
Chapter 2: A new world

-Where the hell am I?

So many strange events happened in just an instant, it takes even me a while to process it.

I look up at the blue sky as I contemplate the white clouds and floating islands slowly moving in the direction of the wind.

A good landscape sometimes helps a lot to calm down, and with my mind in a mess, it's impossible to think calmly. I take advantage of this to reorganize my thoughts and I don't take my eyes off the sun for a long time; until, a minute later, I feel my eyes terribly irritated.

-Ouch, my eyes…

A rather stupid action many would think; but for someone like me, who has just experienced the warmth and sight of the sun for the first time in my life, I couldn't help but be fascinated.

I massaged my eyes to relax them and melted into my thoughts.

Judging by the tilt of the sun and with the view I had as it fell from the sky, the only useful information I have is that, if I walk east, I'm going to encounter a city.

I may never have seen the sun in my previous world, but like any lover of the unknown, I did some research and at least I know that the sun moves from east to west.


I sigh deeply.

My memory is still slowly recovering and with the passage of time, perhaps I will fully recover. But I have no intention of staying still until that happens, so the best thing to do is to go to the city in search of information on my current whereabouts. Who knows, maybe I'll get shelter there.

I wipe all the dust off me and prepare to leave. However, a pink eye that doesn't reflect even a little bit of the brightness of life opens looking at me—


It's as if the sky itself is watching me.

The birds soar into the sky at the sudden pressure, as if the fear of death strikes them for no reason.


My gaze rose back to the sky, but this time with a frown, observing where that strange pressure of being observed came from…

There's nothing… it's the same clear sky with fantastic elements I saw before…

A hard feeling to get used to, but it's already a routine for me to be watched with hatred and fear.



After hearing something rustling, I look down.



What I see are a group of strange creatures, greenish-skinned and poorly dressed goblins, their body measurements are terribly disproportionate and their appearances are hideous. They wear armor and carry bladed weapons, but their conditions are to the point of being unusable.

What made the goblins crunch were some tree branches they stepped on.

Oh… so they're just goblins… wait, goblins?!

-Those are goblins?! No way… they stink too much!

Two of those fantasy creatures are lying on the floor, their eyes appear to be unconscious and foam is coming out of their mouths, as if they had drowned. Apart from those two, there are four others pointing their weapons at me with fear reflected in their gazes; but at a distance a little farther away.


It seems that they wanted to assault me while I was distracted, but that sudden pressure terrified them and two of them fell unconscious…




The strange pressure is gone.

Even though they look disgusting, they are not stupid. They managed to realize that this pressure did not come from me but was directed at me. That's why they raised their weapons once again.

Their companions look like corpses, but they just ignore them and slowly approach me with disgusting smiles.

Making strange noises of happiness, drooling as if they had found food after going through several days of starvation, those goblins surround me, taking advantage of their numerical advantages and equipment.

-Hou~ They dare to mark me as prey and show me their bloodlust, they'll regret showing me their fangs!

Unable to hide my excitement, I let my natural instincts take over and greet them with a big smile.

Green goblin corpses scattered everywhere and so are their stinking bloods. Their bodies are completely mangled, bones completely broken, and others embedded against a tree or the ground. Their faces are disfigured and vital organs such as brains are scattered all over the ground.

Undoubtedly they were human acts, but at first glance, they did not look like it; rather, anyone could easily mistake them for the massacre of a monster. But, most frightening of all, all these deadly conditions were the result of a single hit to each individual.

Meanwhile, I, with my hands immersed in the waters of a small stream, was in the water of a small stream.

-Lucky there's a little brooklet around. Goblin blood sure stinks.

After washing my hands several times, I take a few sips of water from the stream. I squat up and wave my hands to dry them while letting out a puff of air.

-Phew~ Now I really feel much better.

The goblin blood stank too much, its smell even resembling rot. Luckily I was able to wash it off before it dried.

It seems I was right to keep their blood from staining my clothes. I wouldn't want to imagine the smell it would emanate if this one dried on me.

And as shown in the manga and anime, goblins are no big deal. Getting rid of them was as easy as stealing candy from a child.

-Well, let's move on.

Once I get the bad smell out of my system, I immediately continue on my way, moving east, aiming straight towards that city I saw earlier in the distance.

