

"So this is Japan, huh. It's a lot more scenic than I expected." A boy with white hair said looking outside a train window as it approached the station. As he looked out the window a memory surfaced in his mind.

"Mashiro! It's time to come back, say goodbye to miyuki!" It was a simple memory one most children would have. But to Mashiro, this memory was confusing.

"Miyuki, that's the girl that Mashiro liked? If I remember correctly they have a promise to marry each other." Mashiro muttered. To any normal person his words would be seen as confusing as he was mashiro but mashiro had memories of a past life.

From what he could remember, the memories were of Mashiro not of human biology. Mashiro didn't know the beings name nor could he tell if he had one, so Mashiro simply called the being Mashiro as well. Mashiro of the past was created to be perfect whether it be in looks or strength.

Mashiro was created by one of the gods who oversaw the world and he decided to create Mashiro to protect the world the god oversaw. So once his creator told his purpose Mashiro had started to go and fight those who wished to harm the world. They were demigods, beings who transcended mortality by a method of using a negative energy the gods at the time called dark mana.

Normally these beings would resurrect due to their dark mana keeping them alive like a parasite but Mashiro had been able to completely destroy them. This was due to the fact that Mashiro had a unique power. It allowed Mashiro to erase the beings that sought to destroy the world as long as they were regarded as such a threat. The god who created mashiro had been surprised at this as he didn't know how mashiro was able to do such a thing.

Of course this power was limited. If a being of great strength were to attack humans and enslave them, Mashiro's past self wouldn't be able to erase it from existence as it was not a threat to the world. Of course if he was to help the humans he could but, he would be punished for doing so.

Whether it be punishment in the form of amnesia or confinement, punishment would be dealt to him. He was a powerful being, stronger than even the god that created him, that's why rules had to be placed upon him to not upset the balance of the world.

Once the god had regulated Mashiro and gave him rules he could not break, Mashiro continued his subjugation of various monsters and demigods who existed all until the day he died.

The gods who created the world had grown arrogant. They saw the peaceful world they created and thought they should do this to another world.So they combined their powers to make a gateway to another world. They spent a millennium crafting a spell to make a portal to another world and were successful.

They were excited and were going to go through the portal only for one of the gods to be killed by a being that came through the portal.

The gods panicked and immediately canceled the spell but it was too late.

With that one breach hundreds more appeared in the world they oversaw. The creatures dubbed demons by the inhabitants of the world ran rampant and destroyed entire countries. Many of these demons were just as if not stronger than the gods and were able to quickly stop any sort of counterattack.

The gods gave the humans and other races blessings and the ability to fight back but that wouldn't be enough to protect them.So with the help of Mashiro they fought the demons alongside the humans. Many gods died during the war, only one surviving alongside mashiro.

Mashiro was able to erase the demon's leader, the demon king from existence, but the damage done to Mashiro was too much. He fought endlessly for 4 years. As powerful as he was, he was not able to fight for so long. He had exhausted everything he could and once the final demon had been subjugated, with the power of the last god they shut off all breaches to the other world.

Mashiro, finally seeing the world he was supposed to protect was fine, finally collapsed and died due to injuries he had sustained over the years. All that was left was merely a fragment of the perfect utopia the gods had created.

The last god remaining tried to make do with what he could, but the humans and other races condemned him. They used to worship him and now they spouted any form of curse they could towards the god. Overcome with sorrow at the pain he caused to his creations, he shut himself in the dimension he and the other gods resided in.

In his time wallowing in his own sadness he figured out worlds were connected to each other via a tree, blaming it on this tree he forcibly severed the world off the branch of the tree. He used all of his power and life force to do so, and with his final remaining life force, he made all the humans forget about everything that transpired.

After that the humans proceed to progress far slower than they had done so when the gods guided them. Leading to the present day Mashiro resided in.

Mashiro had gotten all these memories when he was 6 years old. By this time, he had already had his personality formed and his own conscience. So he didn't know if the mashiro who existed in the past reincarnated as the current mashiro, or if he had the past mashiro's memories.

At that time Mashiro was internally struggling trying to understand who he was, he was still a child so a parent would have noticed Mashiro's struggle but he had been influenced by the memories of the past Mashiro. He kept a deadpan expression that made him look sleepy to his father and grandfather.

