
Apocalyptic Transmigration

Fang Xue fell asleep while reading an apocalyptic novel suggested by a friend. The original villainess of the story has rebirthed and embarked on the way of revenge against the original heroine of the novel who has caused her death. She stole the heroine's goldenfinger space and successfully stole the attention of the male lead Mu Yihan who she have loved for a very long time. As for Fang Xue, she had transmigrated to the body of a character who could barely be called a cannon fodder. Worst, she was being hunted by a certain possessive man who wanted to swallow her on his stomach!

Sweet_leaf · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Lu Shao

Fang Xue brought the man to the hospital. The man was severely abused and was already in a critical situation. According to the doctor, he needs to stay their for at least a week for recovery.

Fang Xue just left him in there, in the care of the hospital. Right now, she still needs to continue shopping and start cultivating. She will just visit him whenever he's awake. If it turns well, then she will bring him under her wing.

At home, Fang Xue was already yawning. However, who the hell is this dark dirty bloodied person in her living room? Fang Xue was alert, her sleepiness immediately disappearing in an instant. She scanned her sorroundings for some oddness. Fortunately, there's none.

She stomped her feet because of annoyance. How come am I so unlucky this night! Consecutively encountering bloodied men! She thought angrily.

However, she still quickly closed all the curtains and carried the man to the couch. She checked for injuries and applied first aid kit into it. Specially on the left side of the shoulder which was severely injured. As for the rest, it was only filled with scratches and bruises.

After that, Fang Xue went straight to the shower and slept as soon as she lay down on the bed.

The next morning, Fang Xue cooked chicken porridge for breakfast. She was feeling lazy so she didn't bother cooking other recipes other than that.

Meanwhile, the man was awakened by the scent of the food. His stomach grumbled. He tried getting up amidst the pain he was feeling then dragged his aching body towards the kitchen slowly.

At last, he reached the kitchen. Fang Xue saw him coming.

" Let's eat," she invited him. She scooped 2 bowls of porridge and served it on the table. The man wasn't polite either and sat on the chair in front of Fang Xue . He started eating neither fast nor slowly.

Fang Xue just let him be. For the whole meal, the clinking of the spoon with the bowl was the only one heard in the whole kitchen. Silence enveloped the 2 of them.

After they finished eating, Fang Xue stared at the man on the right side of the table.

" Now, would you like to explain how did you get in my house last night?"

The man raised his head towards her. Observing now, the man was actually good-looking. She haven't realized it yesterday because of her sleepiness and tiredness.

The man is tall, slender, and have soft physical features. Although he is dark skinned, it didn't made him any lesser. In Fang Xue's eyes, this is the type of person who is worthy of being compared with beautiful women.

In fact, he is even more beautiful than most of the women Fang Xue had seen in this world. Overall, this man is beautiful yet handsome at the same time. However, a cold and frosty person!

" Backdoor is open," the man spoke softly yet coldly.

" Name?"

" My name is Lu Shao."

Fang Xue nodded.

" My name's Fang Xue. You can just call me with it,"

Lu Shao hummed while lowering his head.

Silence again enveloped the 2 of them and Fang Xue can't take it anymore.

" Care to explain what happened?" Fang Xue asked while boredly tapping her fingers on the table.

Lu Shao stayed silent for minutes while Fang Xue waited patiently for him.

" Will you believe everything I'll say?" Lu Shao hoarsely asked. Raising his head again to look at Fang Xue.

Although not expecting an answer from him, Fang Xue still nodded her head. Quiet surprised for his trust to share a personal thing to a stranger like her.

Lu Shao suddenly stiffened with Fang Xue's nodding . His eyes sharply looking at her.

Fang Xue was speechless because of such reaction.

Lu Shao looked away and tried relaxing his aching body. He focused his attention on nowhere and started speaking coldly with his gritting teeth.

" I was hunted by Xin Rulou's suitor yesterday. I turned down that woman's pursuit many times ago that Chen Yubin got jealous and angry with me. As a result, that lunatic beat me up and tried killing me!"

Fang Xue was dumbfounded when she heard of such situation. In addition, she was also stunned when she heard Chen Yubin's name. Isn't that the cousin of the heroine?

When Fang Xue is not paying attention, Lu Shao suddenly vomited blood. Fang Xue frowned because of such sight.

Meanwhile, Lu Shao calmly wiped off the blood while breathing heavily. He felt like dying! It is so painful in his insides. He smiled bitterly and talked.

" I have an unknown condition which causes me to vomit blood 2-3 times every week. This have been torturing me for the past 2 years."

" Unfortunately, the doctors cannot find the cause of it and neither could they cure me, " Lu Shao chuckled sadly.

Fang Xue was now really conflicted. She knows a way of helping him. Although not a hundred percent confident, the spring water could at least do something with his condition.

The spring water on the space has its own medicinal property. Aside from the purification ability of the spring water in the space, it also has it's healing ability. However, she could not risk the space being exposed!

" I can help you. But I have one condition," Fang Xue suddenly blurted.

"How?" Lu Shao questioned.

" How are you going to help me?" he repeated. Fang Xue became silent, not knowing how to explain. They stared at each other for a long time until Lu Shao blankly nodded.

" Okay." Lu Shao agreed. Fang Xue raised her left eyebrows at him.

" I have been tortured by this condition for so long, as long as there's a chance, I will try every possible solution just to get better," he said in a trance.

Fang Xue felt pity for him. She nodded her head at him then instructed.

" Close your eyes and relax. Don't resist no matter what."

Although a little weird, Lu Shao still followed her command obediently.

After that, Fang Xue started the process of subordination. She can only resort in this method to help him while protecting her secrets.

Fang Xue was in a deep concentration. She was already writing an unusual pattern using a finger on the air steadily. Her lips were tightly shut and her forehead was also full of dripping sweat caused by the use of her spiritual energy. Finally, after 2 minutes of writing, a certain pattern glowed and became visible only to Fang Xue's vision.

She closed her eyes tightly, feeling the presence of the pattern then slowly guided it into Lu Shao's body using her spiritual energy. After that, she started marking it on his soul.

At first, Lu Shao unconsciously resisted which caused Fang Xue to release more pressure. However, Lu Shao soon relaxed and stopped resisting at all, maybe remembering what Fang Xue had said earlier. With these, Fang Xue easily and fastly finished the subordination process.

At the end, something glowed in both of their foreheads before completely disappearing.