-Sigh… I hope to arrive before nightfall.

It's been about half an hour since I've been moving forward without slowing down. However, for some time now, a strange tiredness along with a headache, muscle and joint pain is killing me.

-Damn, how long until we reach the city?

These strange symptoms hit me out of nowhere for no reason.

Unfortunately, my mood is not at its best at this very moment. It's strange since I'm pretty good at enduring fatigue.


Now an attack of dizziness hits me and the pain intensifies, so I lean against a tree trunk, causing me to groan in pain under my breath.

-Ugh. There couldn't have been a worse time for me to feel bad.

Even though I feel horrible, it's not like I can't take it. But, even if it's not deadly, it's still unpleasant.

Could this be some virus of this world? Since I have resistance and immunity to almost all diseases and poisons in my world. For me to have these conditions… could it be the blood of those goblins? With how bad it smelled, I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of that… I wouldn't be surprised if it was poisonous to humans…

I clicked my tongue in irritation.

-Tch. why does this have to happen to me… Hm?

Looking more closely in the distance, focusing my eyes as if I were a zooming camera, I manage to see some rather large, luxurious-looking buildings.

-Is that… a hut?

Among those constructions, there was what seems to be a warehouse of about 4x5 meters, a giant water watermill spinning above the stream, and a giant two-story hut.

These buildings are in good condition, they are being maintained. For this to be set up so far out of town without any protection and in such good condition, surely there must be someone living here.

I just need help. I guess this is what they call luck.

Without a second thought, I quickly run to the entrance of the hut and knock loudly on the door to be opened.

-Hey, is anyone there?!

…Not a single answer.

Damn, I feel terrible. I'm not going to stand here and wait for someone to open the door.

-Should I force the door?

I try turning the handle… the door opens.

-It's not locked…

Even the inside is in perfect condition, but there is some dust accumulated.

The only unusual thing is that there is a ghost with a menacing expression in front of me.


From the slight transparency of his body, he looks like a hologram but his legs still persist. The fatuous fire surrounds him and he has a presence that is clearly abnormal, generating a strange sensation in me.

He has the appearance of a refreshingly adult 20-year-old, a handsome man about 180cm tall, short dark blue hair with eyes of the same color, a face with enough charm to make girls look at him sideways for the second time if they were to meet him on the street. His body figure is distributed with good measurements, without excess muscle or too thin.



The ghost shouts at me with an irritated expression, but speaks in a language I've never heard before. I guess it's no wonder I don't understand it, assuming I'm in another world…

-I'm sorry, but I don't understand you. Although I don't know why I'm talking to you if you're not going to understand me either…



The ghost notices my confused look and taps the palm of his hand, as if he had understood everything.

Out of nowhere he pulls out a futuristic-looking gun and shoots an energy discharge in my head…

Wait, what?! He just shot me?! I didn't even feel his killing intent! How did he…!?! Wait… I'm still alive…

-Now____yo______stand wh______saying?


Intense headaches hit me, a different one than the one I felt before, it's as if I had a cramp in my brain and it was throbbing violently. But I understand more and more what he is saying.


-How is it? Do you understand me now?

-Yes… somehow…

-Good, good. As expected of me. It seems that this new magic device I invented works wonders.

Looking closely at the gun in his hand, I notice that it looks more like a toy than a weapon.

-That's it…

The ghost notices my gaze on the gun and he energetically lifts it up.

-Chanchan~ Language Implanter~


-Fufufu~ I didn't expect it to work so well, the chances of success should be less than 50% according to my calculations. I mean, you're the first person I've used it on and it's just a prototype. If it worked correctly, you should also be able to read as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Although if it had failed, I think your brain would have exploded.

-And you used that on me without my consent?!

-Huh?! Hey, I just helped you learn a new language in an instant, and this is how you thank me?! What's more, keep your voice lower, will you?! Don't you know what time of the morning it is?! And what are you doing breaking into someone else's house without permission? Are you a thief?! You'll see how I'll bust your head in if you mess with me!


I don't answer and just stare at him in silence.

-I think the headache is affecting my senses.

I close the door and open it again but slowly… he's still standing in front of me with the same irritated expression.

-What are you doing?

-It seems that the fall affected me too much, to think that I would get to the point of hallucinating with ghosts?

-Can I hit you?

-No thanks.