Not only was his mannerism and expressions influenced but his body had Been changed as well. He had grown extremely strong to the point where just a little bit of force he could rip a metal door off its hinges.

It wasn't just his strength but Mashiro's body was also extremely tough, to the point where a nuke at its most powerful state wouldn't even do anything to mashiro. As the protector of the world he was not only strong but durable, able to take hits from the demon king and get up like it was nothing.

"Well it's thanks to grandfather I was able to control my strength. Who would've thought magic would survive all the way to the current century?" Mashiro said stretching. Due to some circumstances his mother and father had divorced and his father had gotten custody of Mashiro and took him to their home country. .

Mashiro's father was devastated by the divorce and threw himself into work, so Mashiro was mainly left in the care of his grandfather. His grandfather was a strict man, apparently he used to be from an influential family but his parents had disapproved of his wife and had tried to separate them but his grandfather had run away with Mashiro's grandmother to the country she originated from.

His grandfather upon finding out of Mashiro's abnormal strength, had started to train him in swordsmanship to control it. To Mashiro's surprise he lost every spar they had for 6 years. In his past life he wielded a sword, but he never had actual prowess when it came to swordsmanship.

While his speed and strength at the age of 6 surpassed his grandfather immensely, his grandfather had been able to react accordingly and always counter and even hit mashiro. Mashiro had been stoic ever since he got his memories, but his grandfather was able to make him show emotions during these spars, whether it be frustration, or a desire to beat him.

Finally once Mashiro turned 12, he was able to finally beat his grandfather. Mashiro had expected his grandfather to be kind of standoffish about the defeat but he actually celebrated Mashiro's win. With a proud smile on his face.

After that as a gift for his 12th birthday, Mashiro's grandfather decided he'd teach him to be a proper gentleman as he put it. So Mashiro was made to learn how to cook, clean, gardening, and other miscellaneous tasks his grandfather made him do.

Mashiro wasn't certain of it at the time but his grandfather definitely just made him do chores. Of course he had taught Mashiro math and other subjects due to Mashiro not really going to school.

"Now that I think about it, grandfather is definitely a descendent of those who used spirit magic." Mashiro said. Spirit magic wasn't its original name but it was called that in modern times. Unlike magic which used mana as a source spirit magic relied on nearby spirits.

Though it required a user to have attributes to such spirits which is why it died out. Magic could be used by people with no attributes, and it could do the exact same thing as magic so they had no reason to practice such an art anymore.

Spirits were very whimsical beings, rarely ever choosing a person unless the person really interested them. Humanoid spirits were able to communicate with humans but the last sighting of one of them appearing was 640 years ago.

'I remember meeting some humanoid spirits but I never met those who created them.' Mashiro thought in head thinking about the spirits he met. Mashiro wasn't sure what they were called, but the humanoid spirits had called them the great spirits.

Mashiro definitely knew they existed as they were the cause of the planet's terraformation. Natural disasters were caused whenever the mortal races were to harm the planet and rain and a good harvest were blessed whenever the mortal races were nice to the planet. They were the same as the gods suddenly popping into existence once the planet was created.

Mashiro hadn't met them, and he was sure they didn't want to meet him either. Whenever the gods talked about them they appeared to have resentment for the spirits.

Apparently from what Mashiro heard from one of the gods. They had met with the spirits wishing to use their innate powers to further their study but the spirits declined and a fight broke out. Luckily it resulted in a stalemate but the relationship between them was strained.

The spirits still allowed humans to use spirit magic but unlike before they were very choosy. So the humans decided to use the magic the gods had blessed them with though they were unaware it was the gods who allowed them to use such a powerful force.

Mashiro didn't have an aptitude for spirit magic, as he was created from mana, his mana pool was practically infinite and he had exceptional prowess for each attribute. Suddenly a voice spoke announcing the train has stopped.

"Ah, it stopped." Mashiro said as he finally noticed he was at his destination. He had been so engrossed in reminiscing that he didn't even notice the train stopped. He stood up, grabbed the bag he had with him and exited the train. Getting ready to start his new life in a new city.