
An inquiry

After we dropped off the infinity gems I got a rather queer call from nick fury. It sounded like there were people on the end as some of his questions were.... more direct than what he typically questions with. So I assumed it was the security council or hydra, they also didn't like my replies based on the number of sighs.

Q. "How did you find the staff and the tesseract"

A. "Some idiot was trying to sell it at a bodega"

Q. "Why did you give it back to thor?"

A. "Cause that shit was his in the first place or rather his peoples. Plus humans would just fuck with it and make another problem for me to deal with".

Then there was some silence before fury asked.

Q. "Who gave you the authority to make that call"

A. "No one did, I don't need some rich bitch to tell me what to do. If I think the energy generator that can level a planet should be off world. It should be off world."

Then they started asking me personal questions.

Q. "Where are you from, you have no legal documentation"

A. "Ireland and Portugal, as for how I got into America? TSA was more interested in my ass than my pass port"

Q. "Is it true you are in a relationship with multiple women?!" That one was a little more aggressive so..

A. "Well one girl gets tuckered out handling me but I don't see how my bedroom affects you."

"Of course it affects me" "5 reasons why right now"

"Cause you might some freakish hybrid, cause you probably aren't shacked up with an ordinary person, cause one of them is Bruce banners cousin and he isn't happy about it, to make sure I know who shouldn't be provoked so you don't get provoked and lastly so I know who to send a Christmas card".

"That last one is kinda sus, if I don't see you with a picture of that flerrken I'm coming to your house"


"You smell like its breath, take a deep shower fury. Anyway I gtg bye~" and then I hung up.

After a few weeks me and the girls slipped back into our routine. We train and we make love. It's a simple process but quite effective. I also brought them up to speed on pop culture. Doctor who was binge watched and now they just have more questions about time travel. Fortunately this world has its own CW. A quick google and then we watched all of the flash, then the arrow, then the legends, then black lighting and finally super girl but I slept for most of that bullshit.

After that Oreo made me and Jen watch supernatural. Some of the shit in there is accurate so I needed to refresh my memory. Then a Harry Potter marathon occurred and I had to ask if occulemency is a thing. "Funny enough Nathan ancient one actually created several versions of it. Said it might be useful". "Bring those please?" To which Jennifer nodded vehemently.

Now here we are sitting in the napping room I mean the meditation centre after studying several versions of occulemency. Turns out a normal person can learn to do it never mind a couple of supers. We each chose to make a unique mind scape.

Ororo decided to make hers a showcase in a museum but to access a specific part they have to enter specific paintings. So basically you would have to go through a night at the museum before you found one paining of a type of natural disaster. After that you would have to survive said disaster before being led to her mother tribe. She mixed in some inherited magic for that part so the invaded would have to fight the last chiefs of her tribe in the mind scape. After that her memories of whatever could be found in separate tents tucked underneath the flooring wrapped up in scrolls.

Yeah she was going for a mind fuck, it's certainly effective if you don't know what your looking for. That museum was filled with fake memories disguised as paintings and random dangerous ones that led to nothing. One was the damn sarlack pit from Star Wars. You just jump straight into it's mouth, so only someone whose studied lovecraftian stuff without studying star wars would think jumping in there was a good idea.

Btw her main memories that hold all the sensitive shit are found at the bottom of a volcano, you gotta swim through the lava down through the tunnels straight through magma to get to those. Then there's the camp of the most powerful chiefs guarding it. Her memories of animals are stored with a painting of a storm so for people who studied her they would just be greeted with memories of petting random animals.

Jennifer went a different route, hers is an open plain that I recognised as vista verde which was were she spent her child hood. An intruder would have to wander aimlessly to find civilisation however what they don't realise is that the desert is patrolled by all the monsters that Jennifer is scared off. So a few hulks, a couple of aliens I described to her from Ben 10, big mom from one piece, kaiju, weeping angels and a few other things.

After they manage to survive they would find themselves in a town were everyone whispers bad shit about you. You have to go to the dinner and enter an eating contest where you have to eat everything Jen has ever eaten in her life before your given a key to a vault that can only be opened in San Francisco.

The invader has to travel all the way back through the dessert and make their way to San Francisco with no method of guiding them. If they can come how make it there, find the vault and open it they'll be met with two things. The first is a hologram of super kami guru from tfs mocking them for going to the wrong vault because the actual one is in New York. The second is they have to face mister popo, the tfs version. She didn't tell me what she added after that but I felt her base form stuff was defence enough.

Mine was a little simpler, okay so first your stuck in a coliseum were you have to win 10 fights against different opponents before your allowed to leave. They include; ultimate Rath, Puri-puri prisoner, kid buu, obelisk the tormentor, a basilisk, a bogart, a new kama pirate crew, mil-tan, sans then lastly whitebeard.

If they get past those guys they're allowed to head to the Death Star, within it somewhere even I don't know will be an old fashioned computer. Once accessed you will have to answer a question based on one random thing I've watched or read. If you fail the first question you have to answer 100. If any of those is answered wrong my mind will play a repressed memory; boku no pico. After they watch that they'll be allowed into my memory vault.

The only problem is each drawer containing a memory requires a facial recognition of one character from my memories that they'll have to shower my mind scape to find and bring to be scanned. My past life stuff is all trapped behind an aqua goddess fire wall. She's so useless no one would suspect I chose her.

So after we spent about a month making those mind scapes a series of bombings began showing up on the news. Anthony Stark was also missing so I guess iron man 3 is starting. I wasn't going to get involved till I noticed something. In one of the photos from the scene of the crime the omnitrix symbol was there. Aww damn imma have to get involved now.

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