I can't help but sigh internally.

According to him, my brain had a high chance of exploding, but he has no regrets about the spilled milk. What's more, the result has even benefited me. I guess I'll let it go for now.

The ghost watches me in detail, from head to toe, with a sharp gaze that seems to be analyzing me, to the point that it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

-So, what are you looking for from my hut at such an early hour of the day?

-But it's already 11 noon, you see?

I show my pocket watch to the ghost.

-It's 10am! That thing is defective!

-I see, time difference between worlds, I'm going to fix it.


His expression seems to be saying "what is this guy saying?", but I just ignore him and adjust my watch.

Still, like 10 isn't that early either…

After being ignored and seeing that I'm simply going at my own pace regardless of the others, the ghost sighs deeply.

-Sigh… So, what do you need from me? If it's nothing important just get the hell out of here. Unlike you, I have a busy schedule to take care of.

He says while making hand gestures that seem to be telling me to get the hell out.

-What? Ascend to heaven?

-Fuck! You're really irritating, aren't you!

He sure likes to yell…

I couldn't help but cover my ears in reaction.

-Cough, cough.

Suddenly, I start coughing loudly and cover my mouth with my hand… There's some fresh blood on the palm of my hand…

-H-hey! Are you okay? You just…

-Don't worry, I'm just feeling a little sick.

No doubt about it, a strange virus is circulating in my blood and it's affecting me. Luckily, I am prone to develop resistance to various conditions that negatively affect my body, although that doesn't mean I don't suffer…

Watching me for the second time, the ghost's eyes widen like saucers.

-W-wait… let me confirm one thing.


For some reason, his voice became shaky and worried.

-Don't tell me that, in addition to headache, you're suffering from muscle pain, joint pain, dizziness and nausea?

-Wow. You guessed it all, how did you know?



The ghost's agitated gaze begins to reflect guilt and an awkward silence ensues.

-Did you, by any chance… take water from the little stream that connects to that one over there?

He says as he points to the stream a few meters from the hut, which has a giant mill on top of it.

-Yes, why?


His gaze makes me uncomfortable, he's obviously hiding something.

For a moment, he seems to be about to confess something that he is unable to contain, but he ends up regretting it and lets out a sigh.

-I think I know what's wrong with your body, do you want me to treat you?

-Do you know anything about my conditions? Are you a doctor or something?

-A doctor? Not at all.


Then how the fuck do you want me to trust you…?

Moreover, this change of attitude… the fact that you're offering me help so out of the blue is very suspicious…

My look full of suspicion makes the ghost shiver and he immediately speaks again to direct my attention elsewhere.

-C-Come on, don't be like that. Even if I'm not a doctor, I'm pretty confident in my abilities.

-Abilities in what? If you're not a doctor, what good are you to me?

-Your tongue is really sharp, isn't it?

-I'm just honest.

Yeah… sometimes I'm a little too "honest". I guess that's why so many people hate me and I tend to make so many enemies?

-Whatever, just leave it up to me and contemplate.

-Hey, but what do you think you're—?

Before I could resist, the ghost pulls out something like an injector from who knows where and sticks it in my neck. That artifact begins to act and several holograms appear showing data that is updated every second.

I start to act abruptly and grab the device stuck in my neck to try to pull it out.

-Get this thing off of me, you son of a bitch!

The ghost clicks its tongue at my attitude and looks at me with annoyance.

-Tch. You're noisy.


A strange pressure hits my body and leaves me immobile, I'm not even able to utter a word.

What the fuck is going on? I can't even open my mouth. What is it doing to my body?!

After a few seconds, the holograms in front of his eyes start to show more stable data.

- (Impossible… this virus would easily kill an adult in less than 10 minutes, but from the amount of microbes inside his body, it must have been 30 minutes at least since he was infected. Who the hell is this guy…?)

Leaving him with his mouth open and his eyes wide as saucers, surprise clearly reflected on his face.

-Y-your body is even already releasing antibodies and the spread of the virus is slowing down every second. How is it possible…

-Hm… maybe it's due to good genetics.

-Yours is already at another extreme!

After having gathered the necessary data, the ghost pulls out three syringes from who knows where again, containing suspicious-looking liquids inside.

Wait, why are you pointing those three suspicious-looking syringes at me? And the reason they're floating is because of the poltergeist?!

