3 Chapter 3 : Strangeness

Reporter: Mr Richard Jones of Beckham street whose Farm was robbed and vandalised few days ago. Commits Suicide.


This was quite astonishing. If you are one of those who personally know Mr. Jones then you know what I mean.

Mr Jones was the richest person in our city. He had a lot of assets, something he was really proud of. I have interacted with him quite often since he was a client of my fathers business. I remember that we used to meet at church or special occasions and festivals. Even though we didn't talked much rather than whereabouts and sometimes short discussions.

Here is where the problem was, Mr Jones wasn't the type of person who can possibly commit suicide. Someone who was proud of himself and his assets. someone who radiates confidence and have a bold personality. Committing suicide would be the last thing such a person can do.

Reporter : Mr. Jones body was recovered at 7 in the morning after one of his workers found him aside his farmhouse while going to work. From what it looks like he had possibly jumped from the roof of his farmhouse.

The investigation is still on but no evidence of any murder has been found yet. It was confirmed a suicide case after Mrs Jones confirmed that he was depressed and suicidal for the past few days and had similar failed attempts.

Something wasn't right. I had this strange kind of feeling.

It is a big loss for dad specially since Mr Jones had been one of his regular clients for a long time. They had grown quite a bit of friendship specially since he had given dad emotional support after Mother's death

Anyways, I progressed towards to work on my blog. I needed something to divert my mind from all this.

This week's blog topic : Can we time travel in the past?

I spent almost half an hour working on it. Finally Done! Yes!

I uploaded it so that my viewers can see.

As from habit, I proceeded to check the stats and comments of previous articles before turning of my laptop. 105 likes, 12 new comments

Comment 1: Love your blog.



Comment 2 : Last article was amazing


(Most of the comments were same, in appreciation of work)






3 , 4 , 5....





comment 9 : https://www.google.com/search?q=sandcastle&hl=en&prmd=ivmn&sxsrf=ALeKk011DZyXdBaJDwotCPs18k9DywwtEg:1586771044911&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5x-LjjuXoAhUPbn0KHe7tCJUQ_AUoAXoECBwQAQ&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=87T2N3Oeii_9MM

Huh? No words, no anything. It looks like a link.

I open the link and it takes me a Google image of a sandcastle on a beach.

Seriously? My last article was on black holes. What is the purpose of sending a pic of a sandcastle? Does he wants me to write about it? Then why didn't he mention it in the comment.

I checked for his profile. It wasn't from any of my regular readers. It was a new user. Name - Internet User (what a lame username). The ID was made today morning. No profile pic, no bio. Nothing just name.


There was another new subscriber that is 'April Red'. Yes! I thought. Now she can check how awesome I am.

Anyways I turned off my laptop and went to complete my homework and projects.

(It was in between this that Dad arrives. He seems exhausted and emotionless)

Dad : Did you had anything?

Me : Made myself a sandwich for lunch. 

Dad : Good, I will prepare dinner soon.

Me : did you....

Dad : Yes, I got to hear it at work.

Me : ....

Dad : quite unfortunate

Me : Yeah

Dad : Mrs Jones has called for the funeral tomorrow.

Me : But, I have school tomorrow and the last day for homework submission.

Dad : You don't need to come.

Me : seriously?

Dad : yes

Me : sure, but why though?

Dad : I don't want you to face the sight of a funeral. You had collapsed when you went to pay respect to your Uncle's Body last year. It was much of a trouble afterwards.

Me : yeah, I don't remember much what had happened but when I woke up, I was in a different room with Derek.

Dad : It started when you first encountered your Mother in the coffin.

Me : I wish not to talk any further.

Dad : Okay, go and continue whatever you were doing, I will call you when dinner is ready.

Me : Yupp.

The next day Dad had left early for the funeral. I proceeded to school.

Lee was absent. He had taken a leave for five days because he had been bitten by a stray cat when he went to pet it. Now that's Lee for ya. (He texted me yesterday.)

The school went as regular.(quite boring without Lee).

While leaving I was in the same situation again.

Standing alone in front of the gate with April Red.
