higher.

Maybe her grandfather was right, imprinting with saliva or blood wasn't possible for SSS-ranked AIs.


"Of course it's bullshit.

Muhammad scoffed to himself as he looked at the frozen prince and girl.

Not that it couldn't be done with sperm, but....

What kind of asshole would want to share his body with an artificial life form when there's something as simple as donating blood?

If you're high enough in society to have the power and wealth to buy an artificial life form, you're probably not .....

You can take the most beautiful and handsome women in any country, even impregnate them and throw them away.

Unlike the previous life, when democracy was the majority, the current world is dominated by empires ruled by kings and aristocrats....

With the exception of the United States of America, the concept of human rights is incredibly thin.

Of course, a Code. R, it's a different story when it's a beautiful woman who makes a man's heart beat faster.

Could it be that his brain was more numb to the pleasure of selling this slave girl than to the pleasure of looking like me?

Besides, this is not something I did on my own; it was none other than .... who ordered me to proceed with the imprinting using sperm instead of blood. The little father of the Crown Prince. Brahman bin Abdulaziz Arabia'.

How surprised I was to hear him say that.

To be precise, I was astonished by Prince Mansur, who at his age had not yet lost his virginity.

Shouldn't a prince of the great Arabian empire suck dope and stay out of women's arms?

If that were the case, the Middle Eastern branch of the Lati ad alterum group would have to resort to daily parties and ....

and lots of auction items to satisfy your vanity, and you'd get a sweet commission.

Tsk. Wasteful.

It's like taking your niece's virginity or something. .... Well. It's not a bad option for me, too, since I can earn money for hotel rooms. The Crown Prince won't be renting a modest room, he'll be renting a ridiculously expensive suite for the sake of prestige.

The hotel, by the way, is run by the Middle Eastern arm of the Lati ad alterum group.

It's also where Muhammad's pockets and bankroll are tied up, so the Brahman Emperor's offer isn't a bad option.

Muhammad has little to lose.

A rogue prince who plays fast and loose with the law, and who will be furious when he finds out in the future.

Dealing with the wrath of an empress forced to watch in real time as the man she loves loses his virginity to an artificial life form. ....

Wait a minute.

Are you sure this isn't a lot to take in?



Muhammad looked up in a cold sweat as he imagined himself being hanged in the future.

He locked eyes with Empress Yasmin and Advisor Sheikha.

He locked eyes with one of the most powerful men in the Arab Empire, a grotesque mixture of life, despair, grief and anger....

Somehow I have a feeling I'm going to have a very difficult life.


So much coincidence and inevitability.

Someone's intervention overlapped and brought me to where I am today.



There are only two people in the opulent suite.

One is me, of course.

The other is my sex slave I bought for five billion dollars....

The other is my SSS Rank Artificial Life Form, codename. R.

It's been a long road to this point.

Sister Yasmin cried and screamed and threw a fit because she couldn't go to the palace alone....

For the first time in my life, I saw her tears.

Even though we had only known each other for a short time.

"No, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No. I can't take Mansur alone. Hahahahaha."

"You have to go. The prince is about to become a man... No, we have to finish the imprinting."

"Sheikha, you know it's not just an imprinting procedure, but you still want to stop me?"

"That's because .... You can't just hand over a five billion dollar SSS Rank artificial life form to someone else, can you?"


It took Sheikha's continued persuasion to get her to part with Yasmin.

Although Yasmin and Sheikha gave me the creeps, I was able to see ....

What happens when you wake up after a night's sleep.

Humans are animals of forgetfulness and my misdeeds will be forgotten in time.

I can't even get two girls to give me an after-date....

Buy a new girl and take her virginity in a hotel.

"Thank you. Sheikha. Thanks to you, Yasmin's sister won't bother me anymore."

"Shut up."


"Today is the last time. If you drive a stake through Princess Yasmin's heart again... .... I won't watch either, and you can expect a full meal of how I've lived my life."


"I have a nail in my heart, too.... Moe, don't put a nail in it, huh?"



With a reaction like that, I'd rather have Codename. R to protect me.


If an SSS Rank AI could survive a nuclear blast to its core and still fulfill its mission....

How strong do you think an SSS Rank artificial life form from another dimension would be?


Is that why?

The Arab Empire guards who usually keep a close watch on me have all returned.

Although they don't show it on their faces, their eyes are filled with disgust.


Damn it.

How dare you look at this body like that....

I'm sure there will be a massive purge when I return to the Imperial Palace later.

Hmph. I searched everywhere.


"Fuck. Hey!"

My eyes snapped open at the sound of a high-pitched voice, and I saw Codename. R.

She was indeed a descendant of the world-conquering Golden Clan of the Mongol Empire, and her beauty was an uncanny blend of East and West...



Also, Codename. R has ditched her human experimentation outfit, which was horrifying even to my not-so-fashionable self, in favor of an easy-to-wear .....


Uh.... Is this supposed to be comfortable?

It's like it was made specifically to seduce men.

It was sexy lingerie made of sheer lace, pornographic underwear that exuded intense passion.

"Ugh. That's so fucking hot."



South Korean novel translated into English through AI.

IQIXcreators' thoughts
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