-Yes… you could say that. -Don't worry, it'll all be over in an instant!

-No, of course I'm worried! You're about to inject me with three suspicious looking drugs without my consent!

-Oh, come on~ Don't be a pussy.

-Pussy my balls! Let me go, let go of me!

Even though I can talk now, the pressure preventing my body from moving doesn't go away, and the smile you're directing at me makes me nervous somehow!

-Damn it, just let me go!

-And go~

-Fuck you—!

Before I could shout out my complaints, the three syringes shoot out towards my neck and shoulder blades and pierce my skin like butter.

What?! How is it possible?! It pierced my skin so easily!

The syringe presses and the contents inside flow into my body.

The dizziness is easing a bit along with the pain, so is the nausea.

Then the ghost's other hand is coated with a pale navy blue flame and effortlessly pierces my stomach, I feel his fingers twisting inside me.



His smile doesn't disappear. On the contrary, it widens.

After feeling as if something strange is gathering in my stomach, he pulls and a tasteless yellowish substance comes off my skin like glue.


-Hold on a bit.

The pain in my stomach intensifies, but the rest of the symptoms are quickly relieved.

Shit, it feels like my stomach is being ripped out!

Once the suspicious looking substance was removed from my body, all pain disappeared from my body without a trace… except for my stomach.

My breathing sounds a little heavy from the pain, but I quickly level it out.

Now that I can move again, I remove the syringes stuck from my neck to my shoulder.

-And that's it, you should be healed by now.

-What the fuck?!

My body feels much lighter than usual…

-Fufu~ Surprised? Amazing, isn't it? This drug made the virus lose its reproductive ability, this other one made the microbes stick together and turn into this disgusting substance, and this other drug prevented the actual sticky virus from attaching to your organs and tissues. Then I used the advanced magic <Reset to zero> to gather all the virus at one point to extract it from your body in one shot. I'm really amazing, don't you think?

Your smug look is irritating. But more importantly, did he just say "magic"?

-I'm surprised you're still conscious, though. A normal adult would have passed out from the pain by now as soon as the treatment was over.

-Then use anesthesia dammit!

No wonder the treatment was so painful! …Although I doubt anesthesia would work on me…

-Oh, come on… you're really picky, aren't you? Just so you know, back in my day I was a highly regarded magical swordsman of Britonia, I was even recognized as a Hero.

As he continued to brag, the substance on his hand incinerates without warning and ends up turning to nothing but ashes.

This sudden act causes me to be shocked and my eyes widen like saucers.

-Wait, how did you do that?

-Oh. You mean how did I use <Reset to Zero> on you when it's an internal flux magic? It's simple. Since I'm a ghost, a type of spirit, I have the "Racial Skill" called <Spiritual Possession>. This allows me to redirect the mana flow of those I make contact with.

-What? No, I mean how you set that thing on fire.

-Huh? But that was just the basic <Ignite> spell…

Seeing me react at least striking in his perspective, his gaze is perplexed.

-And you said you were a highly regarded magic swordsman? Does that mean you can use state-of-the-art magic?!

-Huh? Huh?! Y-yes, I can but… I'm surprised that it's that and not my past as a Hero that catches your attention.

-Who cares about your past?! We're currently confirming the existence of magic itself, the kind that appears in fantasy novels!

-Hey! Your words hurt me, you know?!

-So what, bragging about your past as a Hero?! Those hypocrites are just indecisive bastards who know nothing but insulting their opponents.

-Don't fuck with me…

This was something he couldn't believe. For, in this world, to get to hold the title of "Hero" is quite an honor and is something that many young people yearn for. However, the teenager in front of the Ex-Hero doesn't care in the least about that, he even despises it! It's quite a shock to the ghost.

-Wait a minute, that you were able to touch me and heal me… doesn't that mean you're real?

-Huh? Now do you realize?

-I thought you were just a hallucination of mine because of the virus.

-How cruel! Denying my existence is too much! How can you do that?! I know we ghosts are a rare kind of spirit, but there's a limit to everything!

-Okay, I'm sorry, my bad.

-You don't seem to be sorry?

-Should I be?



-Anyway, who are you?

- (Oh, come on, this guy really doesn't stop going at his own pace)


Author's note:

And here ends the second chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Next